Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 5107 | Ohio Works First Program
Section 5107.10 | Time-Limited Cash Assistance.

Effective: September 30, 2021
Latest Legislation: House Bill 110 - 134th General Assembly
(A) As used in this section:
(1) "Countable income," "gross earned income," and "gross unearned income" have the meanings established in rules adopted under section 5107.05 of the Revised Code.
(2) "Federal poverty guidelines" has the same meaning as in section 5101.46 of the Revised Code, except that references to a person's family in the definition shall be deemed to be references to the person's assistance group.
(3) "Gross income" means gross earned income and gross unearned income.
(4) "Strike" means continuous concerted action in failing to report to duty; willful absence from one's position; or stoppage of work in whole from the full, faithful, and proper performance of the duties of employment, for the purpose of inducing, influencing, or coercing a change in wages, hours, terms, and other conditions of employment. "Strike" does not include a stoppage of work by employees in good faith because of dangerous or unhealthful working conditions at the place of employment that are abnormal to the place of employment.
(B) Under the Ohio works first program, an assistance group shall receive, except as otherwise provided by this chapter, time-limited cash assistance. In the case of an assistance group that includes a minor head of household or adult, assistance shall be provided in accordance with the self-sufficiency contract entered into under section 5107.14 of the Revised Code.
(C)(1) To be eligible to participate in Ohio works first, an assistance group must meet all of the following requirements:
(a) The assistance group, except as provided in division (E) of this section, must include at least one of the following:
(i) A minor child who, except as provided in section 5107.24 of the Revised Code, resides with a parent, or specified relative caring for the child, or, to the extent permitted by Title IV-A and federal regulations adopted until Title IV-A, resides with a guardian or custodian caring for the child;
(ii) A parent residing with and caring for the parent's minor child who receives supplemental security income under Title XVI of the "Social Security Act," 86 Stat. 1475 (1972), 42 U.S.C.A. 1383, as amended, or federal, state, or local adoption assistance;
(iii) A specified relative residing with and caring for a minor child who is related to the specified relative in a manner that makes the specified relative a specified relative and receives supplemental security income or federal, state, or local foster care assistance, kinship guardianship assistance, kinship support program payments, or adoption assistance;
(iv) A woman at least six months pregnant.
(b) The assistance group must meet the income requirements established by division (D) of this section.
(c) No member of the assistance group may be involved in a strike.
(d) The assistance group must satisfy the requirements for Ohio works first established by this chapter and section 5101.83 of the Revised Code.
(e) The assistance group must meet requirements for Ohio works first established by rules adopted under section 5107.05 of the Revised Code.
(2) In addition to meeting the requirements specified in division (C)(1) of this section, a member of an assistance group who is required by section 5116.10 of the Revised Code to participate in the comprehensive case management and employment program must participate in that program to be eligible to participate in Ohio works first.
(D)(1) Except as provided in division (D)(4) of this section, to determine whether an assistance group is initially eligible to participate in Ohio works first, a county department of job and family services shall do the following:
(a) Determine whether the assistance group's gross income exceeds fifty per cent of the federal poverty guidelines. In making this determination, the county department shall disregard amounts that federal statutes or regulations and sections 5101.17 and 5117.10 of the Revised Code require be disregarded. The assistance group is ineligible to participate in Ohio works first if the assistance group's gross income, less the amounts disregarded, exceeds fifty per cent of the federal poverty guidelines.
(b) If the assistance group's gross income, less the amounts disregarded pursuant to division (D)(1)(a) of this section, does not exceed fifty per cent of the federal poverty guidelines, determine whether the assistance group's countable income is less than the payment standard. The assistance group is ineligible to participate in Ohio works first if the assistance group's countable income equals or exceeds the payment standard.
(2) For the purpose of determining whether an assistance group meets the income requirement established by division (D)(1)(a) of this section, the annual revision that the United States department of health and human services makes to the federal poverty guidelines shall go into effect on the first day of July of the year for which the revision is made.
(3) To determine whether an assistance group participating in Ohio works first continues to be eligible to participate, a county department of job and family services shall determine whether the assistance group's countable income continues to be less than the payment standard. In making this determination, the county department shall disregard an amount specified in rules adopted under section 5107.05 of the Revised Code and fifty per cent of the remainder of the assistance group's gross earned income. No amounts shall be disregarded from the assistance group's gross unearned income. The assistance group ceases to be eligible to participate in Ohio works first if its countable income, less the amounts disregarded, equals or exceeds the payment standard.
(4) If an assistance group reapplies to participate in Ohio works first not more than four months after ceasing to participate, a county department of job and family services shall use the income requirement established by division (D)(3) of this section to determine eligibility for resumed participation rather than the income requirement established by division (D)(1) of this section.
(E)(1) An assistance group may continue to participate in Ohio works first even though a public children services agency removes the assistance group's minor children from the assistance group's home due to abuse, neglect, or dependency if the agency does both of the following:
(a) Notifies the county department of job and family services at the time the agency removes the children that it believes the children will be able to return to the assistance group within six months;
(b) Informs the county department at the end of each of the first five months after the agency removes the children that the parent, guardian, custodian, or specified relative of the children is cooperating with the case plans prepared for the children under section 2151.412 of the Revised Code and that the agency is making reasonable efforts to return the children to the assistance group.
(2) An assistance group may continue to participate in Ohio works first pursuant to division (E)(1) of this section for not more than six payment months. This division does not affect the eligibility of an assistance group that includes a woman at least six months pregnant.
Last updated August 24, 2021 at 2:45 PM

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 51 | Public Welfare

Chapter 5107 | Ohio Works First Program

Section 5107.01 | Legislative Policy.

Section 5107.02 | Ohio Works First Program Definitions.

Section 5107.03 | Administration of Program.

Section 5107.04 | Sources of Cash Assistance Payments.

Section 5107.05 | Adoption of Rules.

Section 5107.10 | Time-Limited Cash Assistance.

Section 5107.11 | Minor Child's Assistance Group.

Section 5107.12 | Application for Participation by Assistance Group.

Section 5107.121 | Information Regarding Eligibility Redetermination.

Section 5107.14 | Written Self-Sufficiency Contracts.

Section 5107.16 | Sanctioning Assistance Group for Noncompliance With Contract.

Section 5107.161 | Written Notice Prior to Sanction.

Section 5107.162 | Request for State Hearing on Sanction.

Section 5107.17 | Resuming Participation Following Sanction.

Section 5107.18 | Eligibility Time Limits.

Section 5107.20 | Assignment of Rights to Support.

Section 5107.22 | Cooperation in Establishing Paternity and Obtaining Child Support.

Section 5107.24 | Eligibility of Pregnant Minor or Minor Parent.

Section 5107.26 | Terminating Employment Without Just Cause.

Section 5107.28 | Learnfare Program.

Section 5107.281 | Mandatory Participation in Learnfare Program.

Section 5107.282 | Notice of Noncompliance With Learnfare Program's School Attendance Requirement.

Section 5107.283 | Incentives for Meeting Learnfare School Attendance Requirement.

Section 5107.284 | Reducing Assistance for Refusal to Consent to Release of Records.

Section 5107.285 | Noncompliance With Learnfare Program's School Attendance Requirement Not to Affect Other Members of Group.

Section 5107.286 | Communications Concerning Participating Student's Attendance.

Section 5107.287 | Good Cause for Being Absent From School.

Section 5107.30 | Learning, Earning, and Parenting Leap Program.

Section 5107.301 | Award to Leap Program Graduates for Post-Secondary Education.

Section 5107.36 | Fugitive Felons and Probation or Parole Violators Ineligible for Participation.

Section 5107.37 | Ineligibility of Residents of Public Institutions.

Section 5107.40 | Ohio Works First Program Additional Definitions.

Section 5107.41 | Appraisal of Each Member of Assistance Group Who Is Minor Head of Household or Adult.

Section 5107.42 | Assignment to Work Activities and Developmental Activities.

Section 5107.43 | Placement in Assigned Activity.

Section 5107.44 | Exceeding Federal Minimum Work Activity Participation Rates.

Section 5107.50 | Job Search and Readiness Program.

Section 5107.52 | Subsidized Employment Program.

Section 5107.54 | Work Experience Program.

Section 5107.541 | Assignment Under Work Experience Program.

Section 5107.58 | Education Program.

Section 5107.60 | Administering Additional Work Activities.

Section 5107.61 | Serving as Ombudsperson.

Section 5107.62 | Developmental Activities for Minor Heads of Households and Adults Participating in Ohio Works First.

Section 5107.64 | Alternative Work Activities.

Section 5107.65 | Works First Participants Not to Displace Employees.

Section 5107.66 | Support Services.

Section 5107.67 | Public Employee and Unemployment Compensation Laws Do Not Apply.

Section 5107.68 | County to Implement and Enforce Program.

Section 5107.69 | No Jeopardy to Federal Funding.

Section 5107.70 | Conducting Assessments of Assistance Groups.

Section 5107.71 | County Department Duties Under Program Rules.

Section 5107.711 | Domestic Violence Screening Process.

Section 5107.712 | Rejection of Counseling or Supportive Services.

Section 5107.713 | Domestic Violence Information Provided to Department.

Section 5107.714 | Waiver Issued to Domestic Violence Victim.

Section 5107.715 | Explanation for Refusal to Issue Waiver.

Section 5107.716 | Rejection or Termination of Waiver.

Section 5107.717 | Department to Monitor Implementation of Program.

Section 5107.72 | Referrals for Family Planning.

Section 5107.75 | Cash Assistance Under Ohio Works First Is Inalienable.

Section 5107.76 | Recovering Erroneous Payments.

Section 5107.78 | Support Enforcement Tracking System Notice.

Section 5107.80 | Quarterly Report on Employment of Former Participants.