Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 4734 | Chiropractors
Section 4734.41 | Establishing Chemical Dependency and Mental Illness Monitoring Program.

Effective: July 10, 2014
Latest Legislation: House Bill 232 - 130th General Assembly
(A) As used in this section:
(1) "Chemical dependency" means either of the following:
(a) The chronic and habitual use of alcoholic beverages to the extent that the user no longer can control the use of alcohol or endangers the user's health, safety, or welfare or that of others;
(b) The use of a controlled substance as defined in section 3719.01 of the Revised Code, a harmful intoxicant as defined in section 2925.01 of the Revised Code, or a dangerous drug as defined in section 4729.01 of the Revised Code, to the extent that the user becomes physically or psychologically dependent on the substance, intoxicant, or drug or endangers the user's health, safety, or welfare or that of others.
(2) "Mental illness" means a recognized psychiatric or psychological condition, disorder, or syndrome that has been diagnosed by a psychiatrist, psychologist, licensed professional clinical counselor, or independent social worker as a condition, disorder, or syndrome that may pose a danger to the person diagnosed or others or may prevent the person from practicing the person's profession according to acceptable and prevailing standards of care.
(B) The state chiropractic board shall establish a chemical dependency and mental illness monitoring program. The program shall be made available to any individual under the board's jurisdiction who has a chemical dependency or mental illness and meets the board's eligibility requirements for admission to and continued participation in the program. The board shall develop the program and may designate a coordinator to administer it or enter into a contract for the program to be administered by another entity through a coordinator. The board shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code that establish standards and procedure for operating the program.
(C) Except as provided in division (D) of this section, all records of an individual's participation in the monitoring program, including medical records, chemical dependency records, and mental health records, shall be confidential, are not public records for the purposes of section 149.43 of the Revised Code, and are not subject to discovery by subpoena or admissible as evidence in any judicial proceeding. The program coordinator shall maintain all records as directed by the board.
(D) The monitoring program's coordinator may disclose records or information regarding an individual's progress and status of participation in the program to the disciplinary section of the board and to any person or government entity that the program participant authorizes in writing to be given the records or information.
In disclosing records or information under this division, the coordinator shall not include any record or information that is protected under section 5119.27 of the Revised Code or any federal statute or regulation that provides for the confidentiality of mental health or substance abuse records.
(E) In the absence of fraud or bad faith, the monitoring program's coordinator, the board and the board's employees and representatives are not liable for damages in any civil action as a result of disclosing records or information in accordance with division (D) of this section. In the absence of fraud or bad faith, any person reporting to the program an individual's chemical dependency or mental illness, or the progress or lack of progress of that individual with regard to treatment, is not liable for damages in any civil action as a result of the report.
(F) The board may abstain from taking formal disciplinary action under section 4734.31 of the Revised Code against an individual because of the individual's chemical dependency or mental illness, if the individual meets the eligibility requirements for admission into the monitoring program and all of the following occur:
(1) The individual enters into a monitoring agreement with the coordinator of the program;
(2) The individual complies with the terms and conditions for continued participation in the program, as specified in the monitoring agreement;
(3) The individual successfully completes the terms and conditions of the monitoring agreement, including the condition that the individual attain the ability to practice in accordance with acceptable and prevailing standards of care applicable to the practice of chiropractic.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 47 | Occupations-Professions

Chapter 4734 | Chiropractors

Section 4734.01 | Practice of Chiropractic Defined.

Section 4734.02 | Organization of State Chiropractic Board.

Section 4734.03 | Compensation and Expenses of Members.

Section 4734.04 | Meetings - Records.

Section 4734.05 | Officers of Board.

Section 4734.06 | Committees, Groups.

Section 4734.07 | Immunity.

Section 4734.08 | Membership in Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards.

Section 4734.09 | Contracts.

Section 4734.10 | Administrative Rules.

Section 4734.14 | Prohibited Acts.

Section 4734.141 | Certificate Required to Practice Acupuncture.

Section 4734.142 | Prohibited Acts by Acupuncture Licensee.

Section 4734.15 | Scope of Practice of Chiropractic - Permissible Titles.

Section 4734.151 | Animal Chiropractic.

Section 4734.16 | Establishing Code of Ethics.

Section 4734.161 | Enabling Person to Retain Handicapped Parking Privileges.

Section 4734.17 | Offering Services Through Authorized Business Entity.

Section 4734.19 | Current Copy of Statutes and Rules.

Section 4734.20 | License Application.

Section 4734.201 | Physiotherapy Defined.

Section 4734.202 | License Applicant to Comply With Rc Chapter 4776.

Section 4734.21 | Evaluation and Approval of Schools and Colleges.

Section 4734.211 | Approved Courses of Study in Acupuncture.

Section 4734.22 | Administering Examination on Jurisprudence.

Section 4734.23 | Reciprocity With Other States.

Section 4734.24 | Certificate Holders on 11-3-75.

Section 4734.25 | License Renewal.

Section 4734.26 | Inactive License Classification.

Section 4734.27 | Special Limited License to Practice Chiropractic.

Section 4734.28 | Acupuncture and Moxibustion Defined.

Section 4734.282 | Application for Certificate to Practice Acupuncture.

Section 4734.283 | Issuance of Acupuncture Certificate.

Section 4734.284 | Renewal of Acupuncture Certificate.

Section 4734.285 | Advertisement of Certification to Practice Acupuncture.

Section 4734.286 | Cessation of Acupuncture Practice - Inactive Certificate.

Section 4734.31 | Disciplinary Actions by Board.

Section 4734.311 | Effect of Child Support Default on License.

Section 4734.32 | Reports of Disciplinary Actions by Health Care Facility.

Section 4734.34 | Applying for Restoration of License.

Section 4734.35 | Prosecutor's Report of Convictions.

Section 4734.36 | Automatic Suspension Upon Guilty Plea or Conviction.

Section 4734.37 | Summary Suspension of License.

Section 4734.38 | Suspension for Mental Illness or Incompetency.

Section 4734.39 | Ability to Practice Impaired.

Section 4734.40 | Establishing Standards for Approving Treatment Providers for Impaired Chiropractors.

Section 4734.41 | Establishing Chemical Dependency and Mental Illness Monitoring Program.

Section 4734.42 | Development and Implementation of Quality Intervention Program.

Section 4734.45 | Investigations - Confidential Information.

Section 4734.46 | Hearing and Investigation Procedures.

Section 4734.47 | Enforcement Officer.

Section 4734.48 | Service of Process - Procedure for Discovery.

Section 4734.49 | Injunctions.

Section 4734.50 | Notice or Warnings for Minor Violations.

Section 4734.53 | Fines.

Section 4734.54 | Depositing Receipts.

Section 4734.55 | Providing Information - Duplicate License.

Section 4734.56 | Fees in Excess of Statutory Amounts.

Section 4734.57 | Compliance With Law Regarding Sanctions for Human Trafficking.

Section 4734.60 | Telehealth Services.

Section 4734.99 | Penalty.