77-8. Repairing breaks.
Wherever any stream of water which is used to propel machinery shall be by freshet or otherwise diverted from its usual channel so as to impair its power as used by any person, such person shall have power to repair the banks of such stream at the place where the break occurs, so as to cause the stream to return to its former channel. (1879, c. 53, s. 1; Code, s. 3716; Rev., s. 5305; C.S., s. 7372.)
Structure North Carolina General Statutes
North Carolina General Statutes
Chapter 77 - Rivers, Creeks, and Coastal Waters
Article 1 - Commissioners for Opening and Clearing Streams.
§ 77-1 - County commissioners to appoint commissioners.
§ 77-2 - Flats and appurtenances procured.
§ 77-3 - Laid off in districts; passage for fish.
§ 77-4 - Gates and slopes on milldams.
§ 77-5 - Owner to maintain gate and slope.
§ 77-6 - Gates and slopes discontinued.
§ 77-7 - Failure of owner of dam to keep gates, etc.