Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 3903 | Reserve Valuation; Rehabilitation and Liquidation
Section 3903.38 | Third Party-Party Claims.

Effective: March 7, 1983
Latest Legislation: House Bill 830 - 114th General Assembly
(A) Whenever any third party asserts a cause of action against an insured of an insurer in liquidation, the third party may file a claim with the liquidator.
(B) Whether or not the third party files a claim, the insured may file a claim on his own behalf in the liquidation. An insured who fails to file a claim by the date for filing claims specified in the order of liquidation or within sixty days after mailing of the notice required by section 3903.22 of the Revised Code, whichever is later, is an unexcused late filer.
(C)(1) The liquidator shall make recommendations to the court under section 3903.42 of the Revised Code, for the allowance of an insured's claim under division (B) of this section after consideration of the probable outcome of any pending action against the insured on which the claim is based, the probable damages recoverable in the action, and the probable costs and expenses of defense. After allowance by the court, the liquidator shall withhold any dividends payable on the claim, pending the outcome of litigation and negotiation with the insured. Whenever it seems appropriate, he shall reconsider the claim on the basis of additional information and amend his recommendations to the court. The insured shall be afforded the same notice and opportunity to be heard on all changes in the recommendation as in its initial determination. The court may amend its allowance as it thinks appropriate.
(2) As claims against the insured are settled or barred, the insured shall be paid from the amount withheld the same percentage dividend as was paid on other claims of like priority, based on the lesser of either of the following:
(a) The amount actually recovered from the insured by action or paid by agreement, plus the reasonable costs and expenses of defense;
(b) The amount allowed on the claims by the court.
(3) After all claims are settled or barred, any sum remaining from the amount withheld shall revert to the undistributed assets of the insurer. Delay in final payment under this division shall not be a reason for unreasonable delay of final distribution and discharge of the liquidator.
(D) If several claims founded upon one policy are filed, whether by third parties or as claims by the insured under this section, and the aggregate allowed amount of the claims to which the same limit of liability in the policy is applicable exceeds that limit, each claim as allowed shall be reduced in the same proportion so that the total equals the policy limit. Claims by the insured shall be evaluated as in division (C) of this section. If any insured's claim is subsequently reduced under division (C) of this section, the amount thus freed shall be apportioned ratably among the claims which have been reduced under this division.
(E) No claim may be presented under this section if it is or may be covered by any guaranty association or foreign guaranty association.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 39 | Insurance

Chapter 3903 | Reserve Valuation; Rehabilitation and Liquidation

Section 3903.01 | Reserve Valuation - Rehabilitation and Liquidation Definitions.

Section 3903.02 | Citing of Act - Purpose of Act.

Section 3903.03 | Application of Sections.

Section 3903.04 | Jurisdiction.

Section 3903.05 | Temporary Restraining Orders - Injunctions.

Section 3903.06 | Duty of Persons Exercising Control to Cooperate With Superintendent.

Section 3903.07 | Responsibilities of Superintendent and Deputies.

Section 3903.08 | Effect on Pending Proceedings.

Section 3903.09 | Correction Orders Issued by Superintendent.

Section 3903.10 | Complaint - Court May Issue Ex Parte Seizure or Other Order.

Section 3903.11 | Confidentiality of Information - Exceptions.

Section 3903.12 | Grounds for Rehabilitation Order.

Section 3903.13 | Rehabilitation Orders.

Section 3903.14 | Employment of Special Deputies.

Section 3903.15 | Stay of Actions - Statute of Limitations - Standing.

Section 3903.16 | Motion for Order of Liquidation - Order Terminating Rehabilitation of Insurer.

Section 3903.17 | Basis for Liquidation Order.

Section 3903.18 | Liquidation Orders.

Section 3903.19 | Effect of Liquidation Order on Policies.

Section 3903.20 | Dissolution of Corporate Existence.

Section 3903.21 | Liquidator - Powers and Duties.

Section 3903.22 | Notice of Liquidation Order.

Section 3903.24 | Civil Action Against Liquidator or Insurer.

Section 3903.25 | Duplicate List of Insurer's Assets.

Section 3903.26 | Transfers and Obligations Incurred One Year Prior to Proceeding.

Section 3903.27 | Transfers Made After Filing of Complaint.

Section 3903.28 | Preferences.

Section 3903.29 | Allowance of Claims.

Section 3903.30 | Allowance of Setoffs and Counterclaims.

Section 3903.301 | Protection of Rights.

Section 3903.31 | Report of Liquidator to Court.

Section 3903.32 | Reducing Recovery From Reinsurer.

Section 3903.33 | Payment of Unpaid Earned Premiums.

Section 3903.34 | Proposal to Disburse Assets to Guaranty Associations - Contents - Application for Approval.

Section 3903.35 | Proof of Claims to Be Filed With Liquidator.

Section 3903.36 | Proof of Claim Contents.

Section 3903.37 | Contingent Claims- Absolute Claims.

Section 3903.38 | Third Party-Party Claims.

Section 3903.39 | Written Notice of Denial of Claim.

Section 3903.40 | Claims Secured by Undertaking of Another Person.

Section 3903.41 | Methods of Determining Value of Security Held by Secured Creditor.

Section 3903.42 | Priority of Distribution of Claims.

Section 3903.421 | Medicaid Health Insuring Corporation Bond and Securities.

Section 3903.43 | Review and Investigation of Claims.

Section 3903.44 | Court Payment of Distributions.

Section 3903.45 | Distribution of Unclaimed and Withheld Funds.

Section 3903.46 | Discharge of Liquidator.

Section 3903.47 | Motion to Reopen Proceedings.

Section 3903.48 | Court to Direct Retention or Destruction of Insurer's Records.

Section 3903.49 | Audit of Books of Proceeding.

Section 3903.50 | Order Appointing Conservator.

Section 3903.51 | Order Directing Liquidation.

Section 3903.52 | Power of Domiciliary Liquidator.

Section 3903.53 | Appointing Ancillary Receiver.

Section 3903.54 | Discretion of Superintendent to Commence Proceedings.

Section 3903.55 | Foreign Claimants.

Section 3903.56 | Ohio Residents Claiming Against Foreign Insurers.

Section 3903.57 | Attachment, Garnishment or Execution Proceedings Blocked.

Section 3903.58 | Distribution Order Among Claimants From Reciprocal States.

Section 3903.59 | Failure to Transfer Assets to Ohio Liquidator by Ancillary Receiver.

Section 3903.71 | Unsound Company, Suspension of Authority to Do Business.

Section 3903.72 | Definitions for Sections 3903.72 to 3903.7211.

Section 3903.721 | Valuation of Reserves.

Section 3903.722 | Submission of Data Prior to Operative Date of Valuation Manual.

Section 3903.723 | Minimum Standards for the Valuation of Policies.

Section 3903.724 | Determination of Valuation Interest Rate.

Section 3903.725 | Valuation for Individual Annuity and Pure Endowment Contracts.

Section 3903.726 | Submissions Prior to Operative Date of Valuation Manual.

Section 3903.727 | Valuation for Accident and Health Insurance Contracts.

Section 3903.728 | Policies Issued on or After the Operative Date of the Valuation Manual.

Section 3903.729 | Established Reserves; Principle-Based Valuation.

Section 3903.7210 | Submission of Prescribed Data.

Section 3903.7211 | Confidential Information.

Section 3903.73 | Deposit of Securities With Treasurer of State.

Section 3903.74 | Sale and Distribution of Securities of Defaulting Companies.

Section 3903.75 | Notice to Claimants.

Section 3903.76 | Court Procedure.

Section 3903.77 | Property and Casualty Insurance Reporting Requirements.

Section 3903.81 | Risk-Based Capital for Insurers Model Act Definitions.

Section 3903.82 | Annual Report.

Section 3903.83 | Duty to Submit Plan.

Section 3903.84 | Regulatory Action Level Event Duties of Superintendent and Insurer.

Section 3903.85 | Authorized Control Level Event Duties of Superintendent and Insurer.

Section 3903.86 | Mandatory Control Level Event Duties of Superintendent and Insurer.

Section 3903.87 | Right to Request Hearing.

Section 3903.88 | Confidential Information.

Section 3903.89 | Effectiveness of Notice.

Section 3903.90 | Annual Report by Foreign Insurer.

Section 3903.91 | Regulatory Officials - Immunity.

Section 3903.92 | Requirements for Exempting Insurer From Sections.

Section 3903.93 | Rules.

Section 3903.99 | Penalty.