Effective: October 1, 1997
Latest Legislation: House Bill 408 - 122nd General Assembly
(A) The county executive shall be the administrative head of the county and shall have all powers and shall perform all duties of an administrative or executive nature vested in or imposed upon the board of county commissioners by general law or by agreement with any municipality or other subdivision of government of Ohio and such additional powers as are granted and imposed by the board, and the county executive shall administer the resolutions of the board of county commissioners and the laws of the state relating to or required to be enforced by the county executive's office. The county executive shall supervise the departments established pursuant to division (A) of section 302.13 of the Revised Code. All authority of the board of county commissioners under general law with respect to the adoption of the county budget and the submission of any matter to the electors shall be exercised by the board of county commissioners provided for under Chapter 302. of the Revised Code. Contracts between the county and other agencies of government shall be approved or authorized by the board of county commissioners.
(B) The county executive, under the elective executive plan, shall exercise all authority of the board of county commissioners to appoint, suspend, and remove all county personnel whose appointment, suspension, and removal was a function of the board of county commissioners under general law, except for the clerk of the board of county commissioners, the clerk's clerical assistants, and the appointments listed in division (C) of section 302.18 of the Revised Code. Under the appointive executive plan, the board of county commissioners shall have the power to appoint, suspend, and remove all county personnel whose appointment, suspension, and removal was a function of the board under general law, upon the recommendation of the county executive.
(C) Appointment of officers, which by general law in sections 303.04, 303.13, 305.29, 306.01, 306.02, 329.01, 329.06, 5153.39, and 5155.03 of the Revised Code is required to be made by the board of county commissioners, shall be made by the county executive, under either plan, with advice and consent of the board of county commissioners. The county executive, under either plan, also shall appoint with the advice and consent of the board of county commissioners, all officers and members of boards and commissions, other than officers of a court or employees or other persons advisory to or subject to the supervision of a court or judge thereof, which by general law in sections 331.01, 339.02, 1545.02, 1545.03, 1545.04, and 1545.05 of the Revised Code are to be appointed by a judge or judges of the probate or common pleas court of the county.
(D) The county executive, under the elective executive plan, shall have the power to veto any ordinance or resolution adopted by the board of county commissioners. A veto by the county executive may apply to all or any items of an ordinance appropriating money. Certification of a veto must be made by the county executive within ten days of its adoption by the board of county commissioners, and the board of county commissioners may override the veto by a two-thirds vote of all its members. Under the elective executive plan an ordinance or resolution shall become effective upon approval by the county executive, expiration of such ten days without approval or veto, or overriding of a veto.
(E) The county executive shall promote the coordination of all county functions and for this purpose shall make an annual public report on the state of the county.
Structure Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 302 | Alternative Form of County Government
Section 302.01 | Electors May Adopt Alternative Form of County Government.
Section 302.02 | County Executive in Alternative Form of County Government.
Section 302.03 | Petition on Question of Adopting One of the Alternative Forms of County Government.
Section 302.04 | Ballot Language Commissioners Elected at Large.
Section 302.041 | Ballot Language Commissioners Elected by District.
Section 302.05 | Process When Alternative Form Adopted.
Section 302.06 | Proposition to Discontinue an Alternative Form of County Government.
Section 302.08 | Electing of County Commissioners at Large in Alternative Form.
Section 302.081 | Alternative Form of County Government Must Include Board of County Commissioners.
Section 302.082 | Electing of County Commissioners by Districts in Alternative Form.
Section 302.09 | Vacancy in Office.
Section 302.10 | Board Rules, Records and Voting.
Section 302.11 | Board Organization.
Section 302.12 | Board to Be Policy-Determining Body - Powers and Duties.
Section 302.13 | Specific Powers of Board.
Section 302.14 | County Executive.
Section 302.15 | Elective Executive Plan.
Section 302.16 | Appointive Executive Plan.
Section 302.17 | County Executive Responsibilities.
Section 302.18 | County Executive - Powers and Duties.
Section 302.19 | Additional Duties.
Section 302.20 | County Department of Finance - Duties.
Section 302.201 | Department of Law - Duties of Director of Law.
Section 302.202 | Department of Personnel - Powers and Duties.
Section 302.203 | Department of Detention and Correction - Powers and Duties.
Section 302.204 | Department of Water and Sewers - Duties and Functions.
Section 302.21 | Agreements With Other Political Subdivisions.
Section 302.22 | Agreements With Other Political Subdivisions to Provide for Payment.
Section 302.23 | Rescinding Agreements With Other Political Subdivisions.
Section 302.24 | Agreements With Other Political Subdivisions Transferring Property.