North Carolina General Statutes
Article 9 - North Carolina Cemetery Act.
§ 65-61 - Required trust fund for care and maintenance; remedy of Commission for noncompliance.

65-61. Required trust fund for care and maintenance; remedy of Commission for noncompliance.
No cemetery company shall be permitted to establish, or operate if already established, a cemetery unless provision is made for the future care and maintenance of such cemetery by establishing a trust fund and designating a corporate trustee to administer said fund in accordance with a written trust agreement. If any cemetery company refuses or otherwise fails to provide or maintain an adequate care and maintenance trust fund in accordance with the provisions of this Article, the Commission, after reasonable notice, shall proceed to enforce compliance under the powers vested in it under this Article; provided any nonprofit cemetery corporation, incorporated and engaged in the cemetery business continuously since and prior to 1915 and whose current trust assets exceed seven hundred fifty thousand dollars ($750,000) shall not be required to designate a corporate trustee. The trust fund agreement shall contain and include the following: name, location, and address of both the licensee and the trustee showing the date of agreement together with the amounts required deposited as stated in this Article. No person shall withdraw or transfer any portion of the corpus of the care and maintenance trust fund without first obtaining written consent from the Commission. (1943, c. 644, s. 9; 1957, c. 529, s. 3; 1967, c. 1009, s. 9; 1975, c. 768, s. 1; 1977, c. 686, s. 13.)

Structure North Carolina General Statutes

North Carolina General Statutes

Chapter 65 - Cemeteries

Article 9 - North Carolina Cemetery Act.

§ 65-46 - Short title.

§ 65-47 - Scope.

§ 65-48 - Definitions.

§ 65-49 - The North Carolina Cemetery Commission.

§ 65-50 - Cemetery Commission; members, selection, quorum.

§ 65-51 - Principal office.

§ 65-52 - Regular and special meetings.

§ 65-53 - Powers.

§ 65-53.1 - Inspectors.

§ 65-54 - Annual budget of Commission; collection of funds.

§ 65-54.1 - Commission records are confidential.

§ 65-55 - License; cemetery company.

§ 65-56 - Existing companies; effect of Article.

§ 65-57 - Licenses for sales organizations, management organizations and brokers.

§ 65-58 - Licenses for persons selling preneed grave space.

§ 65-59 - Application for a change of control; filing fee.

§ 65-60 - Records.

§ 65-60.1 - Trustees; qualifications; examination of records; enforcement.

§ 65-61 - Required trust fund for care and maintenance; remedy of Commission for noncompliance.

§ 65-62 - Individual contracts for care and maintenance.

§ 65-63 - Requirements for perpetual care fund.

§ 65-64 - Deposits to perpetual care fund.

§ 65-65 - Trust fund; financial reports.

§ 65-66 - Receipts from sale of personal property or services; trust account; penalties.

§ 65-67 - Applications for license.

§ 65-68 - License not assignable or transferable.

§ 65-69 - Minimum acreage; sale or disposition of cemetery lands.

§ 65-70 - Construction of mausoleums and belowground crypts; trust fund for receipts from sale of preconstruction crypts; compliance requirements.

§ 65-71 - Penalties.

§ 65-72 - Burial without regard to race or color.

§ 65-73 - Validation of certain deeds for cemetery lots executed by suspended corporations.