Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 5553 | County Roads - Establishment; Alteration; Vacation
Section 5553.03 | Width of County Roads.

Effective: February 24, 1986
Latest Legislation: House Bill 221 - 116th General Assembly
(A) Except as provided in division (B) of this section, all public roads located and established by the board of county commissioners subsequent to September 6, 1915, shall be of such width, not less than thirty feet, as is determined by the board. If a public road is established upon a county or state line, the board may determine the width of the strip of land in the county to be used for such purposes, but such width shall not be less than fifteen feet.
(B) The board of county commissioners may locate and establish public roads that are less than thirty but not less than twenty feet in width, when all of the following conditions are met:
(1) The roads have been in continuous existence and use as private roads since at least 1952, and are located in land platted as a subdivision outside of the limits of a municipal corporation;
(2) It is proved to the satisfaction of the board that the acquisition of additional land necessary to meet the width otherwise applying under division (A) of this section will involve or result in damage to structures or dwellings adjacent to the roads;
(3) The county engineer submits to the board a detailed report on the kinds and amount of traffic using the roads, and showing that the lesser width is adequate to serve anticipated traffic volumes without endagering persons using the roads.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 55 | Roads-Highways-Bridges

Chapter 5553 | County Roads - Establishment; Alteration; Vacation

Section 5553.01 | Improvement Defined.

Section 5553.02 | Authority of Board of County Commissioners to Locate, Alter, or Vacate Roads.

Section 5553.03 | Width of County Roads.

Section 5553.04 | Procedure for Establishing, Altering, or Vacating Road - Petition.

Section 5553.041 | Procedure for Establishing, Altering, or Vacating Road - Petition by Director of Transportation.

Section 5553.042 | Losing Right to Abandoned, Unused Township Road.

Section 5553.043 | Railroad or Public Utility Company Deemed to Have Permanent Easement in Vacated Portion of Road.

Section 5553.044 | Roads for Public Nonmotorized Vehicular Recreational Use.

Section 5553.045 | Petition by Township Trustees to Vacate Township Road - Title to Pass to Abutting Landowners.

Section 5553.05 | Hearing on Petition for Vacation of Road.

Section 5553.051 | Fees to Cover Costs of Notice.

Section 5553.06 | Plat and Survey - Report of County Engineer.

Section 5553.07 | Report of Engineer Read at Final Hearing - Testimony - Resolution to Proceed.

Section 5553.08 | Determination to Proceed With Improvement After Modification of Plan.

Section 5553.09 | Payment of Compensation and Damages.

Section 5553.10 | Record of Proceedings - Board Shall Make Improvement and Furnish Map - Unopened Road Shall Be Vacated.

Section 5553.11 | Proceedings After Improvement Ordered.

Section 5553.13 | Improvement on County Line.

Section 5553.14 | View and Hearing by Joint Board - Resolution.

Section 5553.15 | Record of Proceedings of Joint Board - Copies Sent to Other Counties.

Section 5553.16 | Cost of Joint Improvement Divided Among Interested Counties.

Section 5553.18 | Determining True Line of Road - Petition.

Section 5553.19 | Notice of Hearing Upon Report of County Engineer - Objections.

Section 5553.20 | Civil Action to Establish True Line of Road.

Section 5553.21 | Establishing True Line of Road by Agreement.

Section 5553.22 | Determining Boundaries of Road Located in Two or More Counties - Joint Meeting.

Section 5553.23 | Petition by Landowner to Relocate Road or Trail - Vacation of Unimproved Public Roads.

Section 5553.24 | Survey and Report of County Engineer on Desired Change in Road.

Section 5553.25 | Hearing Upon Petition to Change Road - Finding of Board.

Section 5553.26 | Petitioner Shall Pay Cost of Changing Road - Bond.

Section 5553.27 | Procedure to Change Road Located in Two or More Counties - Proceedings by Joint Board.

Section 5553.28 | Majority Vote of Joint Board Required.

Section 5553.29 | Adjournment of Hearing - Proceedings of Joint Board Certified to Other Counties.

Section 5553.30 | Appeal From Order Dismissing or Refusing to Grant Petition for Improvement.

Section 5553.31 | Dedication of Land for Road Purposes - Proceedings.

Section 5553.41 | Petition to Obtain Road Through Lands of Another.

Section 5553.42 | Notice of Filing Petition to Obtain Road Through Lands of Another - Service.

Section 5553.43 | Establishing Road - Right of Entry.