Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 5123 | Department of Developmental Disabilities
Section 5123.15 | Appointing Special Agents and Persons.

Effective: October 6, 2009
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 79 - 128th General Assembly
The department of developmental disabilities may appoint and commission any competent agency or person, to serve without compensation, as a special agent, investigator, or representative to perform a designated duty for and in behalf of the department. Specific credentials shall be given by the department to each person so designated, and each credential shall state the:
(A) Name;
(B) Agency with which such person is connected;
(C) Purpose of appointment;
(D) Date of expiration of appointment;
(E) Such information as the department considers proper.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 51 | Public Welfare

Chapter 5123 | Department of Developmental Disabilities

Section 5123.01 | Department of Developmental Disabilities Definitions.

Section 5123.011 | Adoption of Rules.

Section 5123.012 | Eligibility Determinations.

Section 5123.013 | Application of Chapter.

Section 5123.014 | Reference to Department or Director and Other Terms.

Section 5123.02 | Duties of Department.

Section 5123.021 | Determining Need for Nursing Facility Care.

Section 5123.022 | State Policy Regarding Community Employment for Individuals With Developmental Disabilities.

Section 5123.023 | Employment First Task Force.

Section 5123.024 | Implementation of Early Intervention Services Program.

Section 5123.025 | Technology First Policy.

Section 5123.026 | Technology First Task Force.

Section 5123.03 | Management of Institutions and Facilities.

Section 5123.031 | Nonpartisan Management.

Section 5123.032 | Closure of a Developmental Center.

Section 5123.033 | Department Program Fee Fund.

Section 5123.034 | Developmental Centers Services and Cost Recovery.

Section 5123.04 | Director of Department - Powers and Duties.

Section 5123.042 | Plans for Development or Modification of Residential Services; Rules.

Section 5123.043 | Complaint Resolution.

Section 5123.044 | Determination of Violation of Rights; Assistance to Individuals.

Section 5123.045 | Certification and Licensing of Providers.

Section 5123.047 | Department Payment of Nonfederal Share of Certain Expenditures.

Section 5123.048 | Payment of Nonfederal Share of County Medicaid Expenditures.

Section 5123.049 | Rules Governing the Authorization and Payment of Home and Community-Based Services, Medicaid Case Management Services, and Habilitation Center Services.

Section 5123.0410 | Individual Receiving Services Moving to New County.

Section 5123.0411 | Mandamus.

Section 5123.0412 | Oddd Administration and Oversight Fund.

Section 5123.0413 | Rules to Applicable in Event County Tax Levy for Services for Individuals With Developmental Disabilities Fails.

Section 5123.0414 | Methods of Notice by Department.

Section 5123.0415 | Notification of Change of Address.

Section 5123.0416 | Expenditure and Allocation of Appropriated Fees.

Section 5123.0417 | Programs for Person Under 22 With Intensive Behavioral Needs.

Section 5123.0418 | Additional Uses of Funds.

Section 5123.0419 | Interagency Workgroup on Autism.

Section 5123.0420 | Training and Certification Program for Individuals Who Provide Evidence-Based Interventions to Individuals With an Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Section 5123.0421 | Rules to Implement Part C Early Intervention Services Program.

Section 5123.0422 | Early Intervention Services Advisory Council.

Section 5123.0423 | Request for Student Data Verification Code.

Section 5123.0424 | Reimbursement of Travel Expenses of Official Members of Workgroups.

Section 5123.05 | Audits of Services and Programs.

Section 5123.051 | Payment Agreements With Providers.

Section 5123.06 | Divisions of Department.

Section 5123.07 | Bureau of Research - Duties.

Section 5123.08 | Classified and Unclassified Appointments.

Section 5123.081 | Criminal Records Check.

Section 5123.09 | Managing Officer of Institution - Powers and Duties.

Section 5123.091 | Changing Purpose and Use of Institutions.

Section 5123.092 | Citizen's Advisory Council.

Section 5123.093 | Duties of Citizen's Advisory Council.

Section 5123.10 | Bond of Employees.

Section 5123.11 | Residency Medical and Psychological Training Programs.

Section 5123.12 | Residency Training Programs for Students Enrolled in Appropriate Care Programs.

Section 5123.122 | Support Rate.

Section 5123.13 | Special Police Officers.

Section 5123.14 | Investigations.

Section 5123.15 | Appointing Special Agents and Persons.

Section 5123.16 | Valid Supported Living Certificate Required.

Section 5123.161 | Application for Supported Living Certificate.

Section 5123.162 | Applicant Survey to Determine if Standards Met.

Section 5123.163 | Term of Supported Living Certificate.

Section 5123.164 | Renewal of Supported Living Certificate.

Section 5123.165 | Provision of Supported Living and Residence.

Section 5123.166 | Adjudication Order Against Certificate Applicant or Holder.

Section 5123.167 | Reapplication After Negative Adjudication on Certificate.

Section 5123.168 | Termination of Certificate for Failure to Bill for Services.

Section 5123.169 | Issuance of Supported Living Certificate.

Section 5123.1610 | Termination or Refusal of Provider Agreement for Supported Living.

Section 5123.1611 | Rules Governing Supported Living Program.

Section 5123.1612 | Summary Order Suspending Supported Living Certificate Holder's Authority to Provide Supported Living.

Section 5123.17 | Care Outside Institution.

Section 5123.171 | Respite Care Services.

Section 5123.18 | Contracts With Person or Agency to Provide Services.

Section 5123.19 | Operation of Residential Facilities.

Section 5123.191 | Appointing Receiver to Operate Residential Facility.

Section 5123.192 | Licensing for Icf/iid After 7/1/2013.

Section 5123.193 | Searchable Database of Vacancies in Licensed Residential Facilities.

Section 5123.194 | Waiving Support Collection Requirements to Facilitate Independent Living.

Section 5123.195 | Reporting Implementation of Amendments to Statute.

Section 5123.196 | Maximum Number of Beds.

Section 5123.197 | Initial Residential Facility License or Modification of Existing Facility License Not Required in Certain Instances.

Section 5123.198 | Reduction in Number of Residents.

Section 5123.20 | Prohibiting Operation Without License.

Section 5123.21 | Transfers.

Section 5123.22 | Appropriating Property.

Section 5123.221 | Cultivating Land - Purchases From Other Institutions.

Section 5123.24 | Businesses Located Near Institutions.

Section 5123.25 | Purchasing Supplies.

Section 5123.26 | Funds.

Section 5123.27 | Holding Property in Trust.

Section 5123.28 | Handling Funds Belonging to Residents.

Section 5123.29 | Industrial and Entertainment Fund - Commissary Fund.

Section 5123.30 | Books and Accounts.

Section 5123.31 | Confidentiality.

Section 5123.33 | Annual Report.

Section 5123.34 | Liberal Construction of Chapter.

Section 5123.35 | Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council.

Section 5123.351 | Eligibility for State Reimbursement of Expenses Incurred by Facilities and Programs.

Section 5123.352 | Community Developmental Disabilities Trust Fund.

Section 5123.36 | State Participation in Developmental Disability Construction Programs.

Section 5123.37 | Application to Sell Facility and Acquire Replacement.

Section 5123.371 | Payment to Director After Sale of Facility.

Section 5123.372 | Deadline for Acquisition of Replacement Facility.

Section 5123.373 | Agreement to Pay Percentage of Cost of Acquisition.

Section 5123.374 | Rescission of Approval of Application.

Section 5123.375 | Developmental Disabilities Community Capital Replacement Fund.

Section 5123.376 | Changing Terms of Agreement Regarding Construction, Acquisition, or Renovation of Residential Facility.

Section 5123.377 | Authority to Change Terms of Agreement Regarding the Construction, Acquisition, or Renovation of Community Adult Facility.

Section 5123.378 | Authority to Change Terms of Agreement Regarding the Construction, Acquisition, or Renovation of Community Early Childhood Facility.

Section 5123.38 | Effect of Transfer From Supported Services to Commitment to Icf/iid.

Section 5123.39 | Patient Clothing.

Section 5123.40 | Services Fund for Individuals With Developmental Disabilities.

Section 5123.41 | Administration of Prescribed Medications, Performance of Health-Related Activities, Tube Feeding Definitions.

Section 5123.42 | Authorization for Workers to Administer Prescribed Medications, Perform Health-Related Activities, or Perform Tube Feedings.

Section 5123.421 | Complaints and Investigations.

Section 5123.422 | Immunity.

Section 5123.43 | Training Courses for Administration of Prescribed Medications and Performance of Health-Related Activities.

Section 5123.44 | Training Registered Nurses to Provide Training Courses for Department Personnel.

Section 5123.441 | Certificates to Provide Training Courses.

Section 5123.45 | Program for Issuing of Certificates.

Section 5123.451 | Registry Listing Personnel and Registered Nurses Holding Valid Certificates.

Section 5123.452 | Adjudication Orders.

Section 5123.46 | Rules Adopted in Conjunction With Board of Nursing and the Ohio Nurses Association.

Section 5123.47 | Authorizing In-Home Worker to Perform Health Care Tasks.

Section 5123.50 | Registry of Employees Guilty of Abuse, Neglect or Misappropriation Definitions.

Section 5123.51 | Reviewing Report of Abuse, Neglect or Misappropriation.

Section 5123.52 | Registry of Employees Guilty of Abuse, Neglect or Misappropriation.

Section 5123.53 | Petitioning for Removal From Registry.

Section 5123.54 | Rehabilitation Standard Rules.

Section 5123.541 | Employees Engaging in Sexual Conduct or Contact With Individual Under Department Care.

Section 5123.542 | Notice Explaining Prohibited Conduct.

Section 5123.55 | Protective Services Definitions.

Section 5123.56 | Statewide System of Protective Service.

Section 5123.57 | Evaluation Before Guardianship or Trusteeship Begins.

Section 5123.58 | Nomination of Protective Services Agency as Guardian, Trustee or Protector.

Section 5123.59 | Bond.

Section 5123.60 | Ohio Protection and Advocacy System.

Section 5123.601 | Access to Information by Staff and Attorneys.

Section 5123.602 | Compensation in Class Action Cases.

Section 5123.603 | Joint Committee to Examine Protection and Advocacy System.

Section 5123.61 | Reporting Abuse, Neglect, and Other Major Unusual Incidents.

Section 5123.611 | Reviewing Report of Abuse, Neglect, or a Major Unusual Incident.

Section 5123.612 | Reporting Unusual Incidents.

Section 5123.613 | Subject of Report or Representative Has Right to Report and Related Records.

Section 5123.614 | Procedure Following Report of Major Unusual Incident.

Section 5123.62 | Rights of Persons With a Developmental Disability.

Section 5123.621 | Legislative Intent Regarding Adult Day Services.

Section 5123.63 | Distributing Copies of Rights.

Section 5123.64 | Enforcement Duties.

Section 5123.65 | Self-Administration of Medication.

Section 5123.651 | Assistance in Self-Administration of Prescribed Medication.

Section 5123.67 | Liberal Construction of Chapter.

Section 5123.69 | Voluntary Admission.

Section 5123.691 | Admission to Specialized Treatment Unit for Minors.

Section 5123.70 | Requesting Release of Voluntary Resident.

Section 5123.701 | Application for Short-Term Care.

Section 5123.71 | Affidavit for Involuntary Institutionalization.

Section 5123.711 | Assessment of Individual's Needs.

Section 5123.72 | Presentation of Case for State.

Section 5123.73 | Notice of Hearing.

Section 5123.74 | Emergency Institutionalization by Probate Court.

Section 5123.75 | Probable Cause Hearing.

Section 5123.76 | Full Hearing.

Section 5123.77 | Temporary Holding.

Section 5123.79 | Discharging Involuntary Resident.

Section 5123.80 | Trial Visits.

Section 5123.801 | Expenses of Trial Visit or Discharge.

Section 5123.81 | Involuntarily Committed Resident Absent Without Leave.

Section 5123.811 | Reporting Change of Location, Death or Condition of Resident.

Section 5123.82 | Application for Habilitation and Care of Discharged Resident.

Section 5123.83 | Civil and Public or Private Employment Rights.

Section 5123.84 | Free Communication With Others by Residents.

Section 5123.85 | Habilitation Plan.

Section 5123.851 | Procedure Upon Discharge.

Section 5123.86 | Consent for Medical Treatment.

Section 5123.87 | Labor or Tasks Performed by Residents.

Section 5123.88 | Writ of Habeas Corpus.

Section 5123.89 | Confidentiality.

Section 5123.90 | Attorney General Duties.

Section 5123.91 | Immunity.

Section 5123.92 | Venue.

Section 5123.93 | Guardianship of Minor.

Section 5123.95 | Transmission of Court Papers.

Section 5123.96 | Payment of Costs, Fees, and Expenses of Proceedings.

Section 5123.97 | Record of Probate Judge.

Section 5123.99 | Penalty.