Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 1545 | Park Districts
Section 1545.11 | Board of Park Commissioners - Power to Acquire Lands.

Effective: October 20, 1972
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 247 - 109th General Assembly
The board of park commissioners may acquire lands either within or without the park district for conversion into forest reserves and for the conservation of the natural resources of the state, including streams, lakes, submerged lands, and swamplands, and to those ends may create parks, parkways, forest reservations, and other reservations and afforest, develop, improve, protect, and promote the use of the same in such manner as the board deems conducive to the general welfare. Such lands may be acquired by such board, on behalf of said district, (1) by gift or devise, (2) by purchase for cash, by purchase by installment payments with or without a mortgage, by entering into lease-purchase agreements, by lease with or without option to purchase, or, (3) by appropriation. In furtherance of the use and enjoyment of the lands controlled by it, the board may accept donations of money or other property, or may act as trustees of land, money, or other property, and use and administer the same as stipulated by the donor, or as provided in the trust agreement. The terms of each such donation or trust shall first be approved by the probate court before acceptance by the board.
In case of appropriation, the proceedings shall be instituted in the name of the board, and shall be conducted in the manner provided in sections 163.01 to 163.22, inclusive, of the Revised Code.
This section applies to districts created prior to April 16, 1920.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 15 | Conservation of Natural Resources

Chapter 1545 | Park Districts

Section 1545.01 | Park Districts Created.

Section 1545.02 | Application to Probate Judge.

Section 1545.03 | Notice and Hearing.

Section 1545.04 | Evidence - Argument - Judgment.

Section 1545.041 | Conversion of Township Park District - Resolution.

Section 1545.05 | Park Commissioners.

Section 1545.06 | Removal of Park Commissioners - Vacancy.

Section 1545.07 | Board of Park Commissioners - Employees.

Section 1545.071 | Group Insurance.

Section 1545.072 | Policies for the Use of Park District Credit Card.

Section 1545.08 | Reports of Board of Park Commissioners.

Section 1545.081 | Use of Public Funds to Publish Information Regarding Activities Related to Liquor Permits.

Section 1545.09 | Bylaws and Rules.

Section 1545.10 | Contract With Corporation or Association Maintaining Museum of Natural History.

Section 1545.11 | Board of Park Commissioners - Power to Acquire Lands.

Section 1545.12 | Sale or Lease of Lands - Notice - Approval by Probate Court.

Section 1545.13 | Park Commission Employees Designated as Law Enforcement Officers.

Section 1545.131 | Mutual Aid Contracts.

Section 1545.132 | Providing Police Service Without Contract.

Section 1545.14 | Agreement With Other Public Authorities to Assume Control of Parks.

Section 1545.15 | Annexation Procedure.

Section 1545.16 | Powers of Budget Commissioners, Auditors, and Treasurers in Relation to Park Districts.

Section 1545.17 | Improvement of Public Highway.

Section 1545.18 | Assessment of Cost of Improvement - Collection.

Section 1545.19 | Assessment May Be Increased With Consent of Property Owners.

Section 1545.20 | Tax Levy.

Section 1545.21 | Tax Levy for Use of District - Submission to Electors - Bonds.

Section 1545.211 | Anticipation Notes.

Section 1545.22 | Depositories for Funds - Duties of County Treasurer and County Auditor.

Section 1545.23 | Disposition of Proceeds From Sale or Lease of Park Mineral Rights.

Section 1545.24 | Issuance of Bonds.

Section 1545.27 | Bonds Are Lawful Investments.

Section 1545.28 | Replacement Fund.

Section 1545.35 | Dissolution of Active Park District.

Section 1545.36 | Petition for Dissolution of District.

Section 1545.37 | Application for Hearing on Dissolution.

Section 1545.38 | Proceedings for Dissolution of Inactive District.

Section 1545.39 | Ceasing Activity Pending Determination on Petition.

Section 1545.40 | Dissolution.

Section 1545.99 | Penalty.