Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 1546 | Division of Parks and Watercraft
Section 1546.14 | Leases to Take and Remove Halite and Coal.

Effective: September 14, 2016
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 293 - 131st General Assembly
The chief of the division of parks and watercraft, with the approval of the director of natural resources, the attorney general, and the governor, may make leases to parties making application for leases granting permission to take and remove halite from beneath the surface of Headlands state park in Lake county, and coal by underground mining methods from beneath the surface of Jefferson state park in Jefferson county and from beneath the surface of Burr Oak state park in Athens and Morgan counties pursuant to lease agreements and real estate transactions that have been entered into not later than January 1, 2011, if the chief finds that such taking and removal will in no way affect the surface of the land or the use of the land as a public park. As the chief deems in the best interest of the state, those leases may be made either upon a royalty or rental basis, and may be either for a term of years or until the economic extraction of the mineral covered by the lease has been completed. Upon request from the lessee of any such lease, the chief may consent to its cancellation, but any equipment or improvement thereon owned by the lessee may be held as security by the chief for payment of all rentals, royalties, and damages due the state at the time of cancellation.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 15 | Conservation of Natural Resources

Chapter 1546 | Division of Parks and Watercraft

Section 1546.01 | Definitions.

Section 1546.02 | Creation of Division; Duties.

Section 1546.021 | Gifts, Devises or Bequests.

Section 1546.03 | Chief of the Division; Administration of Ohio Boating Program.

Section 1546.04 | Adoption of Rules.

Section 1546.05 | Exemptions and Discounts From Certain Fees and Charges.

Section 1546.06 | State Park Purchase Areas.

Section 1546.07 | Telephone Service in Parks, Conservancy Districts, and on Highways.

Section 1546.08 | Testing of Waters Adjacent to Public Swimming Beaches for Bacteria Levels.

Section 1546.09 | Annual Report.

Section 1546.10 | Disposal of Timber, Dredging Operation Spoils and Other Property.

Section 1546.11 | Dedication of State Reservoirs.

Section 1546.12 | Lakes for Use of Public.

Section 1546.13 | Transfer of Lease After Foreclosure Sale.

Section 1546.14 | Leases to Take and Remove Halite and Coal.

Section 1546.15 | Rules and Regulations; Enforcement.

Section 1546.16 | Pilot and Engineer Licenses.

Section 1546.17 | Inspection of Watercraft.

Section 1546.18 | Natural Resources Officer May Take Possession of Boat.

Section 1546.19 | Prohibition Against Use of Firearms or Fireworks in State Parks - Exception.

Section 1546.20 | Care of State Property.

Section 1546.21 | State Park Fund.

Section 1546.22 | Parks Capital Expenses Fund.

Section 1546.23 | Rights Unaffected by Dedication.

Section 1546.30 | Henry T. Beatty Memorial Picnic Area.

Section 1546.31 | Doris Duke Woods Timber Restriction.

Section 1546.90 | Pymatuning Lake Compact.

Section 1546.91 | Director Shall Be Administrator of Compact.

Section 1546.92 | Effect of Child Support Default on License.

Section 1546.99 | Penalty.