Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 505 | Trustees
Section 505.012 | Appointment or Election of Board Member to District Governing Body.

Effective: September 28, 2012
Latest Legislation: House Bill 509 - 129th General Assembly
A member of a board of township trustees may be elected or appointed to serve on the governing body of any district that is organized or created by the board of township trustees, including a district organized or created under section 505.28, 505.37, 505.371, 505.375, 505.482, 505.71, 511.18, or 6119.02 of the Revised Code.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 5 | Townships

Chapter 505 | Trustees

Section 505.01 | Board of Township Trustees - Election and Term.

Section 505.011 | Trustee May Serve as Volunteer Fireman or Policeman.

Section 505.012 | Appointment or Election of Board Member to District Governing Body.

Section 505.02 | Bond of Township Trustees.

Section 505.03 | Additional or New Bond.

Section 505.031 | Appointment of Township Administrator.

Section 505.032 | Powers and Duties of Township Administrator.

Section 505.04 | Annual Inventory.

Section 505.05 | Program Recognizing Outstanding Employee Performance.

Section 505.06 | Abatement of Building Nuisances.

Section 505.07 | Settlement of Court Action - Zoning Issue Subject to Referendum.

Section 505.08 | Emergency Contracts.

Section 505.09 | Duty of Trustees at Elections.

Section 505.10 | Acceptance and Disposition of Property.

Section 505.101 | Contracts With State or Other Public Agency.

Section 505.102 | Real Property Transactions With Senior Citizens' Organization.

Section 505.103 | Model System of Preferences for Products Mined or Produced in Ohio and the United States and for Ohio-Based Contractors.

Section 505.104 | Exchange or Transfer of Real Property Without Bidding.

Section 505.105 | Property Recovered by Police Department.

Section 505.106 | Neglect or Refuse to Deposit Property in Possession of a Person Arrested.

Section 505.107 | Restoration of Property to Claimant or Accused Person.

Section 505.108 | Disposition of Unclaimed Property.

Section 505.109 | Payment of Storage and Selling Expenses.

Section 505.1010 | Purchase of Property at Auction.

Section 505.11 | Leases of Real Property or Mining Rights in Township.

Section 505.12 | Solid Waste Facilities.

Section 505.13 | Operation of Scow or Lighter.

Section 505.14 | Residence for Physician - Tax Levy - Election - Anticipatory Notes.

Section 505.15 | Airports, Landing Fields, or Other Air Navigation Facilities.

Section 505.16 | Harbor Masters.

Section 505.17 | Regulations for Engine Noise and Vehicle Parking.

Section 505.171 | Drive-in Theater Screens.

Section 505.172 | Noise Control.

Section 505.173 | Storage of Junk Motor Vehicles.

Section 505.18 | Joint Issue of Bonds.

Section 505.19 | Annual Meeting of Trustees of Divided Township.

Section 505.20 | Tax for Drilling Oil or Gas Well.

Section 505.21 | Copy of Revised Code for Township Officers.

Section 505.22 | Volunteer Fire Department Definitions.

Section 505.23 | Insurance for Members of Volunteer Department - Joint Fire Department.

Section 505.24 | Compensation of Trustees.

Section 505.241 | Dues for Township Government Association.

Section 505.25 | Additional Compensation for Certain Trustees.

Section 505.26 | Additional Powers of Trustees.

Section 505.261 | Establishing Township Park.

Section 505.262 | Township Buildings Finance and Construction.

Section 505.263 | Water Supply Improvement Contracts.

Section 505.264 | Evaluating Township Buildings for Energy Conservation Measures.

Section 505.265 | Issuing Securities for Payment of Accrued Liability to Police and Firemen's Disability and Pension Fund.

Section 505.266 | Procedure for Establishing or Increasing Concentrated Animal Feeding Facility.

Section 505.267 | Lease-Purchase Agreements.

Section 505.27 | Collection, Transfer, and Disposal of Solid Wastes.

Section 505.28 | Creation of Waste Disposal District.

Section 505.29 | Tax Levy for Waste and Leaf Disposal Service - Service Charge.

Section 505.30 | Liability for Damages.

Section 505.31 | Collection of Service Charges - Waste Collection Fund - Use of Fund.

Section 505.32 | Compensation of Fiscal Officer - Bond.

Section 505.33 | Delinquent List Certified to County Auditor - Collection.

Section 505.34 | Compounding or Release of Claims Due From Banks.

Section 505.35 | Expenditure of Funds.

Section 505.36 | Bond Issue for Viaduct Construction or Improvement.

Section 505.37 | Fire Protection Services.

Section 505.371 | Joint Fire District Creation.

Section 505.372 | Bond of Clerk of the Board of Fire District Trustees.

Section 505.373 | Adoption of Fire Code.

Section 505.374 | Fire Code Violations.

Section 505.375 | Fire and Ambulance District Creation.

Section 505.376 | Bids on Fire and Ambulance District Contracts.

Section 505.377 | Classification of Volunteer Firefighters.

Section 505.38 | Appointment of Firefighting Personnel.

Section 505.381 | Criminal Records Check.

Section 505.39 | Tax Levy for Fire Protection and Other Services.

Section 505.391 | Assessment of Charge for False Alarm From an Automatic Fire Alarm System at a Commercial Establishment.

Section 505.40 | Bond Issue for Fire Protection Measures Limited.

Section 505.401 | Issuing Bonds for Firefighting Purposes.

Section 505.41 | Members of Volunteer Fire Companies Are Township Employees.

Section 505.42 | Fire Equipment Fund.

Section 505.43 | Police Protection.

Section 505.431 | Resolution to Provide Police Protection to Other Public Entity.

Section 505.432 | Contract With Port Authority or Chautauqua Assembly.

Section 505.44 | Contracts for Ambulance Service.

Section 505.441 | Collection and Retention of Fees for Service Runs.

Section 505.45 | Schooling of Officers and Firemen of Fire Department.

Section 505.46 | Township Trustees May Construct and Maintain Footbridges.

Section 505.47 | Payment of Costs of Footbridges - Approval of Tax Levy Required.

Section 505.48 | Township Police District.

Section 505.481 | Unincorporated Territory May Be Added to District - Contents of Ballot.

Section 505.482 | Joint Township Police District Board.

Section 505.483 | Resolution to Join Existing Joint Police District.

Section 505.484 | Performance Bond.

Section 505.49 | Rules Necessary for Operation of Township Police District.

Section 505.491 | Police Officer Guilty in Performance of Official Duty.

Section 505.492 | Hearing of Charge Against Police Officer.

Section 505.493 | Suspension of Officer Pending Hearing.

Section 505.494 | Subpoena Power.

Section 505.495 | Oaths - Compelling Testimony.

Section 505.50 | Equipment and Buildings for Police Protection.

Section 505.51 | Police District or Joint Police District Tax Levy.

Section 505.511 | Fee for False Alarms Resulting From Malfunction of Same Commercial or Residential Security Alarm System.

Section 505.52 | Police Equipment Fund.

Section 505.53 | Police District and Joint Police District Notes.

Section 505.54 | Additional Training or Skills for Police Personnel.

Section 505.541 | Parking Enforcement Unit.

Section 505.55 | Dissolution of Township Police District.

Section 505.551 | Withdrawal From and Dissolution of Joint Police District.

Section 505.56 | Excise Tax on Transactions by Which Lodging Is Furnished to Transient Guests.

Section 505.57 | Use of Proceeds of Lodging Tax Receipts by Local School District.

Section 505.58 | Contributions to Convention and Visitors' Bureaus From General Fund.

Section 505.59 | Withdrawal of Unincorporated Territory From Transit Authority; Tax Levy to Provide Transportation Services.

Section 505.60 | Health Insurance for Township Officers and Employees.

Section 505.601 | Reimbursement of Officers and Employees for Health Care Premiums.

Section 505.602 | Group Life Insurance for Township Officers and Employees.

Section 505.603 | Benefits to Officers and Employees Through a Cafeteria Plan or Health and Wellness Benefit Program.

Section 505.61 | Liability Insurance for Police Personnel.

Section 505.62 | Appropriations for Potential or Pending Annexation Actions.

Section 505.63 | Liability Insurance for Firefighting Personnel.

Section 505.64 | Authorizing Use of Township Credit Card.

Section 505.66 | Snow Removal on Public School Property.

Section 505.67 | Voluntary Motor Vehicle Decal Registration Program.

Section 505.69 | Acquire, Rehabilitate, and Develop Rail Property and Rail Service.

Section 505.70 | Financial Assistance to and Cooperate With Other Agencies for Senior Citizen Services.

Section 505.701 | Community Improvement Corporations.

Section 505.702 | Neighborhood Crime Watch Programs.

Section 505.703 | Funds to County Office of Economic Development.

Section 505.704 | Participation and Contribution to Regional Cooperation and Improvement Organization.

Section 505.705 | Appropriations for Water or Sewerage Systems.

Section 505.706 | Money for Providing and Maintaining Services and Facilities for Senior Citizens.

Section 505.707 | Appropriations for Organization Serving Community Purpose.

Section 505.71 | Joint Ambulance District.

Section 505.72 | Joint Ambulance District Employees.

Section 505.721 | Joint Ambulance District - Reasonable Charges for Use of Services.

Section 505.73 | Model or Standard Building Code.

Section 505.74 | Model or Standard Building Code Violations.

Section 505.75 | Township Residential Building Code.

Section 505.76 | Availability of Township Residential Building Code.

Section 505.77 | Building Prohibitions.

Section 505.78 | Effective Date of Building Regulations.

Section 505.79 | Collection and Disposal of Tree Leaves.

Section 505.80 | Encouraging Economic Development of Township or Area Through Promotion of Tourism.

Section 505.82 | Emergency Resolutions.

Section 505.84 | Reasonable Charges for Use of Ambulance or Emergency Medical Services.

Section 505.85 | Disposal, Storage or Impoundment of Motor Vehicles.

Section 505.86 | Removal, Repair or Securance of Insecure, Unsafe Buildings or Structures.

Section 505.87 | Abatement, Control, or Removal of Vegetation, Garbage, Refuse, and Other Debris.

Section 505.871 | Removal of Junk Motor Vehicle.

Section 505.88 | Special Assessment Upon Facilities Directly or Indirectly Benefiting From Maintenance and Improvement of Waterways.

Section 505.881 | Township Special Assessment to Fund Residential Broadband Expansion.

Section 505.882

Section 505.89 | Curfew - Violations.

Section 505.90 | Agreements to Provide Maintenance, Repair, and Improvement of Township and Municipal Roads Located Within the Townships and Municipal Corporations.

Section 505.93 | Prohibiting Boxing Matches or Exhibitions.

Section 505.94 | Registration and Regulation of Transient Vendors.

Section 505.95 | Regulating Resale of Tickets to Public Amusements.

Section 505.99 | Penalty.

Section 505.991 | Penalty - Neglect or Refuse to Deposit Property in Possession of a Person Arrested.