North Dakota Century Code
Title 32 - Judicial Remedies
Chapter 32-29 - Arbitration [Repealed]

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Structure North Dakota Century Code

North Dakota Century Code

Title 32 - Judicial Remedies

Chapter 32-01 - General Provisions

Chapter 32-02 - Qualifications of Sureties

Chapter 32-03 - Damages and Compensatory Relief

Chapter 32-03.1 - Good Samaritan Act

Chapter 32-03.2 - Fault, Damages, and Payments

Chapter 32-03.3 - Charitable Organization Immunity

Chapter 32-03.4 - Structured Settlement Transfers

Chapter 32-04 - Specific Relief

Chapter 32-05 - Preventive Relief

Chapter 32-06 - Injunction

Chapter 32-07 - Claim and Delivery

Chapter 32-07.1 - Crime Profits Recovery

Chapter 32-08 - Attachment [Repealed]

Chapter 32-08.1 - Attachment

Chapter 32-09 - Garnishment [Repealed]

Chapter 32-09.1 - Garnishment

Chapter 32-10 - Receivers

Chapter 32-11 - Deposit

Chapter 32-12 - Actions by and Against State

Chapter 32-12.1 - Governmental Liability

Chapter 32-12.2 - Claims Against the State

Chapter 32-13 - Actions in Place of Scire Facias and Quo Warranto

Chapter 32-14 - Actions to Recover Forfeitures

Chapter 32-15 - Eminent Domain

Chapter 32-16 - Action for Partition of Real Property

Chapter 32-17 - Actions to Quiet Title and Determine Claims to Real Estate

Chapter 32-18 - Cancellation of Land Contracts

Chapter 32-19 - Foreclosure of Real Estate Mortgages by Action

Chapter 32-19.1 - Short-Term Mortgage Redemption Act [Repealed]

Chapter 32-19.2 - Trustees for Commercial Buildings During Foreclosures

Chapter 32-20 - Foreclosure of Liens on Personal Property

Chapter 32-21 - Death by Wrongful Act

Chapter 32-22 - Habeas Corpus

Chapter 32-23 - Declaratory Judgments

Chapter 32-24 - Certification of Question of Law to Supreme Court [Superseded by North Dakota Rules of Appellate Procedure]

Chapter 32-25 - Conversion of Grain by Public Warehouse

Chapter 32-26 - Administration of Assignment for Benefit of Creditors

Chapter 32-27 - Establishing Citizenship

Chapter 32-28 - Change of Names of Persons and Places

Chapter 32-29 - Arbitration [Repealed]

Chapter 32-29.1 - Arbitration of Medical Malpractice Claims [Repealed]

Chapter 32-29.2 - Uniform Arbitration Act [Repealed]

Chapter 32-29.3 - Uniform Arbitration Act

Chapter 32-29.4 - Uniform Family Law Arbitration Act

Chapter 32-30 - Proceedings Against Joint Debtors

Chapter 32-31 - Foreclosure of Tax Liens

Chapter 32-32 - Special Proceedings, General Provisions

Chapter 32-33 - Writ of Certiorari

Chapter 32-34 - Writ of Mandamus

Chapter 32-35 - Writ of Prohibition

Chapter 32-36 - Illegitimacy [Repealed]

Chapter 32-37 - Establishing Date and Place of Birth

Chapter 32-38 - Contribution Among Tort-Feasors

Chapter 32-39 - Voluntary Partial Payment of Claims

Chapter 32-40 - Environmental Law Enforcement

Chapter 32-40.1 - Lender Liability for Environmental Damage

Chapter 32-40.2 - Environmental Audits

Chapter 32-41 - Uniform Foreign-Money Claims Act

Chapter 32-42 - Alternative Dispute Resolution

Chapter 32-43 - Uniform Correction or Clarification of Defamation Act

Chapter 32-44 - Defamation of Agricultural Products and Management Practices

Chapter 32-45 - Year 2000 Disruption Actions [Expired]

Chapter 32-46 - Asbestos-Related Liability of Successor

Chapter 32-46.1 - Asbestos Bankruptcy Trust Transparency

Chapter 32-46.2 - Asbestos Civil Actions

Chapter 32-47 - Landowner Immunity for Trespasser Injury

Chapter 32-48 - Business Immunity From COVID-19 Liability Claims