163-230.3. Online request for absentee ballots.
(a) Notwithstanding G.S. 163-230.1 and G.S. 163-230.2, a qualified voter who is eligible to vote by absentee ballot under G.S. 163-226, or that voter's near relative or verifiable legal guardian, may submit a request for absentee ballots online using the procedures set forth in this section in lieu of the completed written request on a form established by the State Board. All other provisions in G.S. 163-230.1 and G.S. 163-230.2 shall apply.
(b) The State Board shall establish a secure Internet Web site to permit individuals described in subsection (a) of this section to submit an online request for absentee ballots. The Internet Web site must be able to track the IP address of anyone who accesses the Web site. The Web site must require that the voter or the voter's near relative or verifiable legal guardian provide all of the following information:
(1) All information required for a valid written request for absentee ballots in G.S. 163-230.2.
(2) An electronic signature, as defined in G.S. 66-312 of the Uniform Electronic Transaction Act, of the voter, or the voter's near relative or verifiable legal guardian, if requesting on the voter's behalf.
(c) Upon receipt of an online request for absentee ballots, the State Board shall submit the request to the county board of elections in which the voter resides. The county board of elections shall process the online request in the same manner as processing a completed written request for absentee ballots submitted under G.S. 163-230.1. (2020-17, s. 7(a).)
Structure North Carolina General Statutes
North Carolina General Statutes
Chapter 163 - Elections and Election Laws
§ 163-226 - Who may vote an absentee ballot.
§ 163-226.1 - Absentee voting in primary.
§ 163-226.2 - Absentee voting in municipal elections.
§ 163-226.3 - Certain acts declared felonies.
§ 163-227.1 - Second primary; applications for absentee ballots for voting in second primary.
§ 163-227.3 - Recodified as G.S163-227.10 at the direction of the Revisor of Statutes.
§ 163-227.6 - Sites and hours for one-stop voting.
§ 163-227.10 - Date by which absentee ballots must be available for voting.
§ 163-228 - Register of absentee requests, applications, and ballots issued; a public record.
§ 163-229 - Absentee ballots, applications on container-return envelopes, and instruction sheets.
§ 163-230.1 - Simultaneous issuance of absentee ballots with application.
§ 163-230.2 - Method of requesting absentee ballots.
§ 163-230.3 - Online request for absentee ballots.
§ 163-231 - Voting absentee ballots and transmitting them to the county board of elections.
§ 163-232 - Certified list of executed absentee ballots; distribution of list.
§ 163-233 - Applications for absentee ballots; how retained.
§ 163-233.1 - Withdrawal of absentee ballots not allowed.
§ 163-234 - Counting absentee ballots by county board of elections.
§ 163-236 - Violations by county board of elections.
§ 163-237 - Certain violations of absentee ballot law made criminal offenses.
§ 163-238 - Reports of violations to district attorneys.
§ 163-239 - Article 21A relating to absentee voting by military and overseas voters not applicable.
§ 163-240 - through .5Expired July 1, 1972.
§ 163-240.1 - 163-240 through 163-240.5Expired July 1, 1972.
§ 163-240.2 - 163-240 through 163-240.5Expired July 1, 1972.
§ 163-240.3 - 163-240 through 163-240.5Expired July 1, 1972.
§ 163-240.4 - 163-240 through 163-240.5Expired July 1, 1972.