Effective: October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
Any person who owns or is interested in a tract of land within this state, any corner or line of which has become lost or uncertain, or is in danger of becoming lost or uncertain by the removal, destruction, defacement, or perishing condition of any corner, witness or line tree, monument, or other cause, may call on the county engineer of the county in which the land lies to make a survey of such land, and may cause to be planted at any corner, or at proper places in any line thereof, a stone or post, noting particularly the situation and condition of the original corner trees or monuments called for in the original survey, if found, and of all other trees or monuments which it may be important or advisable to note, and of all the places of notoriety over or by which the lines of such survey pass.
If it is a single tract divided by a county line, such person may call on the engineer of any county in which a part of such tract lies. The engineer shall make out a plat and certificate of such survey, under his hand, noting the names of the chainmen, markers, and other assistants in such survey, and of all other persons present at the planting of any stone or post. The engineer shall also note the variation of the compass from the original calls at the time of making such survey.
Structure Ohio Revised Code
Section 315.01 | Election and Term of Office.
Section 315.02 | Eligibility for Office of County Engineer.
Section 315.03 | Bond of County Engineer.
Section 315.05 | Delivery of Effects to Successor in Office.
Section 315.06 | Removal of Engineer by Civil Action.
Section 315.07 | Action on Engineer's Bond.
Section 315.08 | Duties of County Engineer.
Section 315.10 | County Maintenance Engineer.
Section 315.11 | Office of County Engineer.
Section 315.12 | Office to Be Maintained Partially From Motor Vehicle Taxes.
Section 315.13 | Emergency Repairs - County Engineer's Emergency Repair Fund.
Section 315.14 | Inspection - Records - Surveys.
Section 315.15 | Examination of Witnesses.
Section 315.16 | Calculation of Contents of Tract of Land.
Section 315.17 | Survey of Land in Two Counties.
Section 315.18 | Survey of Lands Sold for Taxes.
Section 315.21 | Court May Appoint a Person to Resurvey Lands.
Section 315.22 | Survey as Evidence.
Section 315.23 | Acknowledgments by Engineer.
Section 315.25 | Record to Be Kept by County Engineer.
Section 315.251 | Minimum Standards for Boundary Surveys.
Section 315.26 | Engineer to Transcribe Records.
Section 315.27 | Indexes to Records of County Engineer.
Section 315.28 | Survey of Corners.
Section 315.29 | Establishment of Corners.
Section 315.30 | Notice of Taking Depositions.
Section 315.31 | Record of Plat.
Section 315.32 | Plat or Certified Copy and Deposition Evidence - Exception.
Section 315.33 | Fees of Engineer.
Section 315.34 | Establishment of Surveyed or Agreed Corners.
Section 315.35 | Dilapidated Records May Be Transcribed.
Section 315.36 | Copies of Transcribed Records as Evidence.