Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 2733 | Quo Warranto
Section 2733.19 | Enforcement of Judgment.

Effective: October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
No defendant mentioned in section 2733.17 of the Revised Code shall refuse or neglect to deliver over any book or paper pursuant to a demand made under such section. Whoever violates this section is guilty of a contempt of court.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 27 | Courts-General Provisions-Special Remedies

Chapter 2733 | Quo Warranto

Section 2733.01 | Proceedings Against a Person.

Section 2733.02 | Proceedings Against a Corporation.

Section 2733.03 | Jurisdiction and Venue in Quo Warranto Actions.

Section 2733.04 | Commencing Quo Warranto.

Section 2733.05 | Bringing Action.

Section 2733.06 | Usurpation of Office.

Section 2733.07 | Prosecution in Absence of Prosecuting Attorney.

Section 2733.08 | Petition Against Person for Usurpation of Office.

Section 2733.09 | Leave to File Petition - Notice.

Section 2733.10 | Issue of Summons and Service.

Section 2733.11 | Service by Publication.

Section 2733.12 | Pleadings After Petition.

Section 2733.13 | Court May Extend Time for Pleading.

Section 2733.14 | Judgment When Office, Franchise, or Privilege Is Usurped.

Section 2733.15 | Judgment When Director of a Corporation Is Illegally Elected.

Section 2733.16 | New Election.

Section 2733.17 | Rights of Person Adjudged Entitled to an Office.

Section 2733.18 | Action for Damages.

Section 2733.19 | Enforcement of Judgment.

Section 2733.20 | Judgment When Corporation Has Forfeited Its Rights.

Section 2733.21 | Dissolution of Corporation - Appointment of Trustees by Court.

Section 2733.22 | Remanding to Court of Common Pleas.

Section 2733.23 | Order of Court.

Section 2733.24 | Duties of Trustees as to Notice of Court Order.

Section 2733.25 | Rejected Claims.

Section 2733.26 | Powers of Trustees.

Section 2733.27 | Demands by Trustees.

Section 2733.28 | Report to Court.

Section 2733.29 | Prohibition Against Refusing to Deliver Property of Corporation to Trustees.

Section 2733.30 | Costs.

Section 2733.31 | Order to Deliver Property Enforced.

Section 2733.32 | Injunction in Certain Cases.

Section 2733.33 | Court May Require Bank Directors to Give Security.

Section 2733.34 | Enjoining Directors From Borrowing or Issuing Money.

Section 2733.35 | Limitations.

Section 2733.36 | Action for Damages Against Officers of Ousted Corporations.

Section 2733.37 | Remedies Cumulative.

Section 2733.38 | Disposition of Fines.

Section 2733.39 | Actions to Have Precedence.

Section 2733.99 | Penalty.