North Dakota Century Code
Title 12 - Corrections, Parole, and Probation
Chapter 12-55 - Reprieve, Commutation, Pardon, and Parole [Repealed]

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Structure North Dakota Century Code

North Dakota Century Code

Title 12 - Corrections, Parole, and Probation

Chapter 12-01 - Definition, Classification, Application [Repealed]

Chapter 12-02 - Parties [Repealed]

Chapter 12-03 - Conspiracy [Repealed]

Chapter 12-04 - Attempt to Commit Crime [Repealed]

Chapter 12-05 - Defenses [Repealed]

Chapter 12-06 - Punishments [Repealed]

Chapter 12-07 - Treason, Misprision of Treason, and Desecration of the Flag [Repealed]

Chapter 12-08 - Offenses by and Against Executive and Administrative Officers [Repealed]

Chapter 12-09 - Offenses Against the Legislative Power [Repealed]

Chapter 12-10 - Offenses Against Public Property and Revenue [Repealed]

Chapter 12-11 - Offenses Against the Elective Franchise [Repealed]

Chapter 12-12 - Bribery and Misconduct of Judicial Officers [Repealed]

Chapter 12-13 - Offenses Involving Judicial and Public Records [Repealed]

Chapter 12-14 - Perjury and Subornation of Perjury [Repealed]

Chapter 12-15 - Falsifying, Destroying, or Suppressing Evidence [Repealed]

Chapter 12-16 - Rescues, Escapes, and Aiding Therein [Repealed]

Chapter 12-17 - Miscellaneous Offenses Against Public Justice [Repealed]

Chapter 12-18 - Offenses Against the Public Safety [Repealed]

Chapter 12-19 - Offenses Against the Public Peace and Suppression Thereof [Repealed]

Chapter 12-20 - Dueling [Repealed]

Chapter 12-21 - Offenses Against Religion and Conscience [Repealed]

Chapter 12-21.1 - Sunday Business and Labor Prohibitions [Repealed]

Chapter 12-22 - Offenses Against Public Decency and Morals [Repealed]

Chapter 12-23 - Gambling [Repealed]

Chapter 12-24 - Lotteries [Repealed]

Chapter 12-25 - Abortion - Concealing Death of Child [Repealed]

Chapter 12-26 - Assault and Battery [Repealed]

Chapter 12-27 - Homicide [Repealed]

Chapter 12-28 - Libel and Slander [Repealed]

Chapter 12-29 - Maiming [Repealed]

Chapter 12-30 - Rape and Carnal Abuse [Repealed]

Chapter 12-31 - Robbery [Repealed]

Chapter 12-32 - Seduction and Abduction [Repealed]

Chapter 12-33 - Suicide [Repealed]

Chapter 12-34 - Arson [Repealed]

Chapter 12-35 - Burglary and Housebreaking [Repealed]

Chapter 12-36 - Embezzlement [Repealed]

Chapter 12-37 - Extortion [Repealed]

Chapter 12-38 - False Personations and Cheats - Swindling [Repealed]

Chapter 12-39 - Forgery and Counterfeiting [Repealed]

Chapter 12-40 - Larceny [Repealed]

Chapter 12-41 - Malicious Offenses Against Property [Repealed]

Chapter 12-42 - Miscellaneous Offenses [Repealed]

Chapter 12-43 - Sale of Tobacco and Contraceptives [Repealed]

Chapter 12-44 - County Jails and Workhouses [Repealed]

Chapter 12-44.1 - Jails and Regional Correction Centers

Chapter 12-45 - Death of Inmates

Chapter 12-46 - North Dakota Youth Correctional Center

Chapter 12-47 - The Penitentiary

Chapter 12-48 - Employment of Inmates of the Penitentiary

Chapter 12-48.1 - Work Release Programs

Chapter 12-49 - Penitentiary Twine and Cordage Plant [Repealed]

Chapter 12-50 - The Death Sentence and Execution Thereof [Repealed]

Chapter 12-51 - Missouri River Correctional Center [Repealed]

Chapter 12-52 - Aftercare Program for Youth Correctional Center

Chapter 12-53 - Suspended Sentence [Repealed]

Chapter 12-54 - Diminution of Sentence to the Penitentiary for Good Conduct [Repealed]

Chapter 12-54.1 - Sentence Reduction for Good or Meritorious Conduct

Chapter 12-55 - Reprieve, Commutation, Pardon, and Parole [Repealed]

Chapter 12-55.1 - Pardon Advisory Board

Chapter 12-56 - Out-of-State Parolee Supervision [Repealed]

Chapter 12-56.1 - Interstate Parolees and Probationers [Repealed]

Chapter 12-57 - Relief for Wrongful Imprisonment [Repealed]

Chapter 12-58 - Criminal Identification [Repealed]

Chapter 12-59 - Parole

Chapter 12-60 - Bureau of Criminal Investigation

Chapter 12-60.1 - Sealing Criminal Records

Chapter 12-61 - Combined Law Enforcement Council [Repealed]

Chapter 12-62 - Criminal Justice Training and Statistics Division

Chapter 12-63 - Peace Officer Standards, Training, and Licensing

Chapter 12-64 - Procedures for Handling Domestic Violence [Repealed]

Chapter 12-65 - Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision

Chapter 12-66 - Interstate Compact for Juveniles

Chapter 12-67 - Home Detention and Monitoring for Certain Offenders

Chapter 12-68 - Missing Person Reports