Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 504 | Limited Home Rule Government
Section 504.24 | Off-Street Parking Facilities.

Effective: September 28, 2016
Latest Legislation: House Bill 413 - 131st General Assembly
(A) A board of township trustees of an urban township, as defined in section 504.01 of the Revised Code, may lay out, establish, construct, maintain, and operate, within the unincorporated territory of the township, off-street parking facilities for motor vehicles. For this purpose, the board may acquire by purchase, gift, devise, exchange, lease, or sublease any existing off-street parking facilities or any real estate or interest in real estate required for the construction of the parking facilities. In addition, the board may exercise the power of eminent domain in the manner provided by sections 163.01 to 163.22 of the Revised Code.
(B) Land acquired by a township under this section is not tax exempt, except if any township owns and operates parking facilities used exclusively for a public purpose and charges no fee for the privilege of parking in such a facility, the facilities are tax exempt.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 5 | Townships

Chapter 504 | Limited Home Rule Government

Section 504.01 | Procedure for Adopting Limited Home Rule Government.

Section 504.02 | Election for Adopting Limited Home Rule Government.

Section 504.021 | Board of Township Trustees.

Section 504.03 | Election for Terminating Limited Home Rule Government.

Section 504.04 | Exercise of Powers Under Limited Home Rule Government.

Section 504.05 | Imposition of Civil Fines.

Section 504.06 | Citations for Violation of Township Resolutions.

Section 504.07 | Answer to Citation.

Section 504.08 | Enforcement of Resolution.

Section 504.09 | Proceedings of Township Board.

Section 504.10 | Form and Reading of Resolutions.

Section 504.11 | Voting on Resolutions.

Section 504.12 | Revision or Amendment of Resolutions.

Section 504.13 | Building and Standard Codes - Effect of County Adoption of Building and Standard Codes.

Section 504.14 | Filing Initiative and Referendum Petitions.

Section 504.15 | Law Director of Township.

Section 504.151 | Appointments by Township Law Director.

Section 504.16 | Police Protection.

Section 504.17 | Acts Prior to Establishment of Limited Home Rule.

Section 504.18 | Supplying Water or Sewer Services.

Section 504.19 | Adopting General Plan of Water Supply or Sewer Services.

Section 504.20 | Construct, Maintain, Improve, Repair, Operate, and Pay Costs of Water Supply Facilities or Sewer Improvements.

Section 504.21 | Rules Governing Soil Erosion or Water Degradation From Nonfarm Development.

Section 504.24 | Off-Street Parking Facilities.