74G-8. Minimum standards for campus police officers.
Applicants for commission as a campus police officer and a commissioned campus police officer must meet and maintain the same minimum preemployment and in-service standards as are required for State law enforcement officers by the North Carolina Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission and must meet and maintain any other preemployment and in-service requirements set by the Attorney General. (2005-231, s. 1.)
Structure North Carolina General Statutes
North Carolina General Statutes
Chapter 74G - Campus Police Act
§ 74G-4 - Powers of Attorney General.
§ 74G-5 - Campus police program records.
§ 74G-5.1 - Campus police agency records.
§ 74G-6 - Oaths, powers, and authority of campus police officers.
§ 74G-7 - Badges, uniforms, weapons, and vehicles.
§ 74G-8 - Minimum standards for campus police officers.
§ 74G-9 - Compensation of campus police officers.
§ 74G-10 - Expiration, renewal, and termination of agency certification or officer commission.