Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 3325 | Schools - Deaf; Blind
Section 3325.12 | Funds Deposited for Special Benefit of Pupil.

Effective: March 30, 2006
Latest Legislation: House Bill 530 - 126th General Assembly
Money deposited with the superintendent of the state school for the blind and the superintendent of the state school for the deaf by parents, relatives, guardians, and friends for the special benefit of any pupil shall remain in the hands of the respective superintendent for use accordingly. Each superintendent shall deposit the money into one or more personal deposit funds. Each superintendent shall keep itemized book accounts of the receipt and disposition of the money, which books shall be open at all times to the inspection of the superintendent of public instruction. The superintendent of the state school for the blind and the superintendent of the state school for the deaf each shall adopt rules governing the deposit, transfer, withdrawal, or investment of the money and the investment earnings of the money.
Whenever a pupil ceases to be enrolled in the state school for the blind or the state school for the deaf, if personal money of the pupil remains in the hands of the respective superintendent and no demand is made upon the superintendent by the pupil or the pupil's parent or guardian, the superintendent shall hold the money in a personal deposit fund for a period of at least one year. During that time, the superintendent shall make every effort possible to locate the pupil or the pupil's parent or guardian. If, at the end of this period, no demand has been made for the money held by the state school for the blind, the superintendent of the state school for the blind shall dispose of the money by transferring it to the state school for the blind student activity and work-study fund established by section 3325.11 of the Revised Code. If at the end of this period, no demand has been made for the money held by the state school for the deaf, the superintendent of the state school for the deaf shall dispose of the money by transferring it to the state school for the deaf educational program expenses fund established by section 3325.16 of the Revised Code.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 33 | Education-Libraries

Chapter 3325 | Schools - Deaf; Blind

Section 3325.01 | State Board of Education to Supervise Schools - Appointment of Superintendents.

Section 3325.011 | Admission of Pupils to State School for the Deaf.

Section 3325.02 | Admission of Pupils to State School for the Blind.

Section 3325.03 | Return of Pupil to Parents.

Section 3325.04 | Employment of Teachers.

Section 3325.05 | Higher Education for Blind Pupils - Residence Requirements.

Section 3325.06 | Preschool Training of Deaf or Hard of Hearing Children and Children Who Are Visually Impaired.

Section 3325.07 | Programs to Enable Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children to Construct Pattern of Communication.

Section 3325.071 | Programs to Enable Visually Impaired Children to Construct Pattern of Communication.

Section 3325.08 | Requirement for Granting of Diploma or Honors Diploma.

Section 3325.09 | Career-Technical Education and Work Training Programs for Visually Impaired Students.

Section 3325.10 | State School for the Blind - Federal Funds and Gifts.

Section 3325.11 | State School for the Blind - Student Activity and Work-Study Fund.

Section 3325.12 | Funds Deposited for Special Benefit of Pupil.

Section 3325.13 | State School for the Blind Employees Food Service Fund.

Section 3325.14 | State School for the Deaf Employees Food Service Fund.

Section 3325.15 | State School for the Deaf - Federal Funds and Gifts.

Section 3325.16 | State School for the Deaf - Educational Program Expenses Fund.

Section 3325.17 | State School for the Blind Educational Program Expense Fund.