Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 1907 | County Court - General Provisions
Section 1907.53 | Bailiffs.

Effective: March 23, 2018
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 8 - 132nd General Assembly
(A)(1) Each judge of a county court may appoint a bailiff on a full-time or part-time basis. The bailiff shall receive compensation as prescribed by the appointing judge, and the compensation is payable in semimonthly installments from the treasury of the county or other authorized fund. Before entering upon the duties of the office, a bailiff shall take an oath to faithfully perform those duties and shall give a bond of not less than three thousand dollars, as the appointing judge prescribes, conditioned on the faithful performance of the duties as bailiff.
(2) The board of county commissioners may purchase motor vehicles for the use of the bailiff that the court determines necessary to perform the duties of the office. The board, upon approval by the court, shall pay all expenses, maintenance, and upkeep of the vehicles from the county treasury or other authorized fund. Any allowances, costs, and expenses for the operation of private motor vehicles by the bailiffs for official duties, including the cost of oil, gasoline, and maintenance, shall be prescribed by the court and subject to the approval of the board and shall be paid from the county treasury or other authorized fund.
(B)(1) In a county court district in which no bailiff is appointed pursuant to division (A)(1) of this section, every deputy sheriff of the county, every police officer of a municipal corporation within the jurisdiction of the court, every member of a township or joint police district police force, and every police constable of a township within the county court district is ex officio a bailiff of the court in and for the county, municipal corporation, or township within which the deputy sheriff, police officer, police force member, or police constable is commissioned and shall perform, in respect to cases within that jurisdiction and without additional compensation, any duties that are required by a judge of the court or by the clerk of the court. In a county court in which a bailiff is appointed pursuant to division (A)(1) of this section, every deputy sheriff of the county is ex officio a bailiff of the county court, but shall not perform county court services similar to those performed by the sheriff for the court of common pleas unless those services are requested by the court.
(2) At the request of a county court judge, a deputy sheriff or constable shall attend the county court while a trial is in progress.
(C)(1) Except as provided in division (B)(1) of this section, a bailiff and an ex officio bailiff shall perform for the county court services similar to those performed by the sheriff for the court of common pleas and shall perform any other duties that are required by rule of court.
(2) The bailiff may administer oaths to witnesses and jurors and receive verdicts in the same manner and form and to the same extent as the clerk or deputy clerks of the county court. The bailiff may approve all undertakings and bonds given in actions of replevin and all redelivery bonds in attachments.
(D) Bailiffs and deputy bailiffs are in the unclassified civil service.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 19 | Courts-Municipal-Mayor's-County

Chapter 1907 | County Court - General Provisions

Section 1907.01 | County Court.

Section 1907.011 | Ohio River Jurisdiction.

Section 1907.012 | Jurisdiction Over Violations of Township Resolutions.

Section 1907.02 | Jurisdiction.

Section 1907.03 | Jurisdiction in Civil Actions.

Section 1907.031 | Original Jurisdiction.

Section 1907.032 | Jurisdiction Where Property Not Removed at Expiration of Campsite Use Agreement.

Section 1907.04 | Temporary Location of Court in Event of Emergency.

Section 1907.05 | Jurisdiction Concerning Title to Real Estate.

Section 1907.06 | Jurisdiction in Cases of Replevin - Appraisals of Property.

Section 1907.07 | Balance Not Exceeding $15,000.

Section 1907.08 | Action on Bond or Undertaking.

Section 1907.09 | Judgment Confessed for Sum Not Exceeding $15,000.

Section 1907.10 | Concurrent Criminal Jurisdiction of Mayor's Court.

Section 1907.11 | Number of Judges.

Section 1907.13 | Qualifications of County Court Judges.

Section 1907.131 | Presiding and Administrative Judge.

Section 1907.14 | Oath of Office.

Section 1907.141 | Assigned and Substitute Judges.

Section 1907.142 | Reimbursement and Compensation.

Section 1907.143 | Payment of per Diem Compensation.

Section 1907.15 | Division of County Court District.

Section 1907.16 | Compensation of County Court Judges.

Section 1907.161 | Group Health Care Coverage for County Court Judges.

Section 1907.17 | Commissioners May Provide Additional Compensation.

Section 1907.18 | County Court Judges - Jurisdiction and Authority.

Section 1907.181 | Order for Accused to Appear for Fingerprinting.

Section 1907.19 | Office Space and Materials for Court.

Section 1907.20 | Powers and Duties of County Court Clerk.

Section 1907.201 | Appointment of Employees.

Section 1907.21 | Alphabetical Index to Docket.

Section 1907.22 | Depositing Official Dockets With Successor Clerk.

Section 1907.23 | Receipt for Official Dockets of County Court.

Section 1907.231 | Documentation of Criminal Convictions and Guilty Pleas to Be Retained in Admissible Form.

Section 1907.24 | Schedule of Fees and Costs.

Section 1907.25 | Alternative Methods for Collecting Court Costs; Notice of Balance Due.

Section 1907.251 | Cancellation of Uncollectible Debts.

Section 1907.26 | Transmitting Fees and Costs.

Section 1907.261 | Computerizing Court of Paying Cost of Computerized Legal Research.

Section 1907.262 | Rules for Procedures for Resolution of Disputes.

Section 1907.27 | Determination of Witness Fees.

Section 1907.28 | Jury Selection.

Section 1907.29 | Jury Trial Procedure.

Section 1907.30 | Appeals.

Section 1907.31 | Application of Rules of Procedure.

Section 1907.32 | Arresting Civil Defendant.

Section 1907.33 | Attachment and Garnishment Actions.

Section 1907.34 | Returns Showing Only Real Estate.

Section 1907.35 | Nonresidence.

Section 1907.36 | Recovery of Specific Personal Property Prior to Judgment.

Section 1907.37 | Warrant for Arrest of Witness.

Section 1907.38 | Punishment of Witness.

Section 1907.39 | Costs of Witness.

Section 1907.40 | Liability of Witness.

Section 1907.41 | Arbitration.

Section 1907.42 | Arbitrators and Proceedings.

Section 1907.43 | Award, Judgment, and Execution.

Section 1907.44 | Conclusiveness of Judgment.

Section 1907.45 | County Court Judge May Set Aside Award.

Section 1907.46 | Appeal.

Section 1907.47 | Execution - Proceedings in Aid of Execution.

Section 1907.48 | Judge May Issue Executions for Another Judge.

Section 1907.49 | Revivor.

Section 1907.50 | Service and Return.

Section 1907.51 | Cumulative Remedy.

Section 1907.52 | Service by Publication.

Section 1907.53 | Bailiffs.

Section 1907.531 | County Court Contracts for Transportation of Persons Between Jail and Court.

Section 1907.54 | Appointment of Special Constables - Duties.

Section 1907.55 | Appointment of Special Constable.

Section 1907.56 | Prohibition Against Purchasing of Judgment.

Section 1907.57 | Prohibition Against Failure to Deliver Official Dockets and Papers.