Effective: September 14, 2016
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 293 - 131st General Assembly
In the discretion of the director of natural resources any bonds issued under sections 1501.12 to 1501.15, inclusive, of the Revised Code, may be secured by a trust agreement between the director and a corporate trustee, which trustee may be any trust company or bank having the powers of a trust company within or without the state. Such bonds may also be secured by mortgage on such property wholly acquired through the proceeds of the sale of bonds.
Any such trust agreement may pledge or assign revenues to the payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds and reserves therefor as provided in section 1501.14 of the Revised Code but shall not convey or mortgage any property of the state, except as provided in sections 1501.07, 1501.11, 1501.12, and 1501.14 of the Revised Code. Any such trust agreement may contain such provisions for protecting and enforcing the rights and remedies of the bondholders as are reasonable and proper and not in violation of law including provisions for issue of additional revenue bonds for the purposes set forth in section 1501.12 of the Revised Code to be secured ratably with any revenue bonds theretofore or thereafter issued under said section, covenants setting forth the duties of the director and chief of the division of parks and watercraft in relation to the acquisition, improvement, maintenance, operation, repair, and insurance of the lands or interests therein or public service facilities in connection with which such bonds are authorized, the custody, safeguarding, and application of all moneys, the insurance of moneys on hand or on deposit, and the rights and remedies of the trustee and the holders of the bonds, including therein provisions restricting the individual right of action of bondholders as is customary in trust agreements respecting bonds and debentures of corporations, and of the security given by those who contract to construct the project, and by any bank or trust company in which the proceeds of bonds or revenues shall be deposited, and such other provisions as the director deems reasonable and proper for the security of the bondholders. All expenses incurred in carrying out the provisions of any such trust agreement may be treated as a part of the cost of maintenance, operation, and repair of the facilities for which the bonds were issued.
The director shall covenant and agree to maintain, so long as there are outstanding any such bonds payable from revenues, adequate fees, charges, and rentals for the payment of the principal and interest on such bonds and for the creation and maintenance of reserves therefor and reserves for operation, maintenance, replacement, and renewal.
Structure Ohio Revised Code
Title 15 | Conservation of Natural Resources
Chapter 1501 | Department of Natural Resources - General Provisions
Section 1501.01 | Director of Natural Resources - Powers and Duties.
Section 1501.011 | Preparing Plans for Construction and Awarding of Contracts.
Section 1501.013 | Designating Natural Resources Law Enforcement Staff Officers.
Section 1501.02 | Cooperative or Contractual Arrangements With Federal and Local Government.
Section 1501.021 | Expending Funds for Planning and Engineering Studies.
Section 1501.03 | Annual Report.
Section 1501.05 | Division Chiefs and Employees.
Section 1501.06 | Quilter Lodge.
Section 1501.07 | Public Service Facilities in State Park.
Section 1501.08 | State Park Maintenance Fund.
Section 1501.09 | Leasing Public Service Facilities.
Section 1501.091 | Contracts for the Operation of Public Service Facilities.
Section 1501.10 | Lease Provisions.
Section 1501.11 | Revenue From State Parks and Public Service Facilities - State Park Fund.
Section 1501.12 | Issuance of State Park Revenue Bonds.
Section 1501.13 | Securing Bonds by Mortgages and Trust Agreements.
Section 1501.14 | Retiring Bonds.
Section 1501.15 | No Incurring of State Debt Without Constitutional Authorization.
Section 1501.191 | Little Miami Forest Preserve.
Section 1501.21 | Canoe and Boating Routes - Markers.
Section 1501.22 | Water Recreation Hazard Warning Markers.
Section 1501.23 | Clean-Up and Beautification Programs - Volunteers.
Section 1501.24 | Natural Resources Officers.
Section 1501.25 | Effect of Felony Conviction.
Section 1501.29 | Payments to Local Taxing Units.
Section 1501.40 | Coordination and Administration of National and Community Service Act of 1990.
Section 1501.45 | Forfeiture - Distribution of Proceeds - Funds Created.