North Carolina General Statutes
Article 41 - Insurance Regulatory Reform Act.
§ 58-41-50 - Policy form and rate filings; punitive damages; data required to support filings.

58-41-50. Policy form and rate filings; punitive damages; data required to support filings.
(a) With the exception of inland marine insurance that is not written according to manual rates and rating plans, all policy forms must be filed with and either approved by the Commissioner or 90 days have elapsed and he has not disapproved the form before they may be used in this State. With respect to liability insurance policy forms, an insurer may exclude or limit coverage for punitive damages awarded against its insured.
(b) With the exception of inland marine insurance that is not written according to manual rates and rating plans, all rates or prospective loss cost multipliers by licensed fire and casualty companies or their designated statistical organizations must be filed with the Commissioner at least 60 days before they may be used in this State. Any filing may become effective on a date earlier than that specified in this subsection upon agreement between the Commissioner and the filer.
(c) A filing that does not include the statistical and rating information required by subsections (d) and (e) of this section is not a proper filing, and will be returned to the filing insurer or organization. The filer may then remedy the defects in the filing. An otherwise defective filing thus remedied shall be deemed to be a proper filing, except that all periods of time specified in this Article will run from the date the Commissioner receives additional or amended documents necessary to remedy all material defects in the filing.
(d) The following information must be included in each policy form, rule, and rate filing:
(1) A detailed list of the rates, rules, and policy forms filed, accompanied by a list of those superseded; and
(2) A detailed description, properly referenced, of all changes in policy forms, rules, and rates, including the effect of each change.
(e) Each policy form, rule, and rate filing that is based on statistical data must be accompanied by the following properly identified information:
(1) North Carolina earned premiums at the actual and current rate level; losses and loss adjustment expenses, each on paid and incurred bases without trending or other modification for the experience period, including the loss ratio anticipated at the time the rates were promulgated for the experience period;
(2) Credibility factor development and application;
(3) Loss development factor derivation and application on both paid and incurred bases and in both numbers and dollars of claims;
(4) Trending factor development and application;
(5) Changes in premium base resulting from rating exposure trends;
(6) Limiting factor development and application;
(7) Overhead expense development and application of commission and brokerage, other acquisition expenses, general expenses, taxes, licenses, and fees;
(8) Percent rate change;
(9) Final proposed rates;
(10) Investment earnings, consisting of investment income and realized plus unrealized capital gains, from loss, loss expense, and unearned premium reserves;
(11) Identification of applicable statistical plans and programs and a certification of compliance with them;
(12) Investment earnings on capital and surplus;
(13) Level of capital and surplus needed to support premium writings without endangering the solvency of the company or companies involved; and
(14) Such other information that may be required by any rule adopted by the Commissioner.
(f) It is unlawful for an insurer to charge or collect, or attempt to charge or collect, any premium for insurance except in accordance with filings made with the Commissioner under this section and Article 40 of this Chapter.
(g) An insurer subject to this Article may develop and use an individual form or rate as a result of the uniqueness of a particular risk. The form or rate shall be developed, filed, and used in accordance with rules adopted by the Commissioner. (1985 (Reg. Sess., 1986), c. 1027, s. 14; 1987, c. 441, ss. 7, 9, 10; 1991, c. 644, s. 4; 1995, c. 193, s. 37; 2005-210, s. 20.)