Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 519 | Township Zoning
Section 519.25 | Township Zoning Plan May Be Repealed - Procedure.

Effective: July 2, 2010
Latest Legislation: House Bill 48 - 128th General Assembly
In any township in which there is in force a plan of township zoning, the plan may be repealed by the board of township trustees in the following manner:
(A) The board may adopt a resolution upon its own initiative.
(B) The board shall adopt a resolution if there is presented to it a petition, similar in all relevant aspects to that prescribed in section 519.12 of the Revised Code, signed by a number of qualified electors residing in the unincorporated area of such township included in the zoning plan equal to not less than eight per cent of the total vote cast for all candidates for governor in such area at the most recent general election at which a governor was elected, requesting that the question of whether or not the plan of zoning in effect in such township shall be repealed be submitted to the electors residing in the unincorporated area of the township included in the zoning plan at a special election to be held on the day of the next primary or general election. The resolution adopted by the board of township trustees to cause such question to be submitted to the electors shall be certified to the board of elections not later than ninety days prior to the day of election at which said question is to be voted upon. In the event a majority of the vote cast on such question in the township is in favor of repeal of zoning, then such regulations shall no longer be of any effect. Not more than one such election shall be held in any two calendar years.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 5 | Townships

Chapter 519 | Township Zoning

Section 519.01 | Township Zoning - Agriculture Defined.

Section 519.02 | Board of Township Trustees May Regulate Location, Size and Use of Buildings and Lands in Unincorporated Territory.

Section 519.021 | Planned-Unit Development Regulations.

Section 519.022 | Prior Planned-Unit Development Regulations.

Section 519.03 | Adoption of Resolution of Intention to Proceed With Township Zoning.

Section 519.04 | Township Zoning Commission.

Section 519.05 | Recommendations of Zoning Plan by Commission - Powers and Duties of Commission.

Section 519.06 | Public Hearings on Recommendations - Notice.

Section 519.07 | Proposed Zoning Resolution to County or Regional Planning Commission; Approval; Public Hearing if Resolution Disapproved; Certification to Township Trustees; Applicability.

Section 519.08 | Public Hearing on Zoning Plan.

Section 519.09 | Changes in Text or Maps - Second Public Hearing.

Section 519.10 | Trustees to Vote Upon Adoption of Resolution.

Section 519.11 | Zoning Plan to Be Submitted to Electors - Majority Vote Required for Approval.

Section 519.12 | Zoning Amendments.

Section 519.121 | Ratification of Zoning Amendments.

Section 519.122 | Statute of Limitation on Procedural Challenges.

Section 519.13 | Township Board of Zoning Appeals.

Section 519.14 | Powers of Township Board of Zoning Appeals.

Section 519.141 | Conditional Zoning Certificates for Surface Mining Activities.

Section 519.15 | Rules, Meetings and Procedures of Board.

Section 519.16 | Enforcement of Zoning Regulations - Township Zoning Inspector.

Section 519.161 | Township Zoning Inspector's Bond.

Section 519.17 | Zoning Certificate Required.

Section 519.171 | Architectural Review Board Authorized - Standards and Procedures.

Section 519.18 | Township Regulations Not Applicable Within Municipal Corporations - Exception.

Section 519.19 | Nonconforming Use of Buildings and Land Not Affected by Zoning.

Section 519.20 | Outdoor Advertising Classified as Business Use.

Section 519.21 | Powers Not Conferred on Township Zoning Commission by Chapter.

Section 519.211 | Limits on Township Zoning Power - Telecommunications Towers.

Section 519.212 | Location of Permanently Sited Manufactured Home.

Section 519.213 | Township Small Wind Farm Zoning Regulations.

Section 519.214 | Compliance With Orc Section 5502.031.

Section 519.22 | County Rural Zoning Regulations to Take Precedence.

Section 519.23 | Prohibition Against Violating Resolution.

Section 519.24 | Actions Instituted to Prevent Violations of Zoning Regulations - Special Counsel.

Section 519.25 | Township Zoning Plan May Be Repealed - Procedure.

Section 519.99 | Penalty.