Effective: September 10, 2012
Latest Legislation: House Bill 487 - 129th General Assembly
Except as section 147.08 of the Revised Code governs the fees chargeable by a notary public for services rendered in connection with depositions, the fees and expenses chargeable for the taking and certifying of a deposition by a person who is authorized to do so in this state, including, but not limited to, a reporter, stenographer, or person described in Civil Rule 28, may be established by that person subject to the qualification specified in this section, and may be different than the fees and expenses charged for the taking and certifying of depositions by similar persons in other areas of this state. Unless, prior to the taking and certifying of a deposition, the parties who request it agree that the fees or expenses to be charged may exceed the usual and customary fees or expenses charged in the particular community for similar services, such a person shall not charge fees or expenses in connection with the taking and certifying of the deposition that exceed those usual and customary fees and expenses.
The person taking and certifying a deposition may retain the deposition until the fees and expenses that the person charged are paid. The person also shall tax the costs, if any, of a sheriff or other officer who serves any process in connection with the taking of a deposition and the fees of the witnesses, and, if directed by a person entitled to those costs or fees, may retain the deposition until those costs or fees are paid.
Structure Ohio Revised Code
Title 23 | Courts-Common Pleas
Chapter 2319 | Affidavits; Depositions
Section 2319.01 | Methods of Taking Testimony.
Section 2319.02 | Affidavit, Deposition, Oral Testimony Defined.
Section 2319.03 | Use of Affidavit.
Section 2319.04 | Before Whom Affidavit May Be Made.
Section 2319.08 | Deposition in Foreign Suit.
Section 2319.09 | Uniform Interstate Depositions and Discovery Act.
Section 2319.11 | Officers Authorized to Take Depositions for Use Outside of State.