Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 5519 | Appropriation of Property
Section 5519.01 | Appropriation of Property.

Effective: October 26, 1999
Latest Legislation: House Bill 19 - 123rd General Assembly
If the director of transportation is unable to purchase property for any purpose related to highways, roads, or bridges authorized by Chapters 5501., 5503., 5511., 5513., 5515., 5516., 5517., 5519., 5521., 5523., 5525., 5527., 5528., 5529., 5531., 5533., and 5535. of the Revised Code, or, if the Ohio rail development commission is unable to purchase property for any purpose necessary for the implementation of rail service under Chapter 4981. of the Revised Code, the director shall issue, or the commission shall enter on the records of the commission, a finding that it is necessary, for the public convenience and welfare, to appropriate such property as the director or commission considers needed for such purposes. The finding shall contain a definite, accurate, and detailed description of the property, and the name and place of residence, if known or with reasonable diligence ascertainable, of the owner of the property appropriated. The commission shall submit to the director a copy of its record finding that the appropriation of property is necessary. The commission shall not proceed with the appropriation unless it is first approved by the director.
The director or commission, in such finding, shall fix what the director or commission considers to be the value of such property appropriated, together with damages to the residue, and deposit the value thereof, together with the damages, with the probate court or the court of common pleas of the county within which the property, or a part thereof, is situated. The power to appropriate property for any purpose authorized by such chapters shall be exercised in the manner provided in sections 163.01 to 163.22 of the Revised Code.
Any instrument by which real property is acquired pursuant to this section shall identify the agency of the state that has the use and benefit of the real property as specified in section 5301.012 of the Revised Code.