Effective: March 23, 2022
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 162 - 134th General Assembly
(A) The Ohio turnpike and infrastructure commission may adopt such bylaws and rules as it considers advisable for the control and regulation of traffic on any turnpike project, for the protection and preservation of property under its jurisdiction and control, for the maintenance and preservation of good order within the property under its control, and for the purpose of establishing owner or operator liability for failure to comply with toll collection rules. The rules may require that both the owner or lessee and the operator of a motor vehicle be held jointly and strictly liable for the payment of tolls, fees, and fines. If the owner or lessee and the operator are jointly and strictly liable, the owner or lessee may not disclaim liability for a toll, fee, or fine by claiming another person was operating the motor vehicle at the time the toll, fee, or fine was incurred. The rules of the commission with respect to the speed, use of special engine brakes, axle loads, vehicle loads, and vehicle dimensions of vehicles on turnpike projects, including the issuance of a special permit by the commission to allow the operation on any turnpike project of a motor vehicle transporting two or fewer steel coils, shall apply notwithstanding sections 4511.21 to 4511.25, 4513.34, and Chapter 5577. of the Revised Code. Such bylaws and rules shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in Franklin county, and in such other manner as the commission prescribes.
(B) Such rules shall provide that public police officers shall be afforded ready access, while in the performance of their official duty, to all property under the jurisdiction of the commission and without the payment of tolls.
(C) No person shall violate any such bylaws or rules of the commission.
(D)(1) All fines collected for the violation of applicable laws of the state and the bylaws and rules of the commission or moneys arising from bonds forfeited for such violation shall be disposed of in accordance with section 5503.04 of the Revised Code.
(2) All fees or charges assessed by the commission against an owner, lessee, or operator of a vehicle as a civil violation for failure to comply with toll collection or toll evasion rules shall be revenues of the commission.
Last updated January 19, 2022 at 1:13 PM
Structure Ohio Revised Code
Title 55 | Roads-Highways-Bridges
Chapter 5537 | Ohio Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission
Section 5537.01 | Turnpike Commission Definitions.
Section 5537.02 | Ohio Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission.
Section 5537.03 | Turnpike and Infrastructure Projects.
Section 5537.04 | Authority and Powers of Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission.
Section 5537.041 | Appeal of Turnpike Invoice.
Section 5537.05 | Construction of Grade Separations at Intersections of Turnpike Projects.
Section 5537.06 | Acquiring and Disposing of Property.
Section 5537.07 | Bidding Process for Contracts Exceeding $50,000.
Section 5537.08 | Issuing Revenue Bonds.
Section 5537.09 | Refunding Bonds.
Section 5537.10 | Turnpike Bonds Need Not Comply With Other Laws Applicable to Issuance of Bonds.
Section 5537.11 | Bonds Not a Debt of State.
Section 5537.12 | Trust Agreement for Security of Bonds.
Section 5537.13 | Contracts - Bids - Tolls - Sinking Fund - Lien of the Pledge.
Section 5537.14 | Holding and Application of Moneys.
Section 5537.15 | Protection and Enforcement of Rights of Bondholder and Trustees.
Section 5537.16 | Bylaws and Rules - Disposal of Fines.
Section 5537.18 | Applications for Infrastructure Project Funding.
Section 5537.19 | Studies of Turnpike or Infrastructure Projects.
Section 5537.21 | Project Continuing to Be Operated and Maintained as Toll Road.
Section 5537.23 | Liberal Construction of Chapter.
Section 5537.24 | Turnpike Legislative Review Committee.
Section 5537.25 | No Expenditures for Lobbyist.
Section 5537.26 | Change in Toll Rate Structure Requires Notice and Hearing.
Section 5537.27 | Application by Political Subdivisions or Government Agencies for Projects.
Section 5537.28 | Payment of Costs for Projects.
Section 5537.29 | Confidentiality of Information.