Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 3307 | State Teachers Retirement System
Section 3307.62 | Eligibility for Disability Benefits.

Effective: March 22, 2019
Latest Legislation: House Bill 572 - 132nd General Assembly
As used in this section, "qualifying service credit" has the same meaning as in section 3307.58 of the Revised Code.
(A) The state teachers retirement system shall provide disability coverage to each member participating in the STRS defined benefit plan who meets either of the following:
(1) If the member had service credit on account on June 30, 2013, has at least five years of qualifying service credit;
(2) If the member did not have any service credit on account on June 30, 2013, has at least ten years of qualifying service credit.
Not later than October 16, 1992, the state teachers retirement board shall give each person who is a member on July 29, 1992, the opportunity to elect disability coverage either under former section 3307.43 of the Revised Code or under former section 3307.431 of the Revised Code. The board shall mail notice of the election, accompanied by an explanation of the coverage under each of the Revised Code sections and a form on which the election is to be made, to each member at the member's last known address. The board shall also provide the explanation and form to any member on the member's request.
Regardless of whether the member actually receives notice of the right to make an election, a member who fails to submit a valid election under this section shall be considered to have elected disability coverage under section 3307.63 of the Revised Code. To be valid, an election must be made on the form provided by the board, signed by the member, and submitted to the board not later than one hundred eighty days after the date the notice was mailed, or, in the case of a form provided at the request of a member, a date specified by rule of the board. Once made, an election is irrevocable, but if the member ceases to be a member of the system, the election is void. If a person who makes an election under this section also makes an election under section 145.35 or 3309.39 of the Revised Code, the election made for the system that pays a disability benefit to that person shall govern the benefit.
Disability coverage shall be provided under section 3307.631 of the Revised Code for persons who become members after July 29, 1992, and for members who elect under this division to be covered under section 3307.631 of the Revised Code.
The board may adopt rules governing elections made under this division.
(B) Application for a disability benefit may be made by a member, by a person acting in the member's behalf, or by the member's employer and if the member has disability coverage under division (A) of this section.
The application for a disability benefit shall be made on a form approved by the board. The benefit payable to any member whose application is approved shall become effective on the first day of the month next following the later of the following:
(1) The last day for which compensation was paid;
(2) The date on which the member's most recent application for a disability benefit was received by the board.
(C) Medical examination of the member shall be conducted by a competent, disinterested physician or physicians selected by the board to determine whether the member is mentally or physically incapacitated for the performance of duty by a disabling condition, either permanent or presumed to be permanent for twelve continuous months following the board's receipt of an application. The disability must have occurred since last becoming a member, or it must have increased since last becoming a member to such an extent as to make the disability permanent or presumably permanent for twelve continuous months following the board's receipt of an application.
(D) Application for a disability benefit must be made within a two-year period from the date the member's contributing service terminated, unless the board determines that the member's medical records demonstrate conclusively that at the time the period expired the member was physically or mentally incapacitated and unable to make application, except that if the member did not have any service credit on account on June 30, 2013, application must be made within a one-year period from the date contributing service terminated. Application may not be made by any person receiving service retirement benefits under section 3307.58 or 3307.59 of the Revised Code or any person whose accumulated contributions standing to the credit of the person's individual account in the teachers' savings fund have been paid under section 3307.56 of the Revised Code.
(E) If the physician or physicians determine that the member qualifies for a disability benefit, the board concurs with the determination, and the member agrees to medical treatment as specified in division (G) of this section, the member shall receive a disability benefit under section 3307.63 or 3307.631 of the Revised Code. If such physician or physicians determine that the member does not qualify for a disability benefit, the report of the examiner or examiners shall be evaluated by a board of medical review composed of at least three physicians appointed by the retirement board.
(F) The state teachers retirement board shall render an order determining whether or not the applicant shall be granted a disability benefit. Notification to the applicant shall be issued, and upon the request of an applicant who is denied a disability benefit, a hearing or appeal relative to such order shall be conducted in accordance with procedures established by the retirement board.
(G) The state teachers retirement board shall adopt rules requiring each disability benefit recipient, as a condition of continuing to receive a disability benefit, to agree in writing to obtain any medical treatment recommended by the board's physician and submit medical reports regarding the treatment. If the board determines that a disability benefit recipient is not obtaining the medical treatment or the board does not receive a required medical report, the disability benefit shall be suspended until the treatment is obtained, the report is received by the board, or the board's physician certifies that the treatment is no longer helpful or advisable. Should the recipient's failure to obtain treatment or submit a medical report continue for one year, the recipient's right to the disability benefit shall be terminated as of the effective date of the original suspension.
(H) If an employer submits an application for a disability benefit as a result of a member having been separated from service because the member is considered to be incapacitated for the performance of duty, and the board denies the disability benefit, the board shall so certify to the employer and the employer shall restore the member to the member's previous position and salary or to a similar position and salary.
(I) The recipient of a disability allowance under section 3307.631 of the Revised Code whose allowance terminates under division (C)(3) of that section due to age is not eligible to do either of the following:
(1) Retire on disability under section 3307.63 of the Revised Code;
(2) Receive a disability allowance under section 3307.631 of the Revised Code.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 33 | Education-Libraries

Chapter 3307 | State Teachers Retirement System

Section 3307.01 | State Teachers Retirement System - Definitions.

Section 3307.03 | State Teachers Retirement System - Board.

Section 3307.031 | Composition of State Teachers Retirement System.

Section 3307.04 | General Administration and Management Vested in Board.

Section 3307.041 | Travel Expense Policies - Bonus Policy - Budget.

Section 3307.042 | Ethics Policy - Commission Approval - Ethics Training.

Section 3307.043 | Chief Investment Officer - Supervision Duties - Monitoring of Securities Transactions.

Section 3307.044 | Selection of Internal Auditor.

Section 3307.05 | Board Membership.

Section 3307.051 | Orientation Program Required for New Members - Continuing Education.

Section 3307.052 | Members With Excessive Travel Expenses Ineligible for Another Term.

Section 3307.06 | Board Elections.

Section 3307.061 | Disqualification of Convicted Member - Misconduct in Office - Removal Procedure.

Section 3307.07 | Procedure for Electing Board Members.

Section 3307.071 | No Election if Only One Candidate Nominated.

Section 3307.072 | Candidate Campaign Finance Statements - Donor Statement of Independent Expenditures.

Section 3307.073 | Filing of Statements - Prohibited Campaign Activities.

Section 3307.074 | Complaint Alleging Violation of Rc 3307.073 - Procedure - Fine.

Section 3307.075 | Adoption of Election Rules - Certification of Nominating Petitions and Election Results.

Section 3307.08 | Oath of Office.

Section 3307.09 | Quorum.

Section 3307.091 | Digital Board Meeting Attendance.

Section 3307.10 | Expenses - Liability Insurance.

Section 3307.11 | Officers - Executive Director.

Section 3307.12 | Treasurer of State Is Custodian of Funds.

Section 3307.121 | Annual Statement of Amount of Funds Furnished by Treasurer.

Section 3307.13 | Legal Adviser.

Section 3307.131 | Actions; Venue.

Section 3307.14 | Creation of Funds - Trustees.

Section 3307.141 | Each Fund Is Separate Legal Entity.

Section 3307.142 | Interest Compounded Annually Credited to Accounts of Members and Funds.

Section 3307.143 | Discontinuation of Health Care Coverage; Transfer of Surplus.

Section 3307.15 | Investment and Fiduciary Duties of Board.

Section 3307.151 | Prohibited Business Transactions.

Section 3307.152 | Designation of Ohio-Qualified Agents - Selection Policy - Increased Utilization - Annual Report.

Section 3307.153 | Annual Disclosures to Ohio Ethics Commission.

Section 3307.154 | Designation of Ohio-Qualified Investment Managers - Utilization - Annual Report.

Section 3307.18 | Trustee or Employee of Board Shall Have No Interest in Profits nor Borrow Funds.

Section 3307.181 | Restrictions on Fiduciaries.

Section 3307.19 | Maintenance of Individual Account.

Section 3307.20 | Disclosure of Records.

Section 3307.21 | Notifying Teacher of Duties and Obligations Under Chapter.

Section 3307.211 | Certifying Names of Covered Employees.

Section 3307.212 | Notifying Board of Personnel Changes.

Section 3307.213 | Maintaining Records and Furnishing Assistance.

Section 3307.214 | Information to New Employees.

Section 3307.231 | Verifying Termination of Active Service.

Section 3307.24 | Denying Membership to Certain Classes of Teachers.

Section 3307.25 | Electing Defined Benefit or Defined Contribution Plan; Election to Cease Participation.

Section 3307.251 | Employee With Less Than 5 Years of Service Electing to Participate in Strs Defined Contribution Plan.

Section 3307.252 | Effect of Electing Strs Defined Contribution Plan.

Section 3307.26 | Contributions.

Section 3307.261 | Contributions During Disability Leave.

Section 3307.27 | Employer Pick Up of Teacher Contributions.

Section 3307.28 | Employer Contribution.

Section 3307.29 | Deductions Certified.

Section 3307.291 | Transmitting Payments Monthly.

Section 3307.292 | Failure of Employer to Transmit Amounts Due.

Section 3307.30 | Levying Additional Taxes.

Section 3307.31 | Deducting Employer Contributions From State Aid Moneys.

Section 3307.32 | Payment of Amounts Due Retirement System From Treasury.

Section 3307.33 | Termination of Membership.

Section 3307.35 | Employment of Retirant.

Section 3307.351 | Continuing Contributions to State System After Retirement.

Section 3307.352 | Retirant May Apply for Monthly Annuity or Lump Sum Payment.

Section 3307.353 | Reemployed Superannuate or Rehire in Position Filled by Vote of Members of Board or Commission.

Section 3307.354 | Superannuates or Other System Retirants.

Section 3307.37 | Restitution Order Based on Theft in Office or Certain Sex Offenses.

Section 3307.371 | Order for Division of Marital Property.

Section 3307.372 | Forfeiture of Retirement Benefits Under Rc 2929.192.

Section 3307.373 | Benefits Subject to Termination.

Section 3307.39 | Group Health Insurance Coverage for Retired Persons and Survivors.

Section 3307.391 | Establishing Programs for Long Term Health Care Insurance.

Section 3307.392 | Lump Sum Payment for Death Benefit.

Section 3307.393 | Additional Deposits to Fund Medical Expenses.

Section 3307.41 | Tax Exemptions.

Section 3307.42 | Acquiring Vested Right in Pension When Granted; Suspension of Benefits.

Section 3307.44 | Waiver of Rights.

Section 3307.46 | Increasing Pension, Benefit, or Allowance When Limits of 26 Usc 415 Are Raised.

Section 3307.461 | Establishing and Maintaining Qualified Governmental Excess Benefit Arrangement.

Section 3307.47 | Recovering Erroneous Payments.

Section 3307.48 | Disability Benefit Recipients.

Section 3307.50 | Defined Benefit Plan Definitions.

Section 3307.501 | Final Average Salary.

Section 3307.51 | Actuarial Valuation of Pension Assets, Liabilities, and Funding Requirements.

Section 3307.511 | Data Required for Preparation of Mortality and Service Tables.

Section 3307.512 | Amortizing Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Pension Liability.

Section 3307.513 | Annual Report Disability Retirement Experience of Each Employer.

Section 3307.514 | Study to Determine Percentage of Electing Employee's Compensation to Be Contributed by Public Institution of Higher Education.

Section 3307.52 | Service Credited at Retirement.

Section 3307.53 | Computing Service Credit.

Section 3307.56 | Payment to Member Who Ceases to Be a Teacher.

Section 3307.561 | Payments to Members Who Are Members of Another State Retirement System.

Section 3307.562 | Designation or Qualification of Beneficiaries.

Section 3307.563 | Interest Added to Withdrawn Contributions.

Section 3307.57 | Coordinating and Integrating Membership in State Retirement Systems.

Section 3307.58 | Eligibility for Service Retirement.

Section 3307.59 | Disability Allowance Recipient Applying for Service Retirement.

Section 3307.60 | Retirant May Elect Plan of Payment.

Section 3307.62 | Eligibility for Disability Benefits.

Section 3307.63 | Benefits Upon Disability Retirement.

Section 3307.631 | Annual Amount of Disability Allowance.

Section 3307.66 | Beneficiary May Substitute Other Benefits.

Section 3307.661 | Payment of Death Benefit.

Section 3307.67 | Cost of Living Increase.

Section 3307.671 | Establishing Temporary Supplemental Benefit Fund.

Section 3307.69 | Recalculating Benefits.

Section 3307.691 | Annual Lifetime Benefit.

Section 3307.692 | Annual Single Lifetime Benefit Based on 30 or More Years Service.

Section 3307.693 | Supplementing Allowance.

Section 3307.694 | Additional Allowance on or After 7-1-68.

Section 3307.695 | Additional Monthly Payment as of 12-31-71.

Section 3307.696 | Additional Monthly Payment Where Member Died Prior to 7-1-68.

Section 3307.697 | Additional Monthly Payment as of 12-19-73.

Section 3307.698 | Increase in Monthly Allowance, Pension or Benefit Effective 7-1-81.

Section 3307.699 | Increase in Benefits Established Prior to 2-1-83.

Section 3307.6910 | Increase in Benefits for Awards Prior to 7-1-79.

Section 3307.6911 | Recalculating Benefits to Counter Effect of Inflation.

Section 3307.6912 | Recalculating Retirement Allowances for Retirants Prior to 1945 and 1947.

Section 3307.6913 | Recalculating Annual Single Lifetime Benefit.

Section 3307.6914 | Recalculating Benefits Based on Cumulative Percentage Change in Cpi.

Section 3307.70 | Purchasing Service Credits.

Section 3307.701 | Payroll Deduction Plans.

Section 3307.71 | Restoring Service Credit.

Section 3307.711 | Payroll Deduction Plans - Restoring Pers or Sers Credit.

Section 3307.712 | Proceedings on Request for Restoration of Service Credit.

Section 3307.72 | Credit for Years of Service Where Employer Failed to Make Contributions.

Section 3307.73 | Purchase of Service Credit for Period of Self-Exemption.

Section 3307.74 | Credit for Prior Service - Comparable Public Position.

Section 3307.75 | Credit for Military Service.

Section 3307.751 | Purchasing Military Service Credit.

Section 3307.752 | Purchasing Uniformed Services Credit.

Section 3307.76 | Credit for Time Served in Other State Retirement Systems.

Section 3307.761 | Credit for Service in Uniform Retirement System.

Section 3307.762 | Transferring Service Credit and Contributions Between Strs and Cincinnati Retirement System.

Section 3307.763 | Eligibility for Credit for Service in Cincinnati Retirement System.

Section 3307.764 | Transferring Contributions to Cincinnati Retirement System.

Section 3307.765 | Transferred Service Credit From Uniform Retirement System.

Section 3307.77 | Purchasing Service Credit for Period of Approved Absence or Leave.

Section 3307.771 | Purchasing Service Credit for Time Spent on Pregnancy or Adoption.

Section 3307.78 | Purchasing Credit for Service as School Board Member.

Section 3307.79 | Years of Service Credit of Deceased Member Dying Prior to 7-1-73 - Right of Survivor to Purchase Service Credit.

Section 3307.80 | Rules for Defined Contribution Plans.

Section 3307.81 | Establishment and Administration of Defined Contribution Plan.

Section 3307.811 | Qualification of Plan for Federal Tax Purposes.

Section 3307.812 | Tax Exemptions and Deferrals.

Section 3307.83 | Member Rights Governed by Plan Selected.

Section 3307.84 | Transfer of Portion of Employer Contribution to Employers' Trust Fund to Mitigate Negative Financial Impact on System.

Section 3307.86 | Furnishing Contributions and Information at More Frequent Intervals.

Section 3307.87 | Spousal Consent or Waiver.

Section 3307.89 | Offering Participation in Defined Contribution Plan to Members in Defined Benefit Plan.

Section 3307.99 | Penalty.