Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 5505 | Highway Patrol Retirement System
Section 5505.33 | Long-Term Care Insurance Programs.

Effective: March 23, 2015
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 42 - 130th General Assembly
(A) As used in this section:
(1) "Long-term care insurance" has the same meaning as in section 3923.41 of the Revised Code.
(2) "Retirement systems" has the same meaning as in division (A) of section 145.581 of the Revised Code.
(B) The state highway patrol retirement board may establish a program under which members of the retirement system, employers on behalf of members, and persons receiving service or disability pensions or survivor benefits are permitted to participate in contracts for long-term care insurance. Participation may include dependents and family members. If a participant in a contract for long-term care insurance leaves employment, the person and the person's dependents and family members may, at their election, continue to participate in a program established under this section in the same manner as if the person had not left employment, except that no part of the cost of the insurance shall be paid by the person's former employer. Such program may be established independently or jointly with one or more of the retirement systems.
(C) The board may enter into an agreement with insurance companies, health insuring corporations, or government agencies authorized to do business in the state for issuance of a long-term care insurance policy or contract. However, prior to entering into such an agreement with an insurance company or health insuring corporation, the board shall request the superintendent of insurance to certify the financial condition of the company or corporation. The board shall not enter into the agreement if, according to that certification, the company or corporation is insolvent, is determined by the superintendent to be potentially unable to fulfill its contractual obligations, or is placed under an order of rehabilitation or conservation by a court of competent jurisdiction or under an order of supervision by the superintendent.
(D) The board may adopt rules in accordance with section 111.15 of the Revised Code governing the program. Any rules adopted by the board shall establish methods of payment for participation under this section, which may include establishment of a payroll deduction plan under section 5505.203 of the Revised Code, deduction of the full premium charged from a person's service or disability pension or survivor benefit, or any other method of payment considered appropriate by the board. If the program is established jointly with one or more of the other retirement systems, the rules also shall establish the terms and conditions of such joint participation.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 55 | Roads-Highways-Bridges

Chapter 5505 | Highway Patrol Retirement System

Section 5505.01 | Highway Patrol Retirement System Definitions.

Section 5505.02 | State Highway Patrol Pension Fund Established - Membership Mandatory.

Section 5505.03 | Creation of Funds.

Section 5505.04 | State Highway Patrol Retirement Board Organization and Rules.

Section 5505.041 | Election to Board - Retirant Member Eligibility - Terms.

Section 5505.042 | Filing of Vacancies by Election.

Section 5505.043 | Election Not Required Where Candidate Unopposed.

Section 5505.044 | Candidate Campaign Finance Statements - Donor Statement of Independent Expenditures.

Section 5505.045 | Filing of Statements - Prohibited Campaign Activities.

Section 5505.046 | Complaint Alleging Violation of Rc 5505.045 - Procedure - Fine.

Section 5505.047 | Adoption of Election Rules - Certification of Nominating Petitions and Election Results.

Section 5505.048 | Disqualification of Convicted Member - Misconduct in Office - Removal Procedure.

Section 5505.049 | Members With Excessive Travel Expenses Ineligible for Another Term.

Section 5505.05 | Oath - Expenses - Liability Insurance.

Section 5505.06 | Investment and Fiduciary Duties of State Highway Patrol Retirement Board.

Section 5505.061 | Transactions Prohibited.

Section 5505.062 | Travel Expense Policies - Bonus Policy - Budget.

Section 5505.063 | Ethics Policy - Commission Approval - Ethics Training.

Section 5505.064 | Orientation Program Required for New Members - Continuing Education.

Section 5505.065 | Chief Investment Officer - Supervision Duties - Monitoring of Securities Transactions.

Section 5505.068 | Designation of Ohio-Qualified Agents - Selection Policy - Utilization - Annual Report.

Section 5505.069 | Annual Disclosures to Ohio Ethics Commission.

Section 5505.0610 | Designation of Ohio-Qualified Investment Managers - Utilization - Annual Report.

Section 5505.07 | Secretary, Actuary, and Employees - Compensation and Expenses.

Section 5505.08 | No Participation by Trustees.

Section 5505.09 | Bonds of Taxing Districts May Be Offered to Board.

Section 5505.10 | Deposit and Security.

Section 5505.11 | Treasurer of State Is Treasurer of State Highway Patrol Retirement System.

Section 5505.111 | Selection of Internal Auditor.

Section 5505.112 | Actions Against Highway Patrol Retirement System, the Board, Its Officers, Employees, or Board Members; Venue.

Section 5505.12 | Actuarial Valuation of Pension Assets, Liabilities, and Funding Requirements of State Highway Patrol Retirement System.

Section 5505.121 | Amortizing State Highway Patrol Retirement System's Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Pension Liabilities.

Section 5505.122 | Format for Report to Retirement Study Council.

Section 5505.14 | Certificate of Prior Service.

Section 5505.15 | Employer Contribution.

Section 5505.151 | Contributions for Time Off While on Disability Leave.

Section 5505.152 | Annual Review of Adequacy of Contributions Rates.

Section 5505.16 | Application for Retirement.

Section 5505.161 | Retirant Re-Employed in Other State Retirement System.

Section 5505.162 | Election of Type of Pension.

Section 5505.163 | Election by Retirant Prior to 9-21-94.

Section 5505.17 | Pension and Benefits Upon Retirement.

Section 5505.171 | Additional Monthly Payments and Benefits.

Section 5505.172 | Additional Monthly Payments Eligibility on or After 7-1-68 and Prior to 7-1-71.

Section 5505.173 | Increase in Monthly Pension, Allowance or Benefit Effective 7-1-81.

Section 5505.174 | Eligibility for Cost-of-Living Increase.

Section 5505.175 | Increase in Benefit or Allowance When Irc 415 Limits Increased.

Section 5505.176 | Increase in Pension for Certain Retirees Prior to 9-16-98.

Section 5505.177 | Qualified Governmental Excess Benefit Arrangement Maintained and Established.

Section 5505.178 | Pensions Paid in Equal Monthly Installments.

Section 5505.18 | Disability Retirement.

Section 5505.181 | Annual Report Disability Retirement Experience of Each Employer.

Section 5505.19 | Cessation of Membership - Disposition of Accumulations.

Section 5505.20 | Restoration of Membership.

Section 5505.201 | Full Credit for Time Served as Police Officer or Firefighter.

Section 5505.203 | Payroll Deduction Plan for Payments for Service Credits.

Section 5505.21 | Distribution of Accumulated Contributions When No Pension Payable.

Section 5505.22 | Pension and Accumulated Contributions Exempt From Tax.

Section 5505.23 | Legal Adviser.

Section 5505.25 | Purchase Service Credit for Military Service.

Section 5505.26 | Restitution Order Based on Theft in Office or Certain Sex Offenses.

Section 5505.261 | Order for Division of Marital Property.

Section 5505.262 | Forfeiture of Retirement Benefits Under Rc 2929.192.

Section 5505.263 | Benefits Subject to Termination.

Section 5505.27 | Payments From State Treasury.

Section 5505.28 | Health Insurance.

Section 5505.281 | Additional Deposits to Fund Medical Expenses.

Section 5505.29 | Refunding Cost of Restored Service Credit.

Section 5505.30 | Lump Sum Death Benefit Payment.

Section 5505.33 | Long-Term Care Insurance Programs.

Section 5505.34 | Recovering Erroneous Payments.

Section 5505.35 | Authorized Deductions.

Section 5505.40 | Full Credit for Service Credit Earned for Full-Time Service as Member of Non-Uniform System.

Section 5505.401 | Transfers of Service Credit and Contributions Between System and Cincinnati Retirement System.

Section 5505.402 | Eligibility for Credit for Service in Cincinnati Retirement System.

Section 5505.403 | Transferring Contributions to Cincinnati Retirement System.

Section 5505.41 | Transferring Contributions on Deposit From Non-Uniform Retirement System.

Section 5505.50 | Deferred Retirement Option Plan.

Section 5505.51 | Participation in Deferred Retirement Plan - Election Procedure.

Section 5505.52 | Plan Members Ineligible for Service Credit or Health Benefits.

Section 5505.53 | Determination of Plan Member's Pension Amount.

Section 5505.54 | Accrual of Plan Member's Pension and Contributions.

Section 5505.55 | Events Terminating Member's Participation in Plan.

Section 5505.56 | Notice of Termination of Active Service - Distribution of Accrued Amount.

Section 5505.57 | Method and Timing of Distribution of Accrued Amount.

Section 5505.58 | Plan Member Qualifying for Disability Retirement.

Section 5505.59 | Plan Member Dying While Participant - Distribution of Benefits.

Section 5505.99 | Penalty.