Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 4903 | Public Utilities Commission - Hearings
Section 4903.10 | Application for Rehearing.

Effective: September 29, 1997
Latest Legislation: House Bill 215 - 122nd General Assembly
After any order has been made by the public utilities commission, any party who has entered an appearance in person or by counsel in the proceeding may apply for a rehearing in respect to any matters determined in the proceeding. Such application shall be filed within thirty days after the entry of the order upon the journal of the commission.
Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, in any uncontested proceeding or, by leave of the commission first had in any other proceeding, any affected person, firm, or corporation may make an application for a rehearing within thirty days after the entry of any final order upon the journal of the commission. Leave to file an application for rehearing shall not be granted to any person, firm, or corporation who did not enter an appearance in the proceeding unless the commission first finds:
(A) The applicant's failure to enter an appearance prior to the entry upon the journal of the commission of the order complained of was due to just cause; and,
(B) The interests of the applicant were not adequately considered in the proceeding.
Every applicant for rehearing or for leave to file an application for rehearing shall give due notice of the filing of such application to all parties who have entered an appearance in the proceeding in the manner and form prescribed by the commission.
Such application shall be in writing and shall set forth specifically the ground or grounds on which the applicant considers the order to be unreasonable or unlawful. No party shall in any court urge or rely on any ground for reversal, vacation, or modification not so set forth in the application.
Where such application for rehearing has been filed before the effective date of the order as to which a rehearing is sought, the effective date of such order, unless otherwise ordered by the commission, shall be postponed or stayed pending disposition of the matter by the commission or by operation of law. In all other cases the making of such an application shall not excuse any person from complying with the order, or operate to stay or postpone the enforcement thereof, without a special order of the commission.
Where such application for rehearing has been filed, the commission may grant and hold such rehearing on the matter specified in such application, if in its judgment sufficient reason therefor is made to appear. Notice of such rehearing shall be given by regular mail to all parties who have entered an appearance in the proceeding.
If the commission does not grant or deny such application for rehearing within thirty days from the date of filing thereof, it is denied by operation of law.
If the commission grants such rehearing, it shall specify in the notice of such granting the purpose for which it is granted. The commission shall also specify the scope of the additional evidence, if any, that will be taken, but it shall not upon such rehearing take any evidence that, with reasonable diligence, could have been offered upon the original hearing.
If, after such rehearing, the commission is of the opinion that the original order or any part thereof is in any respect unjust or unwarranted, or should be changed, the commission may abrogate or modify the same; otherwise such order shall be affirmed. An order made after such rehearing, abrogating or modifying the original order, shall have the same effect as an original order, but shall not affect any right or the enforcement of any right arising from or by virtue of the original order prior to the receipt of notice by the affected party of the filing of the application for rehearing.
No cause of action arising out of any order of the commission, other than in support of the order, shall accrue in any court to any person, firm, or corporation unless such person, firm, or corporation has made a proper application to the commission for a rehearing.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 49 | Public Utilities

Chapter 4903 | Public Utilities Commission - Hearings

Section 4903.01 | Definitions.

Section 4903.02 | Examination of Witnesses - Production of Records.

Section 4903.03 | Examination of Records.

Section 4903.04 | Witnesses May Be Compelled to Testify.

Section 4903.05 | Witness Fees and Mileage.

Section 4903.06 | Depositions.

Section 4903.07 | Certified Copy as Evidence.

Section 4903.08 | Incrimination No Excuse.

Section 4903.081 | Discussions of Case After Assignment of Formal Docket Number.

Section 4903.082 | Right of Discovery.

Section 4903.083 | Public Hearings on Increase in Rates.

Section 4903.09 | Written Opinions Filed by Commission in All Contested Cases.

Section 4903.10 | Application for Rehearing.

Section 4903.11 | Proceeding Deemed Commenced.

Section 4903.12 | Jurisdiction.

Section 4903.13 | Reversal of Final Order - Notice of Appeal.

Section 4903.14 | Certified Copy of Order as Evidence.

Section 4903.15 | Orders Effective Immediately - Notice.

Section 4903.16 | Stay of Execution.

Section 4903.17 | Order in Case of Stay.

Section 4903.18 | Order to Keep Excess Accounts Pending Review.

Section 4903.19 | Disposition of Moneys Charged in Excess.

Section 4903.20 | Order of Disposition of Cases.

Section 4903.21 | Transcript.

Section 4903.22 | Rules of Practice.

Section 4903.221 | Intervention by Party Who May Be Adversely Affected by Commission Proceeding.

Section 4903.23 | Fees for Copying and Certifying Documents - Status as Evidence.

Section 4903.24 | Costs and Expenses of Investigation.

Section 4903.25 | Violation.

Section 4903.99 | Penalty.