Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 3735 | Metropolitan Housing Authority
Section 3735.51 | Housing Cooperation Law Definitions.

Effective: October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
As used in sections 3735.51 to 3735.57, inclusive, of the Revised Code:
(A) "Housing project" means any work or undertaking of a housing authority pursuant to sections 3735.27 to 3735.50, inclusive, of the Revised Code, or any similar work or undertaking of the federal government.
(B) "State public body" means any township, county, municipal corporation, commission, district, authority, other subdivision, or public body of this state.
(C) "Governing body" means the council, board of commissioners, or other body having charge of the fiscal affairs of the state public body.
(D) "Federal government" means the United States, the federal works administrator, or any other agency or instrumentality, corporate or otherwise, of the United States.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 37 | Health-Safety-Morals

Chapter 3735 | Metropolitan Housing Authority

Section 3735.27 | Creating Metropolitan Housing Authority.

Section 3735.28 | Organization.

Section 3735.29 | Member or Employee Shall Not Have Any Interest in Property.

Section 3735.30 | County Commissioners May Appropriate and Loan Funds for Initial Construction Expenses.

Section 3735.31 | Metropolitan Housing Authority - Powers and Duties.

Section 3735.311 | Felony Conviction Precludes or Terminates Employment.

Section 3735.32 | Acquisition of Real Property.

Section 3735.33 | Housing Authorities May Join or Cooperate With One Another.

Section 3735.34 | Exemption From Taxation - Audit.

Section 3735.35 | Payments to County Treasurer.

Section 3735.36 | Plans and Specifications - Advertisement for Bids - Award of Contract.

Section 3735.37 | Annual Report.

Section 3735.38 | Notes Executed by Authority Shall Not Be a Debt Against the County.

Section 3735.39 | Dissolution - Procedure.

Section 3735.40 | Housing Project Definitions.

Section 3735.41 | Rentals - Tenant Selection.

Section 3735.42 | Veteran Preference.

Section 3735.43 | Housing Authority May Provide Free Housing to Law Enforcement Officer.

Section 3735.44 | Planning, Zoning, and Sanitary Laws Applicable to Housing Projects.

Section 3735.45 | Bonds Issued by Housing Authority - Liability.

Section 3735.46 | Issuance of Bonds - Sale - Validity - Bonds Negotiable.

Section 3735.47 | Additional Powers of Authority Relative to Issuance of Bonds.

Section 3735.48 | Rights of Bondholders.

Section 3735.49 | Rights in Event of Default.

Section 3735.50 | Metropolitan Housing Authority Is a Political Subdivision.

Section 3735.51 | Housing Cooperation Law Definitions.

Section 3735.52 | Powers of Public Bodies.

Section 3735.53 | Contracts of Public Bodies.

Section 3735.54 | Loan or Donation of Money.

Section 3735.55 | Resolution Granting Powers to Public Bodies - Effective Immediately.

Section 3735.56 | Bodies Corporate and Politic.

Section 3735.57 | Investment of Funds in Authority - Public or Private Funds.

Section 3735.58 | Contracts for Sale of Land Not Needed by Certain Departments.

Section 3735.59 | Contracts for Furnishing Services to Tenants.

Section 3735.62 | Veterans Housing Corporations.

Section 3735.65 | Community Reinvestment Area Definitions.

Section 3735.66 | Resolution Describing Boundaries of Areas and Eligibility for Tax Exemption.

Section 3735.661 | Pre-1994 Community Reinvestment Area Term Extension.

Section 3735.67 | Applying for Exemption From Taxation.

Section 3735.671 | Written Agreement Where Commercial or Industrial Property Is to Be Exempted.

Section 3735.672 | Annual Report.

Section 3735.673 | Notice to Legislative Authority.

Section 3735.68 | Revoking Tax Exemption.

Section 3735.69 | Community Reinvestment Area Housing Council - Powers and Duties.

Section 3735.70 | Appeals.