62-137. Scope of rate case.
In setting a hearing on rates upon its own motion, upon complaint, or upon application of a public utility, the Commission shall declare the scope of the hearing by determining whether it is to be a general rate case, under G.S. 62-133, or whether it is to be a case confined to the reasonableness of a specific single rate, a small part of the rate structure, or some classification of users involving questions which do not require a determination of the entire rate structure and overall rate of return. The procedures established in this section shall not be required when pricing alternatives permitted under G.S. 62-134(h) and (j) are adopted. (1963, c. 1165, s. 1; 1989, c. 112, s. 4.)
Structure North Carolina General Statutes
North Carolina General Statutes
Article 7 - Rates of Public Utilities.
§ 62-130 - Commission to make rates for public utilities.
§ 62-131 - Rates must be just and reasonable; service efficient.
§ 62-133.1 - Small water and sewer utility rates.
§ 62-133.1A - Fair value determination of government-owned water and wastewater systems.
§ 62-133.1B - Water and Sewer Investment Plan ratemaking mechanism authorized.
§ 62-133.2 - Fuel and fuel-related charge adjustments for electric utilities.
§ 62-133.4 - Gas cost adjustment for natural gas local distribution companies.
§ 62-133.5 - Alternative regulation, tariffing, and deregulation of telecommunications utilities.
§ 62-133.6 - Environmental compliance costs recovery.
§ 62-133.7A - Rate adjustment mechanism for natural gas local distribution company rates.
§ 62-133.8 - Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard (REPS).
§ 62-133.9 - Cost recovery for demand-side management and energy efficiency measures.
§ 62-133.11 - Rate adjustment for changes in costs based on third-party rates.
§ 62-133.12A - Customer usage tracking rate adjustment mechanisms for water and wastewater rates.
§ 62-133.12B - Computation of income tax expense for ratemaking purposes; taxable contributions.
§ 62-133.16 - Performance-based regulation authorized.
§ 62-133.20 - Cleanfields renewable energy demonstration parks.
§ 62-134 - Change of rates; notice; suspension and investigation.
§ 62-135 - Temporary rates under bond.
§ 62-137 - Scope of rate case.
§ 62-139 - Rates varying from schedule prohibited; refunding overcharge; penalty.
§ 62-140 - Discrimination prohibited.
§ 62-141 - Long and short hauls.
§ 62-142 - Contracts as to rates.
§ 62-143 - Schedule of rates to be evidence.
§ 62-144 - Free transportation.
§ 62-145 - Rates between points connected by more than one route.
§ 62-146 - Rates and service of motor common carriers of property.
§ 62-146.1 - Rates and service of bus companies.
§ 62-148 - Rates on leased or controlled utility.
§ 62-149 - Unused tickets to be redeemed.
§ 62-150 - Ticket may be refused intoxicated person; penalty for prohibited entry.
§ 62-151 - Passenger refusing to pay fare or violating rules may be ejected.
§ 62-152.1 - Uniform rates; joint rate agreements among carriers.
§ 62-152.2 - Standard transportation practices.
§ 62-153 - Contracts of public utilities with certain companies and for services.
§ 62-154 - Surplus power rates.
§ 62-155 - Electric power rates to promote conservation.
§ 62-156 - Power sales by small power producers to public utilities.
§ 62-157 - Telecommunications relay service.
§ 62-158 - Natural gas expansion.
§ 62-159 - Additional funding for natural gas expansion.