Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 1728 | Community Redevelopment Corporations
Section 1728.06 | Written Application to Municipal Corporation for Approval of Project.

Effective: September 29, 2011
Latest Legislation: House Bill 153 - 129th General Assembly
Every community urban redevelopment corporation qualifying under this chapter, before proceeding with any project authorized in this chapter, shall make written application to the municipal corporation for approval thereof. The application shall be in such form and shall certify to such facts and data as shall be required by the municipal corporation, and may include but not be limited to:
(A) A general statement of the nature of the proposed project, that the undertaking conforms to all applicable municipal ordinances, that its completion will meet an existing need, and that the project accords with the master plan or official map, if any, of the municipal corporation;
(B) A description of the proposed project outlining the area included and a description of each unit thereof if the project is to be undertaken in units and setting out such architectural and site plans as may be required;
(C) A statement of the estimated cost of the proposed project in such detail as may be required, including the estimated cost of each unit if it is to be so undertaken;
(D) The source, method, and amount of money to be subscribed through the investment of private capital, setting forth the amount of stock or other securities to be issued therefor;
(E) A fiscal plan for the project outlining a schedule of rents, the estimated expenditures for operation and maintenance, payments for interest, amortization of debt and reserves, and payments to the municipal corporation to be made pursuant to a financial agreement to be entered into with the municipal corporation;
(F) A relocation plan providing for the relocation of persons, including families, business concerns, and others, displaced by the project, which relocation plan shall include, but not be limited to, the proposed method for the relocation of residents who will be displaced from their dwelling accommodations in decent, safe, and sanitary dwelling accommodations within their means, or with provision for adjustment payments to bring such accommodations within their means, and without undue hardship, and reasonable moving costs;
(G) The names and tax mailing addresses, as determined from the records of the county auditor not more than five days prior to the submission of the application to the mayor of the municipal corporation, of the owners of all property which the corporation proposes in its application to acquire.
Such application shall be addressed and submitted to the mayor of the municipal corporation, who shall, within sixty days after receipt thereof, submit it with the mayor's recommendations to the governing body. The application shall be a matter of public record upon receipt by the mayor.
The governing body shall by notice published once a week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipal corporation or as provided in section 7.16 of the Revised Code, by written notice, by certified mail or personal service, to the owners of property which the corporation proposes in its application to purchase at the tax mailing address as set forth in the corporation's application, by the putting up of signs in at least five places within the area covered by the application, and by giving written notice, by certified mail or personal service, to community organizations known by the clerk of the governing body to represent a substantial number of the residents of the area covered by the application, advise that the application is on file in the office of the clerk of the governing body of the municipal corporation and is available for inspection by the general public during business hours and advise that a public hearing shall be held thereon, stating the place and time of the public hearing, which time shall be not less than fourteen days after the first publication, or after sending the mailed notice, or after the putting up of the signs, whichever is later.
Following the public hearing and after complying with section 5709.83 of the Revised Code, the governing body, taking into consideration the financial impact on the community, shall by resolution approve or disapprove the application, approval to be by an affirmative vote of not less than three-fifths of the governing body, but in the event of disapproval, changes may be suggested to secure its approval.
An application may be revised or resubmitted in the same manner and subject to the same procedures as an original application. The clerk of the governing body shall diligently discharge the duties imposed on the clerk by this division, provided failure of the clerk to send written notices to all community organizations, in a good faith effort by the clerk to give the required notice, shall not invalidate any proceedings under this chapter. The failure of delivery of notice given by certified mail under this division shall not invalidate any proceedings under this chapter.