Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 5168 | Hospital Care Assurance Program; Health Care Franchise Permit Fees
Section 5168.75 | Definitions for r.c. 5168.75 to 5168.86.

Effective: October 17, 2019
Latest Legislation: House Bill 166 - 133rd General Assembly
As used in sections 5168.75 to 5168.86 of the Revised Code:
(A) "Basic health care services" means all of the services listed in division (A)(1) of section 1751.01 of the Revised Code.
(B) "Care management system" has the same meaning as in section 5167.01 of the Revised Code.
(C) "Dual eligible individual" has the same meaning as in section 5160.01 of the Revised Code.
(D) "Franchise fee" means the fee imposed on health insuring corporation plans under section 5168.76 of the Revised Code.
(E) "Health insuring corporation" has the same meaning as in section 1751.01 of the Revised Code, except it does not mean a corporation that, pursuant to a policy, contract, certificate, or agreement, pays for, reimburses, or provides, delivers, arranges for, or otherwise makes available, only supplemental health care services or only specialty health care services.
(F) "Health insuring corporation plan" means a policy, contract, certificate, or agreement of a health insuring corporation under which the corporation pays for, reimburses, provides, delivers, arranges for, or otherwise makes available basic health care services. "Health insuring corporation plan" does not mean any of the following:
(1) A policy, contract, certificate, or agreement under which a health insuring corporation pays for, reimburses, provides, delivers, arranges for, or otherwise makes available only supplemental health care services or only specialty health care services;
(2) An approved health benefits plan described in 5 U.S.C. 8903 or 8903a, if imposing the franchise fee on the plan would violate 5 U.S.C. 8909(f);
(3) A medicare advantage plan authorized by Part C of Title XVIII of the "Social Security Act," 42 U.S.C. 1395w-21 et seq.
(G) "Indirect guarantee percentage" means the percentage specified in section 1903(w)(4)(C)(ii) of the "Social Security Act," 42 U.S.C. 1396b(w)(4)(C)(ii), that is to be used in determining whether a health care class is indirectly held harmless for any portion of the costs of a broad-based health-care-related tax. If the indirect guarantee percentage changes during a fiscal year, the indirect guarantee percentage is the following:
(1) For the part of the fiscal year before the change takes effect, the percentage in effect before the change;
(2) For the part of the fiscal year beginning with the date the indirect guarantee percentage changes, the new percentage.
(H) "Medicaid managed care organization" has the same meaning as in section 5167.01 of the Revised Code.
(I) "Medicaid provider" has the same meaning as in section 5164.01 of the Revised Code.
(J) "Ohio medicaid member month" means a month in which a medicaid recipient residing in this state is enrolled in a health insuring corporation plan.
(K) "Other Ohio member month" means a month in which a resident of this state who is not a medicaid recipient is enrolled in a health insuring corporation plan.
(L) "Rate year" means the fiscal year for which a franchise fee is imposed.
Last updated September 8, 2021 at 5:26 PM

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 51 | Public Welfare

Chapter 5168 | Hospital Care Assurance Program; Health Care Franchise Permit Fees

Section 5168.01 | [Repealed Effective 10/16/2023] Hospital Care Assurance Program Definitions.

Section 5168.02 | [Repealed Effective 10/16/2023] Adoption of Rules.

Section 5168.03 | [Repealed Effective 10/16/2023] Provisions Dependent on Assessment as Permissible Health Care-Related Tax.

Section 5168.04 | [Repealed Effective 10/16/2023] Program Year Basis of Operation.

Section 5168.05 | [Repealed Effective 10/16/2023] Submitting Financial Statement and Cost Report.

Section 5168.06 | [Repealed Effective 10/16/2023] Annual Assessment.

Section 5168.07 | [Repealed Effective 10/16/2023] Requiring Governmental Hospitals to Make Intergovernmental Transfers.

Section 5168.08 | [Repealed Effective 10/16/2023] Preliminary Determination of Assessment.

Section 5168.09 | [Repealed Effective 10/16/2023] Methodology to Pay Hospitals Sufficient to Expend All Money in Indigent Care Pool.

Section 5168.10 | [Repealed Effective 10/16/2023] Prohibiting Replacing Funds Appropriated for Medicaid Program.

Section 5168.11 | [Repealed Effective 10/16/2023] Hospital Care Assurance Program Fund.

Section 5168.13 | [Repealed Effective 10/16/2023] Confidentiality.

Section 5168.14 | Providing Basic, Medically Necessary Hospital-Level Services to Individuals Who Are Residents.

Section 5168.20 | [Repealed Effective 10/1/2023] Definitions for Sections 5168.20 to 5168.28.

Section 5168.21 | [Repealed Effective 10/1/2023] Additional Annual Assessment.

Section 5168.22 | [Repealed Effective 10/1/2023] Preliminary Determination of Assessment Amount.

Section 5168.23 | [Repealed Effective 10/1/2023] Assessment Payment Schedule.

Section 5168.24 | [Repealed Effective 10/1/2023] Audit.

Section 5168.25 | [Repealed Effective 10/1/2023] Hospital Assessment Fund.

Section 5168.26 | [Repealed Effective 10/1/2023] Excluded Costs.

Section 5168.27 | [Repealed Effective 10/1/2023] Implementation Shall Not Cause Reduction in Federal Participation for Medicaid Program.

Section 5168.28 | [Repealed Effective 10/1/2023] Determination of Assessment as Impermissible Health Care-Related Tax.

Section 5168.40 | Franchise Permit Fee Definitions.

Section 5168.41 | Determination of Nursing Home and Hospital Long-Term Care Franchise Permit Fee Rate.

Section 5168.42 | Annual Franchise Permit Fee.

Section 5168.43 | Waiver of Franchise Permit Fee.

Section 5168.44 | Approval of Waiver; Reduction in Franchise Permit Fee Rate.

Section 5168.45 | Increase in Franchise Permit Fee Rate.

Section 5168.46 | Annual Reports.

Section 5168.47 | Determination, Notice, and Payment of Annual Fee.

Section 5168.48 | Redetermination of Franchise Permit Fees.

Section 5168.49 | Change of Operator; Division of Franchise Permit Fees.

Section 5168.50 | Direct Billing for Franchise Permit Fee Prohibited.

Section 5168.51 | Assessment for Past Due Fee Installment.

Section 5168.52 | Additional Sanctions for Past Due Fee Installment.

Section 5168.53 | Appeals.

Section 5168.54 | Nursing Home Franchise Permit Fee Fund.

Section 5168.55 | Investigations; Enforcement.

Section 5168.56 | Implementing Provisions.

Section 5168.60 | Definitions for r.c. 5168.60 to 5168.71.

Section 5168.61 | Icf/iid Quarterly Franchise Permit Fees.

Section 5168.62 | Monthly Report.

Section 5168.63 | Determination, Notice and Payment of Quarterly Franchise Permit Fee.

Section 5168.64 | Consequences of Converting Beds to Providing Home and Community-Based Services.

Section 5168.65 | Assessing Penalty for Overdue Installment.

Section 5168.66 | Additional Sanctions for Overdue Installment.

Section 5168.67 | Appeal of Fee.

Section 5168.68 | Home and Community-Based Services for Persons With Developmental Disabilities Fund.

Section 5168.69 | Department of Developmental Disabilities Operating and Services Fund.

Section 5168.70 | Investigation; Enforcement.

Section 5168.71 | Adoption of Rules.

Section 5168.75 | Definitions for r.c. 5168.75 to 5168.86.

Section 5168.76 | Franchise Fee on Health Insuring Corporation Plans.

Section 5168.77 | Component Due Dates.

Section 5168.78 | Documentation.

Section 5168.79 | Determination of Higher Fee.

Section 5168.80 | Request for Reconsideration.

Section 5168.81 | Penalty for Overdue Payments.

Section 5168.82 | Waiver Required.

Section 5168.83 | Refunds.

Section 5168.84 | Modification or Cessation.

Section 5168.85 | Health Insuring Corporation Franchise Fee Fund.

Section 5168.86 | Implementation.

Section 5168.90 | Quarterly Report to Jmoc.

Section 5168.99 | [Repealed Effective 10/16/2023] Penalties.

Section 5168.991 | [Repealed Effective 10/16/2023] Offsetting Unpaid Penalty.