Effective: March 18, 1999
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 187 - 122nd General Assembly
As used in this chapter:
(A) "Canal lands" includes any part of the bed, berm, bank, or slope of any canal, canal basin, or canal reservoir or of any lock, aqueduct, dam, culvert, tunnel, feeder, or side cut formerly a part of any canal system in this state, whether or not abandoned; the outer slope of any towing path embankment formerly a part of any canal system in this state; and any tract of land that was a part of or intended for the use of any canal system in this state. "Canal lands" means only those canal lands that are the property of the state.
(B) "Canal reservoir" means any artificial lake or impoundment that was constructed to provide water to any canal system in this state.
(C) "Domestic use" means the withdrawal of water from a canal or canal reservoir by an individual for outdoor, nonpotable use on residential property by means of a pump or other device that generally has a discharge line with an outside diameter of not more than one and one-half inches.
Structure Ohio Revised Code
Title 15 | Conservation of Natural Resources
Section 1520.01 | Canal Lands Definitions.
Section 1520.03 | Powers and Duties of Director of Natural Resources Over Canal Lands.
Section 1520.04 | Failure to Pay Rentals - Mortgage Foreclosure Suit.
Section 1520.05 | Canal Lands Fund.
Section 1520.06 | Wabash-Erie Canal Lands.
Section 1520.07 | Sale of Timber or Spoils of a Dredging Operation.