Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 3716 | Labeling of Hazardous Substances
Section 3716.03 | Director of Health - Powers and Duties.

Effective: September 10, 2012
Latest Legislation: House Bill 487 - 129th General Assembly
The director of health shall:
(A) Adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code for the efficient enforcement of section 3716.02 of the Revised Code;
(B) Conduct examinations, inspections, and investigations for the purpose of establishing such regulations, through such officers of the department of health or the boards of health, as the director delegates;
(C) Designate officers and employees to enter at reasonable times any factory, warehouse, or establishment in which hazardous substances are held, or to enter any vehicle being used to transport or hold such hazardous substance:
(1) For the purpose of determining the nature of such substances;
(2) To inspect or copy all records showing the movement of any such hazardous substance, or the holding thereof during or after such movement, and the quantity, shipper, and consignee thereof; provided, evidence obtained under this subdivision shall not be used in a criminal prosecution of the person from whom obtained;
(D) Inspect and sample, upon tender of reasonable price for such sample, at reasonable times and within reasonable limits and in a reasonable manner, finished hazardous substances in retail packages and labeling thereon in such factory, warehouse, establishment, or vehicle.