North Carolina General Statutes
Article 5 - Metropolitan Sewerage Districts.
§ 162A-71 - Determination of tax rate by district board; levy and collection of tax; remittance and deposit of funds.

162A-71. Determination of tax rate by district board; levy and collection of tax; remittance and deposit of funds.
After each assessment for taxes following the creation of the district, the board or boards of commissioners shall file with the district board the valuation of assessable property within the district. The district board shall then determine the amount of funds to be raised by taxation for the ensuing year in excess of available funds to provide for the payment of interest on and the principal of all outstanding general obligation bonds as the same shall become due and payable, to pay the cost of maintaining, repairing and operating any sewerage system or systems, and to pay all obligations incurred by the district in the performance of its lawful undertakings and functions.
The district board shall determine the number of cents per one hundred dollars ($100.00) necessary to raise said amount and certify such rate to the board or boards of commissioners. The board or boards of commissioners shall include the number of cents per one hundred dollars ($100.00) certified by the district board in its next annual levy against all taxable property within the district, which tax shall be collected as other county taxes are collected, and every month the amount of tax so collected shall be remitted to the district board and deposited by the district board in a separate account in a bank in the State of North Carolina. Such levy may include an amount for reimbursing the county for the additional cost to the county of levying and collecting such taxes, pursuant to such formula as may be agreed upon by the district board and the board or boards of commissioners, to be deducted from the collections and stated with each remittance to the district board. The officer or officers having charge or custody of the funds of the district shall require said bank to furnish security for protection of such deposits as provided in G.S. 159-28 and, after June 30, 1973, G.S. 159-31. (1961, c. 795, s. 15; 1973, c. 512, s. 4; c. 822, s. 4.)

Structure North Carolina General Statutes

North Carolina General Statutes

Chapter 162A - Water and Sewer Systems

Article 5 - Metropolitan Sewerage Districts.

§ 162A-64 - Short title.

§ 162A-65 - Definitions; description of boundaries.

§ 162A-66 - Procedure for creation; resolutions and petitions for creation; notice to and action by the Environmental Management Commission; notice and public hearing; resolutions creating districts; actions to set aside proceedings.

§ 162A-66.5 - Approval of all political subdivisions required.

§ 162A-67 - District board; composition, appointment, terms, oaths and removal of members; organization; meetings; quorum; compensation and expenses of members.

§ 162A-67.5 - Determination of population and representation.

§ 162A-68 - Procedure for inclusion of additional political subdivision or unincorporated area; notice and hearing; elections; actions to set aside proceedings.

§ 162A-68.5 - Alternate procedure for inclusion of additional political subdivision.

§ 162A-69 - Powers generally; fiscal year.

§ 162A-70 - Bonds and notes authorized.

§ 162A-71 - Determination of tax rate by district board; levy and collection of tax; remittance and deposit of funds.

§ 162A-72 - Rates and charges for services.

§ 162A-73 - Authority of governing bodies of political subdivisions.

§ 162A-74 - Rights-of-way and easements in streets and highways.

§ 162A-75 - Submission of preliminary plans to planning groups; cooperation with planning agencies.

§ 162A-76 - Water system acting as billing and collecting agent for district; furnishing meter readings.

§ 162A-77 - District may assume sewerage system indebtedness of political subdivision; approval of voters; actions founded upon invalidity of election; tax to pay assumed indebtedness.

§ 162A-77.1 - Special election upon the question of the merger of metropolitan sewerage districts into cities or towns.

§ 162A-78 - Advances by political subdivisions for preliminary expenses of districts.

§ 162A-79 - Article regarded as supplemental.

§ 162A-80 - Inconsistent laws declared inapplicable.

§ 162A-81 - Adoption and enforcement of ordinances.