Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 1703 | Foreign Corporations
Section 1703.28 | Forfeiture for Transacting Business Without License.

Effective: October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
Any foreign corporation required to be licensed under sections 1703.01 to 1703.31, inclusive, of the Revised Code, which transacts business in this state without being so licensed, or when its license has expired or been canceled and has not been reinstated, shall forfeit not less than two hundred fifty dollars nor more than ten thousand dollars. Such forfeiture shall be recovered in an action in the name of the state brought in the court of common pleas of Franklin county, or in any county in which the corporation has transacted business or has property or a place of business, by the attorney general or by the prosecuting attorney. If such action is brought by the attorney general such forfeiture shall on collection be paid into the state treasury to the credit of the general revenue fund, and if brought by the prosecuting attorney one half of such forfeiture shall on collection be paid to the treasurer of the county in which such action was brought and one half shall be paid into the state treasury to the credit of the general revenue fund. In addition to such forfeiture the court shall require that the corporation pay all amounts it should have paid under sections 1703.01 to 1703.31, inclusive, of the Revised Code, as a filing fee and as annual franchise taxes, plus interest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum, for all years in which the court determines it was transacting business in this state without being so licensed and shall render judgment for such amount. Proceedings for the recovery of such forfeiture, filing fee, and annual franchise taxes must be commenced not later than five years after such corporation has ceased to transact any business in this state.
For good cause shown, the secretary of state, with the consent of the attorney general, may remit the forfeiture or a part thereof, with or without bringing suit and before or after judgment, and the court in which an action is pending for the collection of a forfeiture, may remit all or part of the forfeiture for good cause shown.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 17 | Corporations-Partnerships

Chapter 1703 | Foreign Corporations

Section 1703.01 | Foreign Corporation Definitions.

Section 1703.02 | Corporations Excepted.

Section 1703.03 | License Required.

Section 1703.031 | Notice of Transaction of Business.

Section 1703.04 | Application for License.

Section 1703.041 | Designated Agent.

Section 1703.05 | License Certificate.

Section 1703.06 | Exclusive Use of Name.

Section 1703.07 | Certificate of Merger or Consolidation.

Section 1703.08 | Certificate of Amendment to Articles.

Section 1703.12 | Supplemental License Certificate.

Section 1703.13 | Temporary License.

Section 1703.15 | Cancellation of License.

Section 1703.16 | Expiration or Cancellation Not to Affect Pending Actions.

Section 1703.17 | Surrender of License.

Section 1703.19 | Service of Process on Secretary of State.

Section 1703.191 | Service of Process on Secretary of State in Action Against Unlicensed Foreign Corporation.

Section 1703.20 | Freedom From Attachment.

Section 1703.21 | Evidence.

Section 1703.22 | Recording of Amendment and Certificate for Change of Name.

Section 1703.23 | Notice to Foreign Corporations.

Section 1703.24 | Secretary of State to Keep Records and Make Monthly Report to Tax Commissioner.

Section 1703.25 | Action to Recover Fees Paid Under Protest.

Section 1703.26 | Appeals.

Section 1703.27 | Foreign Nonprofit Corporations.

Section 1703.28 | Forfeiture for Transacting Business Without License.

Section 1703.29 | Unlicensed Foreign Corporation Contracts Not Affected - Corporation Cannot Maintain an Action.

Section 1703.30 | Officer of Unlicensed Foreign Corporation Shall Not Transact Business.

Section 1703.31 | Registration of Corporate Name.

Section 1703.99 | Penalty.