North Dakota Century Code
Title 49 - Public Utilities
Chapter 49-22.1 - Energy Conversion and Transmission Facilities

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Structure North Dakota Century Code

North Dakota Century Code

Title 49 - Public Utilities

Chapter 49-01 - Public Service Commission

Chapter 49-02 - Powers of Commission Generally

Chapter 49-03 - Electric Utility Franchise

Chapter 49-03.1 - Franchise for Certain Public Utilities

Chapter 49-04 - Duties of Public Utilities

Chapter 49-04.1 - Actions for Bypassing, Tampering or Unauthorized Metering

Chapter 49-05 - Procedure on Regulation of Public Utilities

Chapter 49-06 - Valuation of Public Utility Property

Chapter 49-07 - Penal Provisions

Chapter 49-08 - Railroad Corporations [Repealed]

Chapter 49-09 - Acquiring and Transferring Utility Property

Chapter 49-09.1 - Railroad Right of Way Crossings

Chapter 49-10 - Fuel Rates [Repealed]

Chapter 49-10.1 - Railroad Regulation by Public Service Commission

Chapter 49-11 - Railroad Bridges, Crossings, Intersections, and Fences

Chapter 49-12 - Railway Stations and Station Yard Service [Repealed]

Chapter 49-13 - Railroad Safety Requirements [Repealed]

Chapter 49-14 - Freight and Passenger Service of Railroads [Repealed]

Chapter 49-15 - Regulation of Railroad Rates [Repealed]

Chapter 49-16 - Liability of Railroads for Negligence

Chapter 49-17 - Offenses Against Railroads [Repealed]

Chapter 49-17.1 - Rail Service Assistance

Chapter 49-17.2 - Regional Railroad Authorities [Repealed]

Chapter 49-18 - Motor Carriers [Repealed]

Chapter 49-19 - Common Pipeline Carriers

Chapter 49-20 - Electric Companies

Chapter 49-21 - Telecommunications Companies

Chapter 49-21.1 - Electric Transmission Lines

Chapter 49-22 - Energy Conversion and Transmission Facility Siting Act

Chapter 49-22.1 - Energy Conversion and Transmission Facilities

Chapter 49-23 - One-Call Excavation Notice System

Chapter 49-24 - North Dakota Transmission Authority [Redesignated]