Effective: October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
In an action for a libel or a slander, the defendant may allege and prove the truth of the matter charged as defamatory. Proof of the truth thereof shall be a complete defense. In all such actions any mitigating circumstances may be proved to reduce damages.
Structure Ohio Revised Code
Title 27 | Courts-General Provisions-Special Remedies
Section 2739.01 | Libel and Slander.
Section 2739.02 | Defenses in Actions for Libel or Slander.
Section 2739.04 | Disclosure of New Source.
Section 2739.11 | Newspaper Defined.
Section 2739.12 | Newspaper Reporters Not Required to Reveal Source of Information.
Section 2739.13 | Correction of False Statement Formerly Published.
Section 2739.14 | Publishing Corrected Statements.
Section 2739.15 | Published Statements Shall Be Sworn To.
Section 2739.16 | Refusal or Failure to Publish.
Section 2739.18 | Prohibition Against Threats of Publication to Influence Official Action.