Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 1531 | Division of Wildlife
Section 1531.07 | Jurisdiction.

Effective: September 30, 1963
Latest Legislation: House Bill 573 - 105th General Assembly
All lakes, reservoirs, and state lands dedicated to the use of the public for park and pleasure resort purposes shall be under the supervision and control of the chief of the division of wildlife with respect to the enforcement of all laws relating to the protection of birds, fish, and game. All laws for the protection of fish in inland rivers and streams of the state, and all laws for the protection of the birds, fish, and game and fur-bearing animals, shall apply to all such state reservoirs and lakes. No person shall disturb, injure, or destroy a tree, plant, lawn, embankment, decoration, or other property or kill, injure, or disturb a waterfowl, water animal, bird, or game or fur-bearing animal, kept as a semidomestic pet upon an island or within the boundary lines of Buckeye Lake, Indian Lake, The Portage Lakes, Lake St. Marys, Guilford Lake, and Lake Loramie, or any other territory over which the state has jurisdiction or an embankment or state land adjacent thereto. No person shall take or disturb fish in any lagoon or any other portion of any of the waters over which the state has jurisdiction and which have been set aside by the chief for the propagation of fish.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 15 | Conservation of Natural Resources

Chapter 1531 | Division of Wildlife

Section 1531.01 | Division of Wildlife Definitions.

Section 1531.02 | State Ownership of and Title to Wild Animals - Prohibited Activities.

Section 1531.03 | Division of Wildlife - Wildlife Council.

Section 1531.04 | Division of Wildlife - Powers and Duties.

Section 1531.05 | Compensation.

Section 1531.06 | Chief of Division - Powers and Duties.

Section 1531.07 | Jurisdiction.

Section 1531.08 | Chief of Division - Powers and Authority Regarding Wild Animals.

Section 1531.081 | Regulation of Domestic Deer.

Section 1531.09 | Chief of Division May Amend or Rescind Rules After Investigation.

Section 1531.10 | Publication of Rules.

Section 1531.101 | Rules for Taking of Migratory Game Birds.

Section 1531.11 | Violation of Rules Prohibited.

Section 1531.12 | Limitations on Authority of Chief.

Section 1531.13 | Wildlife Officers.

Section 1531.131 | Enforcing Dumping Prohibitions and Nature Preserve and Trail Rules.

Section 1531.132 | Felony Conviction Precludes or Terminates Employment.

Section 1531.133 | Wildlife Violators Compact for Joint Enforcement Operations.

Section 1531.14 | Right of Entry on Land for Research or Investigation.

Section 1531.15 | Division of Wildlife May Take Fish.

Section 1531.16 | Enforcement and Prosecution of Wildlife Laws and Rules.

Section 1531.17 | Wildlife Fund.

Section 1531.18 | Jurisdiction.

Section 1531.19 | Service of Summons on Corporations.

Section 1531.20 | Seizure of Property or Device Used in Unlawful Taking or Transporting of Wild Animals.

Section 1531.201 | Civil Action to Recover Possession or Value of Wild Animal.

Section 1531.202 | Liability for Costs Incurred in Investigation of Death of Wild Animal.

Section 1531.21 | Trial Procedure for Forfeiture or Condemnation.

Section 1531.22 | Payment of Costs.

Section 1531.23 | Judgment for Costs and Fine or Forfeiture - Lien - Failure to Pay.

Section 1531.24 | United States Commissioner of Fisheries Authorized to Establish, Operate, and Maintain Fish Hatcheries in Ohio.

Section 1531.25 | Protection of Species Threatened With Statewide Extinction.

Section 1531.26 | Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Fund.

Section 1531.27 | Payments to Counties for Land Use by State.

Section 1531.28 | Contract With Private Persons for Creation or Improvement of Wildlife Habitat.

Section 1531.29 | Prohibiting Polluting State Land or Water.

Section 1531.30 | Cooperative Management Fund.

Section 1531.31 | Ohio River Management Fund.

Section 1531.32 | Wildlife Habitat Trust Fund.

Section 1531.33 | Wildlife Habitat Fund.

Section 1531.35 | Wildlife Boater Angler Fund.

Section 1531.40 | Nuisance Wild Animal Removal or Control Services; License.

Section 1531.99 | Penalty.