Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 1308 | Investment Securities
Section 1308.05 | Applicability - Choice of Law - Ucc 8-110.

Effective: July 1, 2001
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 74 - 124th General Assembly
(A) The local law of the issuer's jurisdiction, as specified in division (D) of this section, governs:
(1) The validity of a security;
(2) The rights and duties of the issuer with respect to registration of transfer;
(3) The effectiveness of registration of transfer by the issuer;
(4) Whether the issuer owes any duties to an adverse claimant to a security; and
(5) Whether an adverse claim can be asserted against a person to whom transfer of a certificated or uncertificated security is registered or a person who obtains control of an uncertificated security.
(B) The local law of the securities intermediary's jurisdiction, as specified in division (E) of this section, governs:
(1) Acquisition of a security entitlement from the securities intermediary;
(2) The rights and duties of the securities intermediary and entitlement holder arising out of a security entitlement;
(3) Whether the securities intermediary owes any duties to an adverse claimant to a security entitlement; and
(4) Whether an adverse claim can be asserted against a person who acquires a security entitlement from the securities intermediary or a person who purchases a security entitlement or interest therein from an entitlement holder.
(C) The local law of the jurisdiction in which a security certificate is located at the time of delivery governs whether an adverse claim can be asserted against a person to whom the security certificate is delivered.
(D) "Issuer's jurisdiction" means the jurisdiction under which the issuer of the security is organized or, if permitted by the law of that jurisdiction, the law of another jurisdiction specified by the issuer. An issuer organized under the law of this state may specify the law of another jurisdiction as the law governing the matters specified in divisions (A)(2) to (5) of this section.
(E) The following rules determine a "securities intermediary's jurisdiction" for purposes of this section:
(1) If an agreement between the securities intermediary and its entitlement holder governing the securities account expressly provides that a particular jurisdiction is the securities intermediary's jurisdiction for purposes of Chapter 1308. or 1309. of the Revised Code, that jurisdiction is the securities intermediary's jurisdiction.
(2) If division (E)(1) of this section does not apply and an agreement between the securities intermediary and its entitlement holder governing the securities account expressly provides that the agreement is governed by the law of a particular jurisdiction, that jurisdiction is the securities intermediary's jurisdiction.
(3) If divisions (E)(1) and (2) of this section do not apply and an agreement between the securities intermediary and its entitlement holder governing the securities account expressly provides that the securities account is maintained at an office in a particular jurisdiction, that jurisdiction is the securities intermediary's jurisdiction.
(4) If divisions (E)(1), (2), and (3) of this section do not apply, the securities intermediary's jurisdiction is the jurisdiction in which the office identified in an account statement as the office serving the entitlement holder's account is located.
(5) If divisions (E)(1), (2), (3), and (4) of this section do not apply, the securities intermediary's jurisdiction is the jurisdiction in which the chief executive office of the securities intermediary is located.
(F) A securities intermediary's jurisdiction is not determined by the physical location of certificates representing financial assets, or by the jurisdiction in which is organized the issuer of the financial asset with respect to which an entitlement holder has a security entitlement, or by the location of facilities for data processing or other record keeping concerning the account.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 13 | Commercial Transactions

Chapter 1308 | Investment Securities

Section 1308.01 | Definitions - Ucc 8-102.

Section 1308.02 | Rules for Determining Whether Certain Obligations and Interests Are Securities or Financial Assets - Ucc 8-103.

Section 1308.03 | Overissue Defined - Effect - Ucc 8-210.

Section 1308.04 | Evidentiary Rules Concerning Certificate Securities - Ucc 8-114.

Section 1308.05 | Applicability - Choice of Law - Ucc 8-110.

Section 1308.06 | Clearing Corporation Rules - Ucc 8-111.

Section 1308.07 | Statute of Frauds Inapplicable - Ucc 8-113.

Section 1308.08 | Issuer - Ucc 8-201.

Section 1308.09 | Issuer's Responsibility and Defenses - Notice of Defect or Defense - Ucc 8-202.

Section 1308.10 | Staleness as Notice of Defect or Defense - Ucc 8-203.

Section 1308.11 | Effect of Issuer's Restriction on Transfer - Ucc 8-204 - Issuer's Lien - Ucc 8-209.

Section 1308.12 | Effect of Unauthorized Signature on Security Certificate - Ucc 8-205.

Section 1308.13 | Completion or Alteration of Security Certificate - Ucc 8-206.

Section 1308.14 | Rights and Duties of Issuer With Respect to Registered Owners - Ucc 8-207.

Section 1308.15 | Effect of Signature of Authenticating Trustee, Registrar, or Transfer Agent - Ucc 8-208.

Section 1308.16 | Rights of Purchaser - Ucc 8-302.

Section 1308.17 | Protected Purchaser - Ucc 8-303.

Section 1308.18 | Acquisition of Security or Financial Asset or Interest Therein - Ucc 8-104.

Section 1308.19 | Notice of Adverse Claim - Ucc 8-105.

Section 1308.20 | Warranties in Direct Holding - Ucc 8-108.

Section 1308.21 | Warranties in Indirect Holding - Ucc 8-109.

Section 1308.22 | Indorsement - Ucc 8-304.

Section 1308.23 | Whether Indorsement, Instruction, or Entitlement Order Is Effective - Ucc 8-107.

Section 1308.24 | Control - Ucc 8-106.

Section 1308.25 | Instruction - Ucc 8-305.

Section 1308.26 | Effect of Guaranteeing Signature, Indorsement, or Instruction - Ucc 8-306.

Section 1308.27 | Delivery - Ucc 8-301.

Section 1308.29 | Fulfilling Duty to Transfer.

Section 1308.30 | Wrongful Transfer of Security.

Section 1308.31 | Purchaser's Right to Requisites for Registration of Transfer - Ucc 8-307.

Section 1308.32 | Creditor's Legal Process - Ucc 8-112.

Section 1308.33 | Securities Intermediary and Others Not Liable to Adverse Claimant - Ucc 8-115 - Securities Intermediary as Purchaser for Value - Ucc 8-116.

Section 1308.37 | Duty of Issuer to Register Transfer - Ucc 8-401.

Section 1308.38 | Assurance That Indorsement or Instruction Is Effective - Ucc 8-402.

Section 1308.39 | Demand That Issuer Not Register Transfer - Ucc 8-403.

Section 1308.40 | Wrongful Registration - Ucc 8-404.

Section 1308.41 | Obligation to Notify Issuer of Lost, Destroyed or Wrongfully Taken Security Certificate - Ucc 8-406 - Replacement of Lost, Destroyed, or Wrongfully Taken Security Certificate - Ucc 8-405.

Section 1308.42 | Authenticating Trustee, Transfer Agent, and Registrar - Ucc 8-407.

Section 1308.51 | Securities Account - Acquisition of Security Entitlement From Securities Intermediary - Ucc 8-501.

Section 1308.52 | Assertion of Adverse Claim Against Entitlement Holder - Ucc 8-502.

Section 1308.53 | Property Interest of Entitlement Holder in Financial Asset Held by Securities Intermediary - Ucc 8-503.

Section 1308.54 | Duty of Securities Intermediary to Maintain Financial Asset - Ucc 8-504.

Section 1308.55 | Duty of Securities Intermediary With Respect to Payments and Distributions - Ucc 8-505.

Section 1308.56 | Duty of Securities Intermediary to Exercise Rights as Directed by Entitlement Holder - Ucc 8-506.

Section 1308.57 | Duty of Securities Intermediary to Comply With Entitlement Holder - Ucc 8-507.

Section 1308.58 | Duty of Securities Intermediary to Change Entitlement Holder's Position to Other Form of Security Holding - Ucc 8-508.

Section 1308.59 | Specification of Duties of Securities Intermediary by Other Statute or Regulation Manner of Performance of Duties of Securities Intermediary and Exercise of Rights of Entitlement Holder - Ucc 8-509.

Section 1308.60 | Rights of Purchaser of Security Entitlement From Entitlement Holder - Ucc 8-510.

Section 1308.61 | Priority Among Security Interests and Entitlement Holders - Ucc 8-511.