Effective: March 31, 2003
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 245 - 124th General Assembly
If a board of township trustees has adopted a resolution under section 503.41 of the Revised Code, the regulations adopted for that purpose may require any of the following:
(A) A massage establishment to display its current permit in an area open to the public;
(B) Each massager to display the massager's license at all times in the areas where the licensee is providing massages;
(C) Massage establishments to undergo periodic health and safety inspections to determine continual compliance with applicable health and safety codes;
(D) Massagers to undergo periodic physical examinations performed by a licensed physician, a physician assistant, a clinical nurse specialist, a certified nurse practitioner, or a certified nurse-midwife certifying that the massager continues to be free from communicable diseases;
(E) Any other requirement reasonably thought necessary by the board.
Structure Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 503 | General Provisions
Section 503.01 | Corporate Powers and Duties of Civil Township.
Section 503.02 | Township Boundaries Changed by Partition or Division.
Section 503.03 | Area of Townships.
Section 503.04 | Notice of Hearing - Record of Boundaries.
Section 503.05 | Adjustment of Disputed Boundaries.
Section 503.06 | Marking Township Boundary Lines.
Section 503.061 | Highway Signs Indicating Boundaries of Township.
Section 503.07 | Conformity of Boundaries.
Section 503.08 | Disposition of Remainder of Township - Name.
Section 503.09 | Petition to Erect New Township Excluding Territory of Municipal Corporation.
Section 503.10 | Apportionment of Indebtedness.
Section 503.11 | Division of Funds on Hand, Credits, and Properties.
Section 503.12 | Appointment of Township Officers.
Section 503.13 | Completion of Proceedings.
Section 503.14 | Method of Boundary Change.
Section 503.15 | Boundary Change if Corporation Located in Two or More Counties.
Section 503.16 | Change of Name of Township.
Section 503.161 | Change of Township Name Election.
Section 503.162 | Election on Name Change Procedure.
Section 503.17 | Boundary Change Effect on Contracts.
Section 503.18 | Taxable Property.
Section 503.19 | Manner of Making Assessment.
Section 503.20 | Divided Parcels.
Section 503.21 | Payment of Money to Board of Township Trustees by County Treasurer.
Section 503.22 | Election in New Township.
Section 503.24 | Vacancy in Township Office.
Section 503.241 | When Township Offices Deemed Vacant.
Section 503.25 | Notice to Officers Elected or Appointed.
Section 503.26 | Certificate of Oath to Be Returned and Recorded.
Section 503.27 | Failure to Accept Office.
Section 503.28 | Delivery of Records and Property to Successor - Forfeiture.
Section 503.30 | Street Markers and House Numbers in Unincorporated Areas.
Section 503.31 | Remnant of Township Within Boundaries of Municipal Corporation.
Section 503.40 | Massage Establishment Definitions.
Section 503.41 | Regulation and Registration of Massage Establishments and Their Employees.
Section 503.42 | Permits - Licenses - Regulations.
Section 503.43 | Application for Permit to Operate Massage Establishment.
Section 503.44 | Denial or Revocation of Permit.
Section 503.45 | Application for License as Massager.
Section 503.46 | Denial or Revocation of License.
Section 503.47 | Requirements of Operation.
Section 503.48 | Proceedings of Board.
Section 503.49 | Fees Deposit and Use.
Section 503.51 | Adult Entertainment Establishment Definitions.
Section 503.52 | Adult Entertainment Establishment Regulations.
Section 503.55 | Acceptance of Payments by Financial Transaction Devices for Township Expenses.
Section 503.56 | Tourism Development Districts.
Section 503.57 | Taxes Related to Tourism Development.
Section 503.58 | Development Charges.
Section 503.60 | Residency Regulation of Sex or Child-Victim Offenders.
Section 503.70 | Commercial Advertising on Township Website.