Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 175 | Housing Finance Agency
Section 175.09 | Securing Bonds.

Effective: July 1, 2005
Latest Legislation: House Bill 431 - 125th General Assembly
(A)(1) At the discretion of the Ohio housing finance agency, bonds issued pursuant to this chapter may be secured by a trust agreement between the agency and a corporate trustee, which may be any trust company or financial institution that has the powers of a trust company and is qualified to exercise those trust powers within this state. A trust agreement may pledge or assign the agency's revenues and security interests the agency holds or is to receive. Any trust agreement or resolution that provides for the issuance of bonds may contain reasonable and proper provisions that protect and enforce the rights and remedies of the bondholders and do not violate any law or covenant that sets forth the agency's duties in relation to fees, interest, or other charges imposed for loans the agency makes or purchases, services the agency renders, and the custody, safekeeping, and application of moneys.
(2) Any financial institution or trust company that acts as a depository of the proceeds of bonds, revenues, or reserve funds may furnish indemnifying bonds or pledge securities that the agency requires. The trust agreement may set forth the rights and remedies of the bondholders and the trustee and may restrict the individual right of action by bondholders as is customary in trust agreements or trust indentures securing similar bonds.
(3) A trust agreement may contain provisions the agency considers reasonable and proper for the security of the bondholders, including any provision that may be contained in a resolution under this section, with that provision having the same effect as if it were in a resolution.
(B) Any holder of bonds and the trustee under any trust agreement executed pursuant to division (A) of this section, except to the extent to which the resolution or trust agreement restricts rights, may by suit, action, mandamus, or other proceedings protect and enforce any rights under the laws of this state granted under the trust agreement or included in the resolution that authorizes the issuance of the bonds, and may enforce and compel the performance of all duties required by this chapter, the trust agreement, and the resolution to be performed by the agency or any agency officer, including establishing, charging, and collecting fees, interest, or other charges.
(C) Moneys in the agency's trust estates may be invested as provided in any resolution that authorizes the issuance of its bonds or in any trust agreement that secures those bonds. Income from investments shall be credited to funds as the agency determines, subject to the provisions of any resolution or trust agreement, and investments may be sold at times that the agency determines.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 1 | State Government

Chapter 175 | Housing Finance Agency

Section 175.01 | Definitions.

Section 175.02 | Housing Finance Agency Created - Mission.

Section 175.03 | Members - Appointment - Terms - Compensation.

Section 175.04 | Officers - Quorum - Records - Annual Reports.

Section 175.05 | General Duties and Powers - Attorney General as Legal Representative.

Section 175.051 | Housing Finance Agency Personal Services Fund.

Section 175.052 | Preference to Grants or Loans for Activities That Provide Housing and Housing Assistance to Honorably Discharged Veterans.

Section 175.053 | Duties of Executive Director.

Section 175.06 | Program Duties and Powers - Bonds and Financial Assistance.

Section 175.07 | Notice by Applicant for Funding for Multifamily Rental Housing Construction.

Section 175.08 | Housing Finance Agency Bonds - Proceeds - Sale - Liability - Negotiability.

Section 175.09 | Securing Bonds.

Section 175.10 | Bonds Are Lawful Investments.

Section 175.11 | Housing Development Fund.

Section 175.12 | Liberal Construction of Chapter - Public Records Law - Interagency Cooperation.

Section 175.13 | Enforcement of Agreement With Bondholders - Tax-Exempt Status of Bonds.

Section 175.14 | Inclusion of Reduction of Infant Mortality as Priority Housing Need in Annual Plan.

Section 175.15 | Inclusion of Pregnancy as Priority in Housing Assistance and Local Emergency Shelter Programs.

Section 175.30 | Definitions.

Section 175.31 | Grants for Grads Program.

Section 175.32 | Down Payment Lien.