Effective: October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
If the board of township trustees decides in favor of a lighting improvement as provided by section 515.02 of the Revised Code, it shall specify the number of lights it deems necessary for properly lighting the streets and public ways in the district, determine the candle power thereof, locate the points at which the lights shall be located, and the kind of supports for them.
Structure Ohio Revised Code
Section 515.01 | Lighting Unincorporated Districts.
Section 515.02 | Petition for Lighting.
Section 515.03 | Contents and Effect of Petition - Lighting District Limitations.
Section 515.04 | Notice of Petition.
Section 515.05 | Hearing Procedures.
Section 515.06 | Number of Lights Specified by Board of Township Trustees.
Section 515.07 | Notice to Bidders - Acceptance and Rejection.
Section 515.08 | Contract With Successful Bidder to Furnish Artificial Lighting - Assessments.
Section 515.081 | Contract for Lighting - Petition for Discontinuance.
Section 515.09 | Increase in Number of Lights.
Section 515.11 | Certificate by Trustees to County Auditor - Assessments.
Section 515.12 | Compensation of Officers - Additional Personnel.
Section 515.13 | Combined Contract.
Section 515.15 | Relocation of Overhead Cables, Wires, Equipment.
Section 515.16 | Petition to Relocate Overhead Wires, Cables, and Equipment.