Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 2307 | Civil Actions
Section 2307.81 | Dissemination of False Information About the Safety of Ohio's Food Supply.

Effective: May 8, 1996
Latest Legislation: House Bill 352 - 121st General Assembly
(A) The general assembly finds that the production of agricultural and aquacultural food products constitutes an important and significant portion of the economy of this state. Further, the general assembly finds that the dissemination in this state of false information about the safety of Ohio's food supply would be extremely detrimental to Ohio's economy, the welfare of the consuming public, and the producers of agricultural and aquacultural food products. Accordingly, it is the intent of the general assembly in enacting section 2307.81 of the Revised Code to benefit all the citizens of this state and protect the vitality of the agricultural and aquacultural economy by providing a cause of action for producers of perishable agricultural and aquacultural food products to recover damages for the disparagement of such food products.
(B) As used in this section:
(1) "Disparagement" means the dissemination to the public in any manner of any false information that a perishable agricultural or aquacultural food product is not safe for human consumption.
(2) "False information" means any information that is not based upon reasonable and reliable scientific inquiry, facts, or data, and that directly indicates that a perishable agricultural or aquacultural product is not safe for human consumption.
(3) "Perishable agricultural or aquacultural food product" means any food product or commodity of agriculture or aquaculture that is grown, raised, produced, distributed, or sold within this state in a form that will perish or decay beyond marketability within a reasonable period of time.
(4) "Producer" means a person who grows, raises, produces, distributes, or sells a perishable agricultural or aquacultural food product.
(C) Any producer of perishable agricultural or aquacultural food products that suffers damage as a result of another person's disparagement of any such perishable agricultural or aquacultural food product or any association representing producers of perishable agricultural or aquacultural food products that have suffered damage as a result of another person's disparagement of any such perishable agricultural or aquacultural food product may bring an action for damages and for any other relief a court having jurisdiction considers appropriate. If the plaintiff establishes that the disseminator knew or should have known that the information was false, damages may be awarded, including compensatory and punitive damages, reasonable attorney's fees, and costs of the action.
(D) In any action maintained under division (C) of this section by an association representing producers of perishable agricultural or aquacultural food products, the court shall direct written individual notice to the members of the association that have suffered damages as a result of another person's disparagement of any such perishable agricultural or aquacultural food product. The notice shall advise each member that:
(1) The court will exclude the member from the action if the member so requests by a specified date;
(2) The judgment, whether favorable or not, will include all members who have received the notice and who do not request exclusion;
(3) Any member who does not request exclusion may enter an appearance through the member's counsel.
The judgment in an action maintained under division (C) of this section by an association representing producers of perishable agricultural or aquacultural food products, whether favorable to the association, shall include and specify or describe those members to whom the notice provided in division (D) of this section was directed, and who did not request exclusion. If the judgment is favorable to the association, the court shall require the association to submit a plan for the distribution to the association and the members of the association included in the judgment of any award of monetary damages under division (C) or (E) of this section. The court may accept or modify the plan of the association and shall enter a written order for the distribution of any award of monetary damages.
(E) Notwithstanding any contrary provisions of section 2315.21 of the Revised Code, any person who intentionally disparages a perishable agricultural or aquacultural food product for the purpose of harming the producers of that product, in addition to any award of punitive damages, is liable for damages in an amount up to three times the amount of compensatory damages awarded under division (C) of this section.
(F) Notwithstanding any contrary statute of limitations prescribed by section 2305.11 of the Revised Code, an action under division (C) of this section shall be commenced no later than two years after the last disparagement of the perishable agricultural or aquacultural food product occurs.
(G) The cause of action established in this section is in addition to all other causes of action available under common law or under any other section of the Revised Code.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 23 | Courts-Common Pleas

Chapter 2307 | Civil Actions

Section 2307.01 | Action Defined.

Section 2307.011 | Civil Action Definitions.

Section 2307.06 | Suit on Bond.

Section 2307.07 | Copy of Bond.

Section 2307.09 | Married Woman May Sue and Be Sued.

Section 2307.10 | Wife's Right to Defend.

Section 2307.12 | Next Friend Liable for Costs.

Section 2307.131 | Appointment of Trustee of Interest of Person Not Yet Born - Representing Future Interest of Charitable Trust.

Section 2307.14 | Compensation and Replacement of Guardian Ad Litem or Trustee.

Section 2307.15 | Determination of Insanity of a Party.

Section 2307.16 | Partnership May Sue or Be Sued by Its Name.

Section 2307.17 | Person Claiming Property Interest May Be Made a Party.

Section 2307.18 | Officer Acting Under Process May Interplead.

Section 2307.22 | Joint and Several Tort Liability.

Section 2307.23 | Determining Percentage of Tortious Conduct Attributable to Party in Tort Action.

Section 2307.24 | Joint and Several Liability That Is Not Based in Tort.

Section 2307.25 | Right of Contribution.

Section 2307.26 | Enforcing Contribution One or More Tortfeasors.

Section 2307.27 | Satisfying Judgment - Apportioning Liability.

Section 2307.28 | Release or a Covenant Not to Sue or Not to Enforce Judgment.

Section 2307.29 | Contribution Rights Relation to Other Statutes.

Section 2307.30 | Separate Composition of Joint Debtor With Creditor.

Section 2307.34 | Cause of Action for Contribution in Favor of Primary Insurer Against Secondary Insurer.

Section 2307.381 | Long-Arm Statute Definitions.

Section 2307.382 | Personal Jurisdiction.

Section 2307.385 | Jurisdiction.

Section 2307.39 | Agreements to Be Bound by Ohio Law.

Section 2307.40 | Members and Officers of the General Assembly Privileged From Answering.

Section 2307.41 | Venue for Aircraft Negligence.

Section 2307.44 | Hazing Civil Liability.

Section 2307.45 | Reciprocity in Enforcing Tax Statutes.

Section 2307.46 | Request for Confidentiality by Woman Bringing Civil Action Based on Abortion.

Section 2307.50 | Civil Action to Recover Damages for Interference With the Parental or Guardianship Interest.

Section 2307.51 | Civil Action for Damages Related to Crime of Trafficking in Persons.

Section 2307.52 | Civil Action for Damages for Terminating or Attempting Termination of Pregnancy After Viability.

Section 2307.53 | Civil Action for Damages for Dismemberment Abortion or Partial Birth Feticide.

Section 2307.54 | Civil Action for Abortion After 20 Weeks.

Section 2307.60 | Civil Action for Damages for Criminal Act.

Section 2307.601 | No Duty to Retreat in Residence or Vehicle.

Section 2307.61 | Civil Action for Willful Damage or Theft.

Section 2307.611 | Damages in Actions for Identity Fraud.

Section 2307.62 | Civil Action for Damages by Cable Television Owner or Operator.

Section 2307.63 | Consent as Defense in Action Against Mental Health Professional Based on Sexual Conduct or Contact.

Section 2307.64 | Regulating Electronic Mail Advertisements.

Section 2307.65 | Civil Action to Recover Benefits Improperly Paid.

Section 2307.66 | Civil Action for Dissemination of Images.

Section 2307.67 | Civil Action - Critical Infrastructure Facility.

Section 2307.70 | Civil Action for Damages for Vandalism, Desecration or Ethnic Intimidation.

Section 2307.71 | Product Liability Definitions.

Section 2307.711 | Assumption of Risk as Affirmative Defense to Product Liability Claim.

Section 2307.72 | Civil Action for Product Liability Claim.

Section 2307.73 | Liability of Manufacturer - Enterprise Liability Rejected.

Section 2307.74 | Product Defective in Manufacture or Construction.

Section 2307.75 | Product Defective in Design or Formulation.

Section 2307.76 | Product Defective Due to Inadequate Warning or Instruction.

Section 2307.77 | Product Conforming to Representation Made by Manufacturer.

Section 2307.78 | Liability of Supplier.

Section 2307.79 | Compensatory Damages for Economic Loss From Manufacturer or Supplier.

Section 2307.80 | Punitive or Exemplary Damages From Manufacturer or Supplier.

Section 2307.81 | Dissemination of False Information About the Safety of Ohio's Food Supply.

Section 2307.84 | Silicosis or Mixed Dust Disease Claims - Definitions.

Section 2307.85 | Silicosis Claim - Prima Facie Showing - Evidence of Physical Impairment - Effect of Decision.

Section 2307.86 | Mixed Dust Disease Claim - Prima Facie Showing - Evidence of Physical Impairment - Effect of Decision.

Section 2307.87 | Silicosis or Mixed Dust Disease Claim - Filing of Evidence of Physical Impairment - Challenge - Administrative Dismissal.

Section 2307.88 | Silicosis or Mixed Dust Disease Claim - Tolling of Statute of Limitations - Nonmalignant and Cancer Claims Distinct.

Section 2307.89 | Silicosis or Mixed Dust Disease Claim Against Premises Owner.

Section 2307.90 | Silicosis or Mixed Dust Disease Claim - Operation of Other Laws Unaffected - Exhumation Not Required.

Section 2307.901 | Silicosis or Mixed Dust Disease Claim - Multiple Defendants - Substantial Factor Test.

Section 2307.902 | Silicosis or Mixed Dust Disease Claim - Piercing the Corporate Veil.

Section 2307.91 | Asbestos Claims - Definitions.

Section 2307.92 | Asbestos Claim - Prima Facie Showing - Evidence of Physical Impairment - Effect of Decision.

Section 2307.93 | Asbestos Claim - Filing of Evidence of Physical Impairment - Challenge - Administrative Dismissal.

Section 2307.94 | Asbestos Claim - Tolling of Statute of Limitations - Nonmalignant and Cancer Claims Distinct.

Section 2307.941 | Asbestos Claim Against Premises Owner.

Section 2307.95 | Asbestos Claim - Operation of Other Laws Unaffected.

Section 2307.951 | Definitions for Rc Sections 2307.952 to 2307.954.

Section 2307.952 | Disclosures Pertaining to Asbestos Trust Claims.

Section 2307.953 | Motion to Stay Proceedings in Asbestos Tort Action.

Section 2307.954 | Disclosure of Noncancer Asbestos Trust Claims and Cancer Asbestos Trust Claims.

Section 2307.96 | Asbestos Claim - Multiple Defendants - Substantial Factor Test.

Section 2307.97 | Cumulative Successor Asbestos-Related Liabilities of Corporation.

Section 2307.98 | Asbestos Claim - Piercing the Corporate Veil.