Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 2925 | Drug Offenses
Section 2925.50 | Conviction or Acquittal Under Federal Drug Abuse Control Laws Bar to State Prosecution.

Effective: July 22, 1998
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 66 - 122nd General Assembly
If a violation of this chapter is a violation of the federal drug abuse control laws, as defined in section 3719.01 of the Revised Code, a conviction or acquittal under the federal drug abuse control laws for the same act is a bar to prosecution in this state.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 29 | Crimes-Procedure

Chapter 2925 | Drug Offenses

Section 2925.01 | Drug Offense Definitions.

Section 2925.02 | Corrupting Another With Drugs.

Section 2925.03 | Trafficking, Aggravated Trafficking in Drugs.

Section 2925.04 | Illegal Manufacture of Drugs - Illegal Cultivation of Marihuana - Methamphetamine Offenses.

Section 2925.041 | Illegal Assembly or Possession of Chemicals for Manufacture of Drugs.

Section 2925.05 | Funding, Aggravated Funding of Drug or Marihuana Trafficking.

Section 2925.06 | Illegal Administration or Distribution of Anabolic Steroids.

Section 2925.09 | Unapproved Drugs - Dangerous Drug Offenses Involving Livestock.

Section 2925.11 | Possession of Controlled Substances.

Section 2925.12 | Possessing Drug Abuse Instruments.

Section 2925.13 | Permitting Drug Abuse.

Section 2925.14 | Illegal Use or Possession of Drug Paraphernalia.

Section 2925.141 | Illegal Use or Possession of Marihuana Drug Paraphernalia.

Section 2925.22 | Deception to Obtain a Dangerous Drug.

Section 2925.23 | Illegal Processing of Drug Documents.

Section 2925.24 | Tampering With Drugs.

Section 2925.31 | Abusing Harmful Intoxicants.

Section 2925.32 | Trafficking in Harmful Intoxicants - Improperly Dispensing or Distributing Nitrous Oxide.

Section 2925.33 | Possessing Nitrous Oxide in Motor Vehicle.

Section 2925.34 | Sale of Pure Caffeine Product.

Section 2925.36 | Illegal Dispensing of Drug Samples.

Section 2925.37 | Counterfeit Controlled Substance Offenses.

Section 2925.38 | Notice of Conviction of Professionally Licensed Person Sent to Regulatory or Licensing Board or Agency.

Section 2925.42 | Criminal Forfeiture of Property Relating to Felony Drug Abuse Offense.

Section 2925.50 | Conviction or Acquittal Under Federal Drug Abuse Control Laws Bar to State Prosecution.

Section 2925.51 | Evidence in Drug Offense Cases.

Section 2925.511 | Reimbursement for Costs of Positive Drug Tests.

Section 2925.52 | Motion for Destruction of Chemicals for Methamphetamine Production.

Section 2925.55 | Unlawful Purchase of Pseudoephedrine or Ephedrine Product.

Section 2925.56 | Unlawful Sale of Pseudoephedrine or Ephedrine Product.

Section 2925.57 | Illegal Pseudoephedrine or Ephedrine Product Transaction Scan.

Section 2925.58 | Unlawful Sale of Pseudoephedrine Product to Minor - Affirmative Defense.

Section 2925.61 | Lawful Administration of Overdose Reversal Drug.

Section 2925.62 | Illegally Selling Dextromethorphan.

Section 2925.64 | Immunity for Administering Epinephrine.