Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 1533 | Hunting; Fishing
Section 1533.55 | Placement and Maintenance of Nets and Other Fishing Devices in Lake Erie.

Effective: April 20, 2000
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 241 - 123rd General Assembly
Except as otherwise provided by division rule, no person shall draw, set, place, locate, or maintain any net, except a seine, within one-fourth of a mile of any reef in Lake Erie between the first day of May and the tenth day of May, both dates inclusive, and within one-fourth mile of any island or the mainland bordering Lake Erie between the fifteenth day of June and the fifteenth day of September, both dates inclusive. No seine or net of any kind except a minnow net shall be placed, located, pulled, or maintained in Sandusky bay from one hour after sunset on Saturday until one hour before sunrise on the following Monday, or from one hour before sunset on the day before Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day until one hour before sunrise on the day following Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day. No seine shall be set, placed, located, or maintained in Sandusky bay and the inland fishing district during the nighttime from one hour after sunset until one hour before sunrise. No person shall place, set, locate, pull, or maintain a seine, except a minnow seine, in the Lake Erie fishing district during the time from one-half hour after sunset until one-half hour before sunrise, except that a licensee may place, set, locate, pull, or maintain a seine other than a minnow seine in any waters of the Lake Erie fishing district other than Sandusky bay at those times, upon prior notification to the chief of the division of wildlife, or the chief's designated agent, during not more than one week per notification. The notification shall be in writing and shall state the licensee's name and address, date and time of fishing, and location of fishing grounds.
No trap net, crib net, fyke net, or other fishing devices, except a seine which has been authorized to be hauled during the nighttime, shall be lifted, pulled, hauled, or set, nor shall fish be removed therefrom, except during the time from one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset. Each net or other device set, maintained, placed, pulled, lifted, or hauled in violation of this section constitutes a separate offense.
All fish taken from a net or other fishing device, except a seine that has been authorized to be hauled during the nighttime, shall be brought ashore during the time from one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset.
The chief may adopt rules under section 1531.10 of the Revised Code providing that no person shall lay out, pull, lift, draw, set, place, locate, or maintain any net or seine at any other place or places in the Lake Erie fishing district and in other waters wherein fishing with nets or seines is licensed by law wherein such a prohibition is needed for the protection, preservation, or propagation of fish.
No person shall leave a commercial fishing device in a slack manner, or torn parts thereof, in the waters of the Lake Erie fishing district for more than five consecutive days. For the purposes of this section, a fishing device is slack when the anchors to various parts of the device are not holding it in the normal extended manner.
No person shall set or use a net, trotline, or other fishing device, except a trap net or fyke net, in the Lake Erie fishing district without removing all of the fish therefrom at least once during a period of five consecutive days. A trap or fyke net shall have all of the fish removed from the crib or car at least once during such time.
Any net, gill net, or other fishing device set, lifted, pulled, hauled, or used in violation of this chapter or Chapter 1531. of the Revised Code or division rule is a public nuisance and each wildlife officer, or other officer with like authority, may seize and safely keep such a fishing device or part thereof, and the illegal results therefrom, for evidence or forfeiture proceedings unless otherwise ordered by the chief.
No person shall fail to comply with any provision of this section or division rule adopted pursuant to it.
In addition to other penalties provided in the Revised Code, the license of any person who is convicted of two violations of this section that occurred within a twelve-month period is suspended upon the second such conviction by operation of law for a period of five fishing season days immediately following that conviction.
In addition to other penalties provided in the Revised Code, the license of any person who is convicted of three or more violations of this section that occurred within a twelve-month period is suspended upon the third or subsequent such conviction by operation of law for a period of twenty fishing season days immediately following that conviction.
During any period of suspension, no person shall use or engage in fishing within commercial gear owned, used, or controlled at the time of conviction by the licensee whose license has been suspended.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 15 | Conservation of Natural Resources

Chapter 1533 | Hunting; Fishing

Section 1533.01 | Hunting - Fishing Definitions.

Section 1533.02 | Fishing and Trapping Districts - Restrictions on Taking, Possession, and Selling.

Section 1533.03 | Prevention of Authorized Hunting, Trapping, or Fishing Prohibited.

Section 1533.031 | Prevention of Hunting by Creating Noise Prohibited.

Section 1533.04 | Use of Suppressor.

Section 1533.05 | Raptors for Use in Sport of Falconry.

Section 1533.051 | Commercial and Noncommercial Propagation of Raptors.

Section 1533.07 | Protection Afforded Nongame Birds.

Section 1533.08 | Scientific, Educational or Rehabilitation Collection Permits.

Section 1533.081 | Permit for Taking of Wild Animal.

Section 1533.09 | Annual Report of Operations Under Collection Permit - Revocation and Forfeiture of Permit.

Section 1533.10 | Hunting Licenses; Fees; Hunter Education and Conservation Course.

Section 1533.101 | Reissued License, Stamp or Permit.

Section 1533.102 | Apprentice Hunting Licenses and Fur Taker Permits.

Section 1533.103 | All Purpose Vehicles Permits for Mobility-Impaired Persons.

Section 1533.11 | Special Deer or Wild Turkey Permits; Fees; Wildlife Refunds Fund.

Section 1533.111 | Hunting or Trapping Fur Taker Permit - Trapper Education Course.

Section 1533.112 | Annual Wetlands Habitat Stamp Needed to Hunt Ducks, Geese or Brant - Wetlands Habitat Fund.

Section 1533.113 | Rules for Management Permits.

Section 1533.12 | Hunting, Fishing or Trapping Without a License or Permit.

Section 1533.121 | Deer Killed by Motor Vehicle on Highway.

Section 1533.13 | Persons Authorized to Issue Licenses, Stamps and Permits - Application Procedure.

Section 1533.131 | Gift Certificates for Licenses, Permits, and Stamps.

Section 1533.14 | Hunting License or Wetlands Habitat Stamp Not Transferable - License to Be Carried and Exhibited.

Section 1533.15 | Issuing, Dating and Recording Licenses.

Section 1533.151 | Wildlife Conservation Stamps.

Section 1533.16 | Weapons for Taking Game Birds and Wild Quadrupeds.

Section 1533.161 | Prohibiting Jacklighting.

Section 1533.17 | Hunting Without Permission.

Section 1533.171 | Prohibiting Injuring Persons or Property While Hunting.

Section 1533.18 | Recreational User Definitions.

Section 1533.181 | Immunity.

Section 1533.19 | Field Trial Club Permits.

Section 1533.191 | Purchase of Domestically Raised Game Birds for Dog Training Grounds.

Section 1533.20 | Field Trial Areas - Permit.

Section 1533.21 | Club Lands May Be Designated as Field Trial Area.

Section 1533.22 | Signs for Field Trial Areas - Hunting or Trapping Within Areas.

Section 1533.221 | Restricting Filed Trials for Nonresidents.

Section 1533.23 | Fur Dealer's Permit.

Section 1533.24 | Fur Dealer's Daily Record - Forms - Carrier Restrictions.

Section 1533.28 | Wildlife and Fish Restoration Projects in Cooperation With United States.

Section 1533.29 | Prima-Facie Evidence of Guilt.

Section 1533.30 | Transportation of Fish, Game Birds, and Wild Quadrupeds.

Section 1533.301 | Annual Permit for Transporting Fish - Suspension or Revocation.

Section 1533.31 | Shipment of Live Wild Animals.

Section 1533.32 | Fishing Licenses Generally.

Section 1533.321 | Multi-Year or Lifetime Hunting and Fishing Licenses.

Section 1533.322 | Exemption From Fishing License Requirement.

Section 1533.323 | Reciprocity.

Section 1533.324 | Prohibition Against Taking or Selling Mussels.

Section 1533.33 | Fishing License Fees.

Section 1533.34 | License to Use Boat, Net, or Device for Fishing.

Section 1533.341 | Quota Management System.

Section 1533.342 | Commercial Fishing Licenses.

Section 1533.343 | Vessel and Catch Monitoring Devices Required.

Section 1533.35 | Commercial Fishing Device Annual License Fee.

Section 1533.351 | Experimental Fishing Device Annual License Fee.

Section 1533.352 | Reciprocity.

Section 1533.36 | Fishing License Not Transferable - Exception.

Section 1533.37 | Methods of Taking Fish.

Section 1533.40 | Permit to Buy, Sell or Deal in Minnows, Crawfish or Hellgrammites.

Section 1533.41 | Fishing Season for Lake Erie and Other Waters.

Section 1533.42 | Licensee Shall Keep Report for Each Day's Catch.

Section 1533.43 | License Tag to Be Attached to Each Fishing Device.

Section 1533.431 | Numbering and Locating Trap or Fyke Nets.

Section 1533.44 | Fishing Devices Shall Be Marked With Owner's or Operator's Name.

Section 1533.45 | Places Where Nets May Not Be Used.

Section 1533.46 | Splashing to Drive Fish Into Nets Prohibited.

Section 1533.48 | Trotlines.

Section 1533.49 | Size of Mesh and Twine Used in Crib Nets, Trap Nets, and Fyke Nets.

Section 1533.50 | Carp Apron Use Restrictions.

Section 1533.51 | Fishing Guide License.

Section 1533.511 | Fishing Guide Daily Record.

Section 1533.52 | Method of Measuring Nets.

Section 1533.54 | Methods of Fishing.

Section 1533.55 | Placement and Maintenance of Nets and Other Fishing Devices in Lake Erie.

Section 1533.56 | Daily Records of Fish Processing.

Section 1533.57 | Minnows Shall Be Taken Only for Bait.

Section 1533.58 | Prohibition Against Use of Deleterious Substances in Waters of the State.

Section 1533.59 | Prohibition Against Obstructing Natural Transit of Fish.

Section 1533.60 | Fish May Be Taken in Overflows and Private Ponds.

Section 1533.61 | Certain Nets, Traps and Other Devices Exempted.

Section 1533.62 | Locations Where Seine or Net May Be Used.

Section 1533.63 | Legal Length and Weight of Certain Fish.

Section 1533.631 | Permit for Handling Fish at Wholesale.

Section 1533.632 | Regulation of Aquaculture - Permits.

Section 1533.64 | Property Rights in Fish.

Section 1533.641 | Commercial Licenses Revoked on Felony Conviction.

Section 1533.65 | Each Fish Constitutes Separate Offense.

Section 1533.66 | Trespassing Upon Lands Bordering on Fishponds.

Section 1533.67 | Enforcement Procedure.

Section 1533.68 | Suspension or Revocation of License or Permit.

Section 1533.69 | Prosecution for Violation of Division Rule.

Section 1533.71 | License to Raise or Keep Game Birds and Animals.

Section 1533.72 | License to Own or Operate Commercial Bird Shooting Preserve.

Section 1533.721 | Wild Animal Hunting Preserve License - Conditions.

Section 1533.722 | Administrative Penalty.

Section 1533.73 | Commercial Bird Shooting Preserves - Regulations - Leg Bands and Tags.

Section 1533.731 | Wild Animal Hunting Preserves - Regulations.

Section 1533.74 | Tag or Seal Required for Animals Sold for Food.

Section 1533.76 | Division of Wildlife May Purchase Pheasants.

Section 1533.77 | Records of Holder of Propagating License - Inspection of Records.

Section 1533.79 | Control or Eradication of Parasites and Diseases; Authority of the Director of Agriculture.

Section 1533.81 | Waterfowl Hunting Area Permit Required.

Section 1533.82 | Effect of Child Support Default on License, Certificate or Permit.

Section 1533.83 | Shooting Range Definitions.

Section 1533.84 | Shooting Range Standards.

Section 1533.85 | Immunity in Civil Action Concerning Shooting Range Noise.

Section 1533.86 | Ohio Ginseng Management Program Definitions.

Section 1533.87 | Ohio Ginseng Management Program.

Section 1533.88 | Rules.

Section 1533.881 | Resale or Export Registration Permit.

Section 1533.882 | Prohibited Acts.

Section 1533.89 | Enforcement of Statutes and Rules.

Section 1533.891 | Seizure and Forfeiture of Ginseng.

Section 1533.90 | Moneys Paid Into Wildlife Fund.

Section 1533.91 | Nonresident Licenses or Permits - Reciprocal Agreements.

Section 1533.92 | Tag Fishing Tournament on Public Waters - Application for Permit.

Section 1533.93 | Rules for Operation of Tag Fishing Tournaments.

Section 1533.94 | Special Conditions on Permit.

Section 1533.95 | Immunity.

Section 1533.96 | Ineligibility for Permit.

Section 1533.97 | Prohibited Acts.

Section 1533.98 | Certain Tournament Not Prohibited.

Section 1533.99 | Penalty.