Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 2950 | Sexual Predators, Habitual Sex Offenders, Sexually Oriented Offenders
Section 2950.16 | Certification of Sex Offender Treatment Programs.

Effective: January 1, 2008
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 10 - 127th General Assembly
By July 1, 2008, the department of rehabilitation and correction and the department of youth services shall adopt rules pertaining to the certification of sex offender and child-victim offender treatment programs. The rules shall include a requirement that the departments periodically inspect and certify sex offender and child-victim offender treatment programs. The rules shall also include a requirement that the departments maintain a list of certified sex offender and child-victim offender treatment programs that is open to public inspection.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 29 | Crimes-Procedure

Chapter 2950 | Sexual Predators, Habitual Sex Offenders, Sexually Oriented Offenders

Section 2950.01 | Sexual Predator, Habitual Sex Offender, Sexually Oriented Offender Definitions.

Section 2950.011 | Sexually Oriented Offense; Child-Victim Oriented Offense.

Section 2950.012 | Payment of Sexual Offender Registration Fee as Condition of Community Control Sanction.

Section 2950.02 | Exchange or Release of Relevant Information About Sexual Predators and Habitual Sex Offenders.

Section 2950.03 | Notice of Duty to Register and Periodically Verify Information.

Section 2950.031 | Tier-Classification of Registered Sex Offenders.

Section 2950.032 | Tier-Classification of Incarcerated Sex Offenders.

Section 2950.033 | Continuing Duty to Comply With Terminated Provisions.

Section 2950.034 | Prohibiting Offender From Establishing Residence Near School, Child Care Facility.

Section 2950.04 | Duty to Register - Form.

Section 2950.041 | Personal Registration With Sheriff.

Section 2950.042 | Parole Officers to Verify Registration Following Release.

Section 2950.043 | Notification of Attorney General of Delayed Registration.

Section 2950.05 | Notice of Residence Address Change.

Section 2950.06 | Periodic Verification of Current Residence Address.

Section 2950.07 | Commencement Date for Duty to Register.

Section 2950.08 | Authorized Inspection of Information and Records in Possession of Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation.

Section 2950.081 | Public Inspection of Information and Records in Possession of Sheriff.

Section 2950.10 | Notifying Victim of Sexually Oriented Offense of Registration.

Section 2950.11 | Notice of Identity and Location of Offender in Specified Geographical Notification Area.

Section 2950.111 | Notification of Change or Verification of Residence Address.

Section 2950.12 | Immunity From Liability in a Civil Action to Recover Damages for Injury.

Section 2950.13 | State Registry of Sex Offenders - Duties of Attorney General.

Section 2950.131 | Database Link to Current Information on Offenders.

Section 2950.132 | Conformity of Ohio Sex Registration Laws to Federal Laws.

Section 2950.14 | Department of Rehabilitation and Correction to Provide Information Prior to Release.

Section 2950.15 | Termination of Duty to Comply With Sex Registration Laws.

Section 2950.151 | Review of Eligible Offender's Continued Compliance With r.c. 2950.04, 2950.05, and 2950.06.

Section 2950.16 | Certification of Sex Offender Treatment Programs.

Section 2950.17 | Possession of Photograph of Minor Child During Confinement.

Section 2950.99 | Penalty.