North Carolina General Statutes
Article 5 - Revised Uniform Limited Partnership Act.
§ 59-1063 - Effects of conversion.

59-1063. Effects of conversion.
(a) When the conversion takes effect:
(1) The converting domestic limited partnership ceases its prior form of organization and continues in existence as the resulting business entity;
(2) The title to all real estate and other property owned by the converting domestic limited partnership continues vested in the resulting business entity without reversion or impairment;
(3) All liabilities of the converting domestic limited partnership continue as liabilities of the resulting business entity;
(4) A proceeding pending by or against the converting domestic limited partnership may be continued as if the conversion did not occur; and
(5) The interests in the converting domestic limited partnership that are to be converted into interests, obligations, or securities of the resulting business entity or into the right to receive cash or other property are thereupon so converted, and the former holders of interests in the converting domestic limited partnership are entitled only to the rights provided in the plan of conversion.
The conversion shall not affect the liability or absence of liability of any holder of an interest in the converting domestic limited partnership for any acts, omissions, or obligations of the converting domestic limited partnership made or incurred prior to the effectiveness of the conversion. The cessation of the existence of the converting domestic limited partnership in its form of organization as a domestic limited partnership in the conversion shall not constitute a dissolution or termination of the converting domestic limited partnership.
(b) If the resulting business entity is not a domestic corporation or a domestic limited liability company when the conversion takes effect, the resulting business entity is deemed:
(1) To agree that it may be served with process in this State for enforcement of (i) any obligation of the converting domestic limited partnership, and (ii) any obligation of the resulting business entity arising from the conversion; and
(2) To have appointed the Secretary of State as its agent for service of process in any such proceeding. Service on the Secretary of State of any such process shall be made by delivering to and leaving with the Secretary of State, or with any clerk authorized by the Secretary of State to accept service of process, duplicate copies of the process and the fee required by G.S. 59-1106(b). Upon receipt of service of process on behalf of a resulting business entity in the manner provided for in this section, the Secretary of State shall immediately mail a copy of the process by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the resulting business entity. If the resulting business entity is authorized to transact business or conduct affairs in this State, the address for mailing shall be its principal office designated in the latest document filed with the Secretary of State that is authorized by law to designate the principal office or, if there is no principal office on file, its registered office. If the resulting business entity is not authorized to transact business or conduct affairs in this State, the address for mailing shall be the mailing address designated pursuant to G.S. 59-1062(a)(2). (2001-387, s. 142.)

Structure North Carolina General Statutes

North Carolina General Statutes

Chapter 59 - Partnership

Article 5 - Revised Uniform Limited Partnership Act.

§ 59-101 - Short title.

§ 59-102 - Definitions.

§ 59-103 - Name.

§ 59-105 - Registered office and registered agent.

§ 59-106 - Records to be kept.

§ 59-107 - Nature of business.

§ 59-108 - Business transactions of partner with the partnership.

§ 59-201 - Certificate of limited partnership.

§ 59-202 - Amendment to certificate.

§ 59-203 - Cancellation of certificate.

§ 59-204 - Execution of documents.

§ 59-205 - Execution by judicial act.

§ 59-206 - Filing requirements.

§ 59-207 - Liability for false statement in certificate.

§ 59-208 - Notice.

§ 59-209 - Certificate of existence.

§ 59-210 - Limited liability limited partnerships.

§ 59-301 - Admission of limited partners.

§ 59-302 - Voting.

§ 59-303 - Liability to third parties.

§ 59-304 - Person erroneously believing himself limited partner.

§ 59-305 - Information.

§ 59-401 - Admission of additional general partners.

§ 59-402 - Events of withdrawal.

§ 59-403 - General powers and liabilities.

§ 59-404 - Contributions by a general partner.

§ 59-405 - Voting.

§ 59-501 - Form of contribution.

§ 59-502 - Liability for contributions.

§ 59-503 - Sharing income, gain, loss, deduction or credit.

§ 59-504 - Sharing of distributions.

§ 59-601 - Interim distributions.

§ 59-602 - Withdrawal of general partner.

§ 59-603 - Withdrawal of limited partner.

§ 59-604 - Distribution upon withdrawal.

§ 59-605 - Distribution in kind.

§ 59-606 - Right to distribution.

§ 59-607 - Limitations on distribution.

§ 59-608 - Liability upon return of contribution.

§ 59-701 - Nature of partnership interest.

§ 59-702 - Assignment of partnership interest.

§ 59-703 - Rights of creditor.

§ 59-704 - Right of assignee to become limited partner.

§ 59-705 - Power of estate of deceased or incompetent partner.

§ 59-801 - Nonjudicial dissolution.

§ 59-802 - Judicial dissolution.

§ 59-803 - Winding up.

§ 59-804 - Distribution of assets.

§ 59-901 - Law governing.

§ 59-902 - Registration.

§ 59-903 - Issuance of registration.

§ 59-904 - Name.

§ 59-905 - Changes and amendments.

§ 59-906 - Cancellation of registration.

§ 59-907 - Transaction of business without registration.

§ 59-908 - Action by Attorney General.

§ 59-909 - Withdrawal of foreign limited partnership by reason of a merger, consolidation, or conversion.

§ 59-1001 - Right of action.

§ 59-1002 - Proper plaintiff.

§ 59-1003 - Pleading.

§ 59-1004 - Expenses.

§ 59-1005 - Dismissal of action.

§ 59-1006 - Construction.

§ 59-1050 - Conversion.

§ 59-1051 - Plan of conversion.

§ 59-1052 - Filing of certificate of limited partnership.

§ 59-1053 - Effects of conversion.

§ 59-1054 - Recodified as § 59-1070 by Session Laws 2001-387, s143.

§ 59-1055 - Recodified as § 59-1071 by Session Laws 2001-387, s143.

§ 59-1056 - Recodified as § 59-1072 by Session Laws 2001-387, s143.

§ 59-1057 - Recodified as § 59-1073 by Session Laws 2001-387, s143.

§ 59-1060 - Conversion.

§ 59-1061 - Plan of conversion.

§ 59-1062 - Articles of conversion.

§ 59-1063 - Effects of conversion.

§ 59-1070 - Merger.

§ 59-1071 - Plan of merger.

§ 59-1072 - Articles of merger.

§ 59-1073 - Effects of merger.

§ 59-1101 - Construction and application.

§ 59-1102 - Rules for cases not provided for in this Article.

§ 59-1103 - Severability.

§ 59-1104 - Effective date and repeal.

§ 59-1106 - Filing, service, and copying fees.

§ 59-1107 - Income taxation.