Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 4175 | Climbing Facilities
Section 4175.05 | Acknowledgment of Risks; Requirements for Climbers.

Effective: March 28, 2017
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 235 - 131st General Assembly
(A) Each climber acknowledges that there are inherent and other risks associated with participation in the sport of rock climbing. Each climber accepts the inherent and other risks of climbing, of which a reasonably prudent person is aware.
(B) Each climber shall comply with all of the following:
(1) Read all warnings and obey all rules of the climbing facility;
(2) Obey all written and oral warnings and instructions of facility staff;
(3) Read and follow the manufacturer's instructions for use of personal protective equipment;
(4) Prior to each use, inspect any personal protective equipment used by the climber, and replace the equipment as needed and according to the manufacturer's instructions;
(5) Refrain from acting in a manner that may cause or contribute to the injury of the climber or any other person;
(6) Exercise good judgment and act in a responsible manner while climbing.
(C) No climber shall climb while under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance.